t**j 发帖数: 198 | 1 我在修改稿最后写了一句,涉及到头一次的修改稿的事情
To the referee,
I was unable to elicit your comments after the abrupt decision last time.
I hope this will not happen again.
With regards to the last remark, addressed to me,
I also hope this will not happen again, and my suggesions will be
incorporated and will make your paper ready for publication!
他对我的PAPER是啥态度 |
d*e 发帖数: 843 | 2 你的话我没看懂,给翻译一下?你想对那referee说啥?
【在 t**j 的大作中提到】 : 我在修改稿最后写了一句,涉及到头一次的修改稿的事情 : To the referee, : I was unable to elicit your comments after the abrupt decision last time. : I hope this will not happen again. : REFEREE 在给我的修改稿的REPORT 写道 : With regards to the last remark, addressed to me, : I also hope this will not happen again, and my suggesions will be : incorporated and will make your paper ready for publication! : 他对我的PAPER是啥态度
e******i 发帖数: 179 | 3 是不是他说自己的意见很牛b
你不整进去,他就不给同意过? |
a**********d 发帖数: 2293 | 4 co-ask
【在 d*e 的大作中提到】 : 你的话我没看懂,给翻译一下?你想对那referee说啥?
m****m 发帖数: 2211 | 5 你这么写难道那个refree居然没有给你一个Hard reject?
【在 t**j 的大作中提到】 : 我在修改稿最后写了一句,涉及到头一次的修改稿的事情 : To the referee, : I was unable to elicit your comments after the abrupt decision last time. : I hope this will not happen again. : REFEREE 在给我的修改稿的REPORT 写道 : With regards to the last remark, addressed to me, : I also hope this will not happen again, and my suggesions will be : incorporated and will make your paper ready for publication! : 他对我的PAPER是啥态度
j***o 发帖数: 5096 | 6 你是英文太滥还是你们领域就是这么骂来骂去的?给referee的回音口气简直太凶悍了 |
r****e 发帖数: 3109 | 7 wow, 偶服了you. 偶每次不管referee 说了什么都必恭必敬地给与或修改或哓之以理动之以情的待遇
【在 t**j 的大作中提到】 : 我在修改稿最后写了一句,涉及到头一次的修改稿的事情 : To the referee, : I was unable to elicit your comments after the abrupt decision last time. : I hope this will not happen again. : REFEREE 在给我的修改稿的REPORT 写道 : With regards to the last remark, addressed to me, : I also hope this will not happen again, and my suggesions will be : incorporated and will make your paper ready for publication! : 他对我的PAPER是啥态度
f****9 发帖数: 417 | 8 Niubee,不服不行。
【在 t**j 的大作中提到】 : 我在修改稿最后写了一句,涉及到头一次的修改稿的事情 : To the referee, : I was unable to elicit your comments after the abrupt decision last time. : I hope this will not happen again. : REFEREE 在给我的修改稿的REPORT 写道 : With regards to the last remark, addressed to me, : I also hope this will not happen again, and my suggesions will be : incorporated and will make your paper ready for publication! : 他对我的PAPER是啥态度
w********h 发帖数: 12367 | 9 referee啥意思很明白,
【在 t**j 的大作中提到】 : 我在修改稿最后写了一句,涉及到头一次的修改稿的事情 : To the referee, : I was unable to elicit your comments after the abrupt decision last time. : I hope this will not happen again. : REFEREE 在给我的修改稿的REPORT 写道 : With regards to the last remark, addressed to me, : I also hope this will not happen again, and my suggesions will be : incorporated and will make your paper ready for publication! : 他对我的PAPER是啥态度
n*********y 发帖数: 54 | 10 re
【在 w********h 的大作中提到】 : referee啥意思很明白, : 你的那句话啥意思,我很不明白。
e******i 发帖数: 179 | 11
【在 r****e 的大作中提到】 : wow, 偶服了you. 偶每次不管referee 说了什么都必恭必敬地给与或修改或哓之以理动之以情的待遇