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Database版 - [转载] Java/JSP/Servlets... and Database(Oracle/DB2)
搞database的有必要知道java吗? java被oracle买了,2个是不是很紧密?[转载] 新手求教:DATABASE编程的入门
Desperate help neede: DB2 connection in JSP Through JDBC driverwhich database language is most popular?
Help needed: MS Access 2000question on JOIN on Oracle
[转载] 申请Database版版主新手求助: 学那个DATABASE软件好呢?
Is there any small free database support Java ?如果publish一个access database on the web?
[转载] database for Linux?Cannot update records in JDBC?????????
web based database?DB2面试题求教,谢谢!
help! database serverJSP access database的问题
话题: java话题: jsp话题: servlets话题: db2话题: oracle
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5690
【 以下文字转载自 Java 讨论区 】
【 原文由 yongqi 所发表 】
Except JDBC, are there any other solutions for Java-based technologies(such
as JSP, Servlets, etc) to connect to Databases including IBM DB2 and Oracle?
The major operations on the database will be information retrival, browsing,
or searching. I guess it's mainly web-based too. It's for an University Library project and not enterprise so
couldn't afford expensive solutions.
I can only think of JDBC. When I searched google, I found something named JDO
but J
发帖数: 204
JDBC is simple and good enough for normaly SQL queues.
in JSP, Servlet, u still use JDBC to connect with database layer
JDO? sounds like ADO's Java version? interesting :)

【在 y****i 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Java 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 yongqi 所发表 】
: Except JDBC, are there any other solutions for Java-based technologies(such
: as JSP, Servlets, etc) to connect to Databases including IBM DB2 and Oracle?
: The major operations on the database will be information retrival, browsing,
: or searching. I guess it's mainly web-based too. It's for an University Library project and not enterprise so
: couldn't afford expensive solutions.
: I can only think of JDBC. When I searched google, I found something named JDO
: but J

1 (共1页)
JSP access database的问题Is there any small free database support Java ?
Question on create a database in DB2[转载] database for Linux?
How to change the default database in DB2 Z/OSweb based database?
问个SQL的问题help! database server
搞database的有必要知道java吗? java被oracle买了,2个是不是很紧密?[转载] 新手求教:DATABASE编程的入门
Desperate help neede: DB2 connection in JSP Through JDBC driverwhich database language is most popular?
Help needed: MS Access 2000question on JOIN on Oracle
[转载] 申请Database版版主新手求助: 学那个DATABASE软件好呢?
话题: java话题: jsp话题: servlets话题: db2话题: oracle