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Database版 - Use Access Link table to use SQL server tables.
Re: Use Access Link table to h use SQL server tables.数据库问题一问
Can I create thousands table in one...SQL server Express 怎么加 link table
问一下关于MS access的问题SQL server2005: Why can't I see the data?
One question on SQL Server问个SQL的问题
Is there anyone familiar with data warehouse?UNIDATA怎么连接进asp.net c#? (转载)
SQL Server 和Access到底有多大区别How to get schema?
Access 'memo' data typehelp about SQL for ACCESS
求教高手:odbc更新数据出错如何把Access Table输出为SQL语句?请教
话题: sql话题: access话题: server话题: use话题: link
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 676
I have an SQL server database host on the server. And I have a tiny Access
application, which just includs some reports, base on those SQL server tables.
I used link table in the Access.
The problem is, to use link table, I need to set up ODBC for the SQL server. I
set it up on the computer that SQL db is hosted. Both Access application and
the SQL server are on network. I want to open the Access application from
another computer in the network, but I got error that says "ODBC - connection
to [S
1 (共1页)
如何把Access Table输出为SQL语句?请教Is there anyone familiar with data warehouse?
请教一个ACCESS的土问题SQL Server 和Access到底有多大区别
一个简单的ACCESS SQL 问题Access 'memo' data type
Re: Use Access Link table to h use SQL server tables.数据库问题一问
Can I create thousands table in one...SQL server Express 怎么加 link table
问一下关于MS access的问题SQL server2005: Why can't I see the data?
One question on SQL Server问个SQL的问题
话题: sql话题: access话题: server话题: use话题: link