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EnglishChat版 - a fishing day
Re: 谁知道的歌词?[转载] I don't want to miss a thing
where to pauseTo Spring
TheftGood news :-)
WE ARE SEVEN阿瓦隆迷雾片尾曲歌词原创翻译(by love)欣赏-中英对照
what's for pps and sr neh?表达"这下我就放心了"?
这句话什么意思?what's life about?
Near-death experience - 4Go fishing ? (I)
get a second windRe: camel:flying bird:fish
话题: day话题: fishing话题: chunshan话题: his话题: some
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16778
A Fishing Day
gooog mar-31-2010
Chunshan waked up in the morning to the sound of birds
outside a window on a limb, some dim light coming in but not
shining directly on his face.
"It is a gorgeous day." he took a few deep breaths and
relaxed from head to toes.
"yeah, it is a good father and daughter fishing day too." a
young woman walked into his room with a plate of fresh
strawberry. "There is no butter in refrigerator. Can you buy
some when you come home today?"
"No problem, honey." he answered
发帖数: 136
good good

【在 G***G 的大作中提到】
: A Fishing Day
: gooog mar-31-2010
: Chunshan waked up in the morning to the sound of birds
: outside a window on a limb, some dim light coming in but not
: shining directly on his face.
: "It is a gorgeous day." he took a few deep breaths and
: relaxed from head to toes.
: "yeah, it is a good father and daughter fishing day too." a
: young woman walked into his room with a plate of fresh
: strawberry. "There is no butter in refrigerator. Can you buy

1 (共1页)
Re: camel:flying bird:fishwhat's for pps and sr neh?
round and round the seasons go这句话什么意思?
What does "fish story" mean?Near-death experience - 4
帮忙翻译一句话“ Fishing is restricted to those 12 and under or 65 and over"get a second wind
Re: 谁知道的歌词?[转载] I don't want to miss a thing
where to pauseTo Spring
TheftGood news :-)
WE ARE SEVEN阿瓦隆迷雾片尾曲歌词原创翻译(by love)欣赏-中英对照
话题: day话题: fishing话题: chunshan话题: his话题: some