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CivilSociety版 - Japanese to Koreans: Go home or die
区分civil rights movement 和 国际事件美国人瞧不起, 日本裔都看不起
请求帮忙发白宫请愿在社区论坛上发布反对 Jimmy 和 ABC 公开信时遭遇犹太裔 抗(转载)
联手车版,抵制日货Blame-China-4-Everything and The Road to Holocaust
[汇总]抵制日车。 非日车替代日车排列 (转载)Anti-China Bias in Headlines 6
Japan's Secret BillChina-Japan: Feud of 50 years
Some interesting readingAnti-China bias in Headlines 8
话题: japanese话题: japan话题: go话题: china话题: abe
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
Japanese extremist tells Korean Japanese living in Japan “Go home or Die",
"we will flatten your neighborhood" and build a gas chamber in its place.
Nothing could be done by the Japanese police.
The top commenter said: "these few protesters in Tokyo's Koreatown don't
reflect the views of the vast majority of Japanese.". Nazis was a small
minority in 1932. We will see how Israel like it
if NeoNazis get elected to Germany's legislature and high office and console
each other that NeoNazis are a small minority of German population.
Abe and the Emperor and Empress are busy visiting 10 asian countries with
sweet words and fat wallet to drum up some anti-China sentiment. Let's see
how much sympathy we get for the "reformed" "peace-loving" nation, except it
's not quite so reformed nor so peace-loving. It's easy to deceive all
people for a short time, or a few people for a long time. But hard to
deceive all people for all time. Japan gets the credit for trying.
发帖数: 18403
Another article on Japan/Korean relationship. Every people, no matter how
humiliated and how traumatized and murdered, every people deserve life and
dignity and their time under the sun. Tell the people who say otherwise,
to go back to their own 4 islands.
发帖数: 18403
Chinese view of Abe's busy diplomacy:
"One could safely assume that based on the strategic consideration of its
own interests, Japan has already categorized China as its long-term rival,
and it will continue to intensify the efforts to contain and even provoke
China. "
发帖数: 18403
Russian point of view and some background:
In Japan, the relentless criticism has triggered a nationalist backlash,
spurring politicians to respond in kind during last year's election campaign
. For example, Abe threatened to rescind the official apologies issued by
former leaders or officials for abuses and atrocities committed by Japan's
army during World War II and stated his intention to visit the controversial
Yasukuni Shrine, which honors not only Japan's war dead but also many of
its war criminals. While Abe has not acted on these campaign statements,
some observers remain convinced that he will visit Yasukuni at some point,
further straining Japan's relations with South Korea and China.
My commentary: If in a backlash, German Chancellor starts to rescind former
apologies for Nazi atrocities including the murders of Russians and Poles.

We will see how strained Russia-Germany relationship get.
Read more: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/the-return-of-japan-after-20-years-of-stagnation/490655.html#ixzz2mKkVxSLO
The Moscow Times
1 (共1页)
中国小朋友threaten日本[汇总]抵制日车。 非日车替代日车排列 (转载)
不学“Go” 学“weiqi" (转载)Japan's Secret Bill
China imitating Imperial JapanSome interesting reading
How the Chinese Exclusion Act Lost China in 1949何为华人政治版?有些贴是否应该发在菌斑?
区分civil rights movement 和 国际事件美国人瞧不起, 日本裔都看不起
请求帮忙发白宫请愿在社区论坛上发布反对 Jimmy 和 ABC 公开信时遭遇犹太裔 抗(转载)
联手车版,抵制日货Blame-China-4-Everything and The Road to Holocaust
话题: japanese话题: japan话题: go话题: china话题: abe