

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Database版 - ODBC to Drive SQL on Text Files?
help: questions about MySqlHelp: Perl DBI to access oracle
How to Connect ODBC?getting connected to Oracle in Perl
Re: ODBC API header file - ntodbc.hProblem in installing DBI?
Re: How to change Default SQL String Buffer Size(1K) for ODBC Driveruse DBI in Apache
Perl DBI & DBDI think it is for security Re: use DBI in Apache
MySQLMySQL configuration file in windows?
请教: 如何用Perl连接Oracle数据库?Report on the web for Oracle
mysql high hand please help!!!!急问: 问一个SQL的问题 在线等!
话题: text话题: odbc话题: sql话题: files话题: drive
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 54
I have access, and when I tried to set up ODBC on my Win98, I got
options of drivers like, TEXT DRIVER (.txt; .csv). Does this mean if I
use Perl's DBI or Java's JDBC to connect to my ODBC and I will be able
to use SQL on my TEXT files on my Win98? I know ODBC is a commom gate,
does this mean this will hide EVERY DIFFERENCE before different
drivers: such as Access, Exel and TEXT will be the same for SQL?
1 (共1页)
急问: 问一个SQL的问题 在线等!Perl DBI & DBD
Cannot connect to the mysql server insidMySQL
MySQL向远程服务器的查询是明文传输的吗?请教: 如何用Perl连接Oracle数据库?
老土中文视频教程,求交换mysql high hand please help!!!!
help: questions about MySqlHelp: Perl DBI to access oracle
How to Connect ODBC?getting connected to Oracle in Perl
Re: ODBC API header file - ntodbc.hProblem in installing DBI?
Re: How to change Default SQL String Buffer Size(1K) for ODBC Driveruse DBI in Apache
话题: text话题: odbc话题: sql话题: files话题: drive