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Database版 - Oracle Bolstering XML In Its Database
Re: Web DatabaseOracle Technology Network Developer Day 2009/05/21 Reston, Virginia
oracle和XMLRe: Oracle Technology Network Developer Day 2009/05/21 Rest (转载)
[转载] Oracle发布最新版Internet数据库我教搞活动也开始zb了
any tool helps import xml data into oracle?Oracle8概 述
有谁用过Oracle的XML Oracle XML SQL Utility (XSU)?求职Oracle DBA
Report on the web for OracleSybase最新企业级数据库ASE 12(之-)
这两个 xml db 有什么不同?[转载] Re: Database and XML
费城公司急聘懂Oracle Report Writing 的 IT ManagerXML and JAVA
话题: xml话题: oracle话题: database话题: its话题: bolstering
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10
March 19, 2002
Oracle Bolstering XML In Its Database
By Matt Hicks
Oracle Corp. will enhance its flagship 9i database with the ability to store,
manage and query XML documents within the same database as relational data.
The company's initiative to support XML in 9i, called Oracle XML DB, will be a
standard part of Release 2 of 9i, which is due for release this spring.
While officials wouldn't pinpoint a date, they said it would be out before
June 1. Oracle's Vice President of Server Technologi
发帖数: 204
比MS SQL Server 慢一拍 PENG

【在 f***g 的大作中提到】
: March 19, 2002
: Oracle Bolstering XML In Its Database
: By Matt Hicks
: Oracle Corp. will enhance its flagship 9i database with the ability to store,
: manage and query XML documents within the same database as relational data.
: The company's initiative to support XML in 9i, called Oracle XML DB, will be a
: standard part of Release 2 of 9i, which is due for release this spring.
: While officials wouldn't pinpoint a date, they said it would be out before
: June 1. Oracle's Vice President of Server Technologi

1 (共1页)
XML and JAVA有谁用过Oracle的XML Oracle XML SQL Utility (XSU)?
SQL2000XML questionReport on the web for Oracle
'Yukon' to Add Run-Time, XML Support这两个 xml db 有什么不同?
do you guys have any idea about MetaData?费城公司急聘懂Oracle Report Writing 的 IT Manager
Re: Web DatabaseOracle Technology Network Developer Day 2009/05/21 Reston, Virginia
oracle和XMLRe: Oracle Technology Network Developer Day 2009/05/21 Rest (转载)
[转载] Oracle发布最新版Internet数据库我教搞活动也开始zb了
any tool helps import xml data into oracle?Oracle8概 述
话题: xml话题: oracle话题: database话题: its话题: bolstering