y******0 发帖数: 8807 | 1 http://www.murthy.com/2015/02/19/analysis-predictions-and-trend
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7 | y******0 发帖数: 8807 | 2 The DOS has advanced the EB2 India cutoff date earlier in FY15 than in past
years. This action, as explained by Mr. Oppenheim, is intended to allow case
adjudications before certain documents expire (e.g., medical examinations).
As previously explained, the DOS expects President Obama’s executive
actions will place a greater demand on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS) resources toward the end of the fiscal year. The DOS must
advance the dates early enough to allow for utilization of all visa numbers
before the end of the fiscal year.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7
【在 y******0 的大作中提到】 : http://www.murthy.com/2015/02/19/analysis-predictions-and-trend : 这个贴提到了DOS对巴马的EA考虑,所以让烙印大放水,所以我当时问奥本为嘛不同样 : 放老中2类? : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7
| w********i 发帖数: 1721 | | s********c 发帖数: 4152 | | b****h 发帖数: 2105 | 5 他还是一句话,全球SO按pd分。
【在 y******0 的大作中提到】 : The DOS has advanced the EB2 India cutoff date earlier in FY15 than in past : years. This action, as explained by Mr. Oppenheim, is intended to allow case : adjudications before certain documents expire (e.g., medical examinations). : As previously explained, the DOS expects President Obama’s executive : actions will place a greater demand on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration : Services (USCIS) resources toward the end of the fiscal year. The DOS must : advance the dates early enough to allow for utilization of all visa numbers : before the end of the fiscal year. : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7
| w*l 发帖数: 933 | 6 奥本会不会说:放了啊,连着俩月放了一年多了!
【在 y******0 的大作中提到】 : http://www.murthy.com/2015/02/19/analysis-predictions-and-trend : 这个贴提到了DOS对巴马的EA考虑,所以让烙印大放水,所以我当时问奥本为嘛不同样 : 放老中2类? : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7
| y******0 发帖数: 8807 | 7 烙印一个月就放了一年…
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7
【在 w*l 的大作中提到】 : 奥本会不会说:放了啊,连着俩月放了一年多了!
| s*******n 发帖数: 4402 | 8 看来大家是真明白装糊涂啊, EA都讨论这么久了, 骂老印的时候一大帮人都往我邮箱里
中国这边除了NIU做过局部的努力以外(当然FUWU就不说了), 大部分人是不关心不想知
老印们的努力已经不是一个数量级了, 看看人家为H-4做的努力就知道了;
当然, 又有很多人跳出来说老印很团结,这个又是把人说的太好了, 老印既没有那么团
当然我也没有资格说别人,我只是说就是这么回事,不多说了,有人会出来骂。 | f*****a 发帖数: 1026 | 9 Yes, Indian deserve what they struggle for.
【在 s*******n 的大作中提到】 : 看来大家是真明白装糊涂啊, EA都讨论这么久了, 骂老印的时候一大帮人都往我邮箱里 : 塞信; : 中国这边除了NIU做过局部的努力以外(当然FUWU就不说了), 大部分人是不关心不想知 : 道的。 : 老印们的努力已经不是一个数量级了, 看看人家为H-4做的努力就知道了; : 当然, 又有很多人跳出来说老印很团结,这个又是把人说的太好了, 老印既没有那么团 : 结,也没有那么神,人家就是在做。 : 当然我也没有资格说别人,我只是说就是这么回事,不多说了,有人会出来骂。
| a*0 发帖数: 1029 | 10 多谢版主,你们能不能多给奥本洗洗脑,让他转变观念,
【在 y******0 的大作中提到】 : The DOS has advanced the EB2 India cutoff date earlier in FY15 than in past : years. This action, as explained by Mr. Oppenheim, is intended to allow case : adjudications before certain documents expire (e.g., medical examinations). : As previously explained, the DOS expects President Obama’s executive : actions will place a greater demand on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration : Services (USCIS) resources toward the end of the fiscal year. The DOS must : advance the dates early enough to allow for utilization of all visa numbers : before the end of the fiscal year. : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7