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ChinaNews2版 - Breaking News: Apple sues Krispy Kreme (转载)
Breaking News: GM to sell Hummer to Chinese, source says ((转载)民众屌爆了:北美示威者用甜甜圈引诱警察
Breaking news (转载)弯弯花3小时排队买Doughnut 老美觉得很可笑ZT
12死,多人受伤New Concepts from Japan (I)
Breaking News: Apple sues Krispy Kreme (转载)看了初涉股海系列
Breaking News: Apple sues Krispy Kreme明天free coffee@starbucks
中国面临最艰巨难题:上海,失败的城市化试验场提前过Halloween喽 - 免费一打Krispy Kreme甜甜圈(9/19)
大S:与汪小菲彼此一见钟情 为怀孕遍寻名医Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
话题: apple话题: krispy话题: kreme话题: news话题: breaking
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3365
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: czjd (辽宁面团 sober since 12/28/09), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Breaking News: Apple sues Krispy Kreme
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 29 19:00:06 2012, 美东)
The Cupertino company says in the complaint filed today that many of its
customers, including many law enforcement officers, are confused by the
similar designs.
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ AAPL) spokesperson said in a statement that the
restaurant chain has succeeded on Apple's innovation. "We believe all
companies must compete on its own innovation. Since Apple invented the shape
on its own, one would logically deduce that other similar designs were
stolen from us."
Lead attorney for Krispy Kreme, William Doors, says the food chain is
preparing for the worst. "Given that the suit is brought in the Northern
District of California, our defeat is almost certain. We have designed
triangular and square donuts, just in case," he said.
1 (共1页)
Krispy Kreme DoughnutsBreaking News: Apple sues Krispy Kreme (转载)
大家来讨论一下北卡有什么特产吧~~Breaking News: Apple sues Krispy Kreme
到asheville, smoky mountain 玩,清推荐路上及这两地可玩的地方。谢谢中国面临最艰巨难题:上海,失败的城市化试验场
Raleigh二月份的长跑活动: Krispy Kreme Challenge大S:与汪小菲彼此一见钟情 为怀孕遍寻名医
Breaking News: GM to sell Hummer to Chinese, source says ((转载)民众屌爆了:北美示威者用甜甜圈引诱警察
Breaking news (转载)弯弯花3小时排队买Doughnut 老美觉得很可笑ZT
12死,多人受伤New Concepts from Japan (I)
话题: apple话题: krispy话题: kreme话题: news话题: breaking