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Connecticut版 - Yale Housing
Question about Yale HousingYALE美女~~~
2-bed 一个月utilities要多少啊?margie says---
想找人合租 yale请大家回答一下我的问题, 多谢!!!
耶鲁附近租房请教Re: 请大家回答一下我的问题, 多谢!!! (punk 的回答)
Yale租房如果去east haven或者west haven是不是太远了1-br Apt available from Dec in New Haven
话题: hhh话题: housing话题: yale话题: apartments
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
I will join Yale graduate school this fall. I am going to apply for housing.
There are some questions that may need your help.
It seems that the in-school housing is cheaper, right?
Which one is better in the compus, dormitories or apartments?
and there are HGS, HHH, 254, 276 Prospect street among the dormitories,
while Mansfield, Esplanade, Berkeley, York Crown, Whitehall among apartments,
which one should I apply?
I think the most important factors that decides my choice should be the
发帖数: 207
I like the community in HHH,hehe. Lived there for three years.
I recommand HHH for 1st years because it is good to know a lot chinese.
IMO, HGS is a bad choice because it includes meal plans, you choose only if
you think you would like American junk foods.
If you come with your gf/bf, apartments would be a good choice, so is off
campus housing.

【在 j***w 的大作中提到】
: I will join Yale graduate school this fall. I am going to apply for housing.
: There are some questions that may need your help.
: It seems that the in-school housing is cheaper, right?
: Which one is better in the compus, dormitories or apartments?
: and there are HGS, HHH, 254, 276 Prospect street among the dormitories,
: while Mansfield, Esplanade, Berkeley, York Crown, Whitehall among apartments,
: which one should I apply?
: I think the most important factors that decides my choice should be the
: surround

发帖数: 99
Of course you should live in HHH, if you have no spouse,
that is.
I made a bad decision and lived in some townhouse for this
year, but the experience is absolutely boring. Yes, you can
save about $100 every month if you live in a 2 or 3-room
apartment as I do, but you must walk or bike for 20 minutes
just in order to reach the central campus, and if you don't
have a car, you cannot go anywhere in the weekends. It is
difficult to make friends too.
Well, maybe it is just me, but my department is n
发帖数: 23
1. Go to "Connecticut" board where a number of Yale students
are around.
2. HHH is the building for singles only. Do not choose it if
your wife will join you sometime. You will also share the
public bathroom and kitchen.
3. It costs a bit more monthly, however, the lease term is
9 months normally whilst the most off-campus housing
is available for 1 year lease.
4. HHH is on campus and school buses stop by.
5. If you decide to go for HHH, apply for it as soon as
you got your adm
1 (共1页)
2009年2月 1日耶鲁新春晚会Yale租房如果去east haven或者west haven是不是太远了
Question about Yale HousingYALE美女~~~
2-bed 一个月utilities要多少啊?margie says---
想找人合租 yale请大家回答一下我的问题, 多谢!!!
耶鲁附近租房请教Re: 请大家回答一下我的问题, 多谢!!! (punk 的回答)
话题: hhh话题: housing话题: yale话题: apartments