f********y 发帖数: 883 | 1 Hurry if you like night ski at keystone :) |
m******e 发帖数: 4232 | |
D****g 发帖数: 2860 | 3 阴天 is OK, 黑天 is no good.
【在 m******e 的大作中提到】 : 好象已经不太喜欢了,还是明媚的阳光好。
m********n 发帖数: 1602 | 4 Thinking about Breck + Keystone this Saturday.
It's not 黑天 there before 7:30PM but the snow is harder to see without
sunlight. |
f********y 发帖数: 883 | 5 If you go there night ski recently, you will change your mind :)
First of all, the sun shines till 7:00 and most of the runs in the front
side will not close till then. And because of the late sun, the snow is very
soft at night. We tried it last Saturday and it was really good for
practicing your skills :) |
f********y 发帖数: 883 | 6 That is a great combination :)
【在 m********n 的大作中提到】 : Thinking about Breck + Keystone this Saturday. : It's not 黑天 there before 7:30PM but the snow is harder to see without : sunlight.
m********n 发帖数: 1602 | 7 Good thing they groom Frenchman every day before 5pm, so poor vision is not
a problem there and you can just fly. |
f********y 发帖数: 883 | 8 I was never bothered by the visibility for night ski. Actually I should say
we had good times at night ski all this season :). Especially now the sunset
is so late... :) And by the way, jumping is so much fun but I think I
should stop here to avoil serious injury...
【在 m********n 的大作中提到】 : Good thing they groom Frenchman every day before 5pm, so poor vision is not : a problem there and you can just fly.
D****g 发帖数: 2860 | 9 哦,对,Colorado纬度低,天黑不太早
【在 f********y 的大作中提到】 : If you go there night ski recently, you will change your mind :) : First of all, the sun shines till 7:00 and most of the runs in the front : side will not close till then. And because of the late sun, the snow is very : soft at night. We tried it last Saturday and it was really good for : practicing your skills :)
f********y 发帖数: 883 | 10 赫赫,很快就要来你的地盘享受雨季了 :)
【在 D****g 的大作中提到】 : 哦,对,Colorado纬度低,天黑不太早 : : very
D****g 发帖数: 2860 | 11 噢?欢迎欢迎
【在 f********y 的大作中提到】 : 赫赫,很快就要来你的地盘享受雨季了 :)
l***r 发帖数: 736 | 12 Yes!! 俺上周五在keystone滑倒5点多,最后一趟是从刚刚groom过的frenchman滑下来
的。 新groom的雪道没bump,没雪疙瘩,一路狂奔下山的感觉还是很爽的。 强烈推介。
night ski可能的不好就是山上高处的雪道关了,喜欢跳悬崖的同学可能找不到一人从
坡上滚下来,一只ski挂在半坡上的场景了。 咔咔
【在 m********n 的大作中提到】 : Good thing they groom Frenchman every day before 5pm, so poor vision is not : a problem there and you can just fly.
f********y 发帖数: 883 | 13 THANKS THANKS :) - AHEAD...
【在 D****g 的大作中提到】 : 噢?欢迎欢迎
D****g 发帖数: 2860 | 14 下个season咱们去Crystal Mt滑雪
【在 f********y 的大作中提到】 : THANKS THANKS :) - AHEAD...
f********y 发帖数: 883 | 15 Please remember to remind me when you guys purchase the pass :)
【在 D****g 的大作中提到】 : 下个season咱们去Crystal Mt滑雪