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Database版 - DBA job opportunity
DBA job opportunity再问CS的方向选择问题
Database Administrator Job opportunity[转载] Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) and Developer
Database Administrator Job opportunity有考SQL 2008 70-433认证得吗
怎么准备第一份DBA工作Re: 想问问dba的收入 (转载)
想从linux admin转oracle DBA该怎么跟老板说?求科普database方向
怎么跟老板说从linux admin换到oracle dba。 (转载)成立个收费的DATABASE CONSULTING GROUP怎么样?
data analyst和 database administration有什么区别? (转载)谁知道下面这段是什么意思(ABOUT CONSTRAINTS)
新手求助: 学那个DATABASE软件好呢?[BSSD]中年大叔也想改行做DBA, 也请大牛指点.
话题: dbms话题: data话题: word话题: database话题: dba
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 50
Big Finance Company which located in New York City urgently needs three
Database Administrators with entry level. This is full time positions. You
must be quick learner. If you are interested in this position, please send
your resume in Word format to [email protected]
/* */
Job Description:
Provide assistance and support to higher level staff through database design
and data Integration.
Serve as part of a project team to develop and document data
Consult with Senior Analysts Database Management on the proper use of the
DBMS to ensure its integrity.
Assist business and application developers to define business entities,
rules, relationship, attributes, elements, and other data modeling and data
base objects.
Use DBMS related utilities to support and maintain databases.
Review and optimizes application SQL code.
Basic Qualifications:
A Master’s degree with a major in S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Electronics
and Mathematics)
knowledge of DBMS
Have good communication skills
If you are F1, They can sponsor H1-B
If you are interested in this position and hold the MS degree with STEM
major, please send your resume in Word format to [email protected]
/* */
发帖数: 6045
怎么又要招entry level DBA,上次没招够吗
发帖数: 50
Big Finance Company which located in New York City urgently needs three
Database Administrators with entry level. This is full time positions. You
must be quick learner. If you are interested in this position, please send
your resume in Word format to [email protected]
/* */
Job Description:
Provide assistance and support to higher level staff through database design
and data Integration.
Serve as part of a project team to develop and document data
Consult with Senior Analysts Database Management on the proper use of the
DBMS to ensure its integrity.
Assist business and application developers to define business entities,
rules, relationship, attributes, elements, and other data modeling and data
base objects.
Use DBMS related utilities to support and maintain databases.
Review and optimizes application SQL code.
Basic Qualifications:
A Master’s degree with a major in S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Electronics
and Mathematics)
knowledge of DBMS
Have good communication skills
If you are F1, They can sponsor H1-B
If you are interested in this position and hold the MS degree with STEM
major, please send your resume in Word format to [email protected]
/* */
发帖数: 6045
怎么又要招entry level DBA,上次没招够吗
发帖数: 8357
Jr DBA positions need MS degree on STEM
1 (共1页)
[BSSD]中年大叔也想改行做DBA, 也请大牛指点.想从linux admin转oracle DBA该怎么跟老板说?
Cache DBA positions怎么跟老板说从linux admin换到oracle dba。 (转载)
请推荐database的经典书data analyst和 database administration有什么区别? (转载)
Will you against CLR UDF?新手求助: 学那个DATABASE软件好呢?
DBA job opportunity再问CS的方向选择问题
Database Administrator Job opportunity[转载] Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) and Developer
Database Administrator Job opportunity有考SQL 2008 70-433认证得吗
怎么准备第一份DBA工作Re: 想问问dba的收入 (转载)
话题: dbms话题: data话题: word话题: database话题: dba