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Database版 - Help needed: MS Access 2000
Asking help for Access!:(Question about ADO's Recordset
谢谢skeptic,高低价,amnesia 三位大侠[转载] Java/JSP/Servlets... and Database(Oracle/DB2)
[转载] 急问这里的大虾们一个技术问题[转载] ASP古怪问题
Help for VB 6 and MS Access DB[转载] 如何调试这个ASP程序?
How to delete Oracle SID?Any suggestion on Access database learning?
Cannot update records in JDBC?????????access 2000 的问题,虚心请教!
Access database 求助sql question
ADO & DAO &SQL...Help...ASP高人们帮忙看看这几行 SQL codes的问题,谢乐!
话题: ms话题: access话题: database话题: info话题: person
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11
Hi friends,
We are trying to build a online membership database for our organization using
MS Access with ASP, since we think it might be easier for people who don't
have too much cs background. However, we found this problem when we tested
our database:
When two people submited the registration info online at almost the same
time, one person's info (submitted a little earlier than
2nd person's) recorded in the database. The second
person's info was missed, instead just a copy of the first perso
发帖数: 31

I guess problem is here on how you solve the backward compatibility
which intend to get one record only at a time, like how to set up pending and
grab next record.
not sure but looks like this.

【在 s*******i 的大作中提到】
: Hi friends,
: We are trying to build a online membership database for our organization using
: MS Access with ASP, since we think it might be easier for people who don't
: have too much cs background. However, we found this problem when we tested
: our database:
: When two people submited the registration info online at almost the same
: time, one person's info (submitted a little earlier than
: 2nd person's) recorded in the database. The second
: person's info was missed, instead just a copy of the first perso

发帖数: 11
Thanks. Is there anyway to setup or configure it in MS access on the server?


【在 r*****u 的大作中提到】
: =======
: I guess problem is here on how you solve the backward compatibility
: which intend to get one record only at a time, like how to set up pending and
: grab next record.
: not sure but looks like this.

发帖数: 31
don't think so but not sure.

【在 s*******i 的大作中提到】
: Thanks. Is there anyway to setup or configure it in MS access on the server?
: using
: don't
: and
: to

发帖数: 688
Do you use addnew/update method with ADO recordset to add a record?
here ASP+access works fine for me, but it isn't serving lots of users.

【在 s*******i 的大作中提到】
: Hi friends,
: We are trying to build a online membership database for our organization using
: MS Access with ASP, since we think it might be easier for people who don't
: have too much cs background. However, we found this problem when we tested
: our database:
: When two people submited the registration info online at almost the same
: time, one person's info (submitted a little earlier than
: 2nd person's) recorded in the database. The second
: person's info was missed, instead just a copy of the first perso

1 (共1页)
ASP高人们帮忙看看这几行 SQL codes的问题,谢乐!How to delete Oracle SID?
Problems on ACCESS + VBCannot update records in JDBC?????????
How to dump tables from Oracle to Access?Access database 求助
how to programatically compact an Access DB?ADO & DAO &SQL...Help...
Asking help for Access!:(Question about ADO's Recordset
谢谢skeptic,高低价,amnesia 三位大侠[转载] Java/JSP/Servlets... and Database(Oracle/DB2)
[转载] 急问这里的大虾们一个技术问题[转载] ASP古怪问题
Help for VB 6 and MS Access DB[转载] 如何调试这个ASP程序?
话题: ms话题: access话题: database话题: info话题: person