m**********n 发帖数: 1 | 1 的数据库不熟悉,能不能请高手介绍一下,如何把INFORMIX上的应用开
请赐教,不胜感激! | xt 发帖数: 17532 | 2
Don't worry. IBM will do it for you.
【在 m**********n 的大作中提到】 : 的数据库不熟悉,能不能请高手介绍一下,如何把INFORMIX上的应用开 : 发和数据库移植到DB2上,怎样进行可行性分析。或者推荐一些这方面的书籍和论 : 文。 : 请赐教,不胜感激!
| q***e 发帖数: 21 | 3
if you use C/C++ to program, there are several things you need to pay
attention to:
1. indicator. In informix, it does not matter, but in DB2, you must use
indicator for the null item
2. you can not use structure variable to access data in DB2, but you can
use it in Informix
3. Commit method can not be encapsulated in DB2
4. DB2 program need to be binded
5. Date format problem
If you use java, then not too many things for you to do.
not sure other languages.
【在 xt 的大作中提到】 : : Don't worry. IBM will do it for you.