x**z 发帖数: 2437 | 1 58小时是个调查老师问卷结果, 没有任何根据。 我还跟老板说我在家
工作3个小时。 实际上是灌着水run reports。这难道也算??
发个link大家自己看。 自编自演的东西
”Bruno, along with Steven Ashby, a professor of labor and employment
relations at Illinois, and Frank Manzo IV, a research assistant and graduate
student at the University of Chicago, are co-authors of a paper that
surveyed 983 Chicago Public School teachers. “
survey都能信, 学校要打卡机干什么?名猪党的说实话, 母猪都会上树口交。 当然
人家也不会承认。 这都是工会名猪党的常用技俩:LIE!
来个稍微可信的劳工统计局的数据。 注意, 这也是老师问卷但是要求稍微高点,
是time-use survey, 换句话, 就是你撒谎也要告诉我这三小时是干了什么, 是改卷
子还是打电话, 当然不用提供电话账单或者别的证据。 结果,这帮脑残就傻眼了,
尽管还是有老油条撒谎说60个小时, 但是平均时间只有43小时了。。。这还是待水分
的。 和同等学历的工作比要少1个小时。
根据BLS统计, But the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) took an even more
detailed look into teacher hours using what is called a time-use survey, in
which individuals create detailed logs of what they are doing at any given
time of the day。
所以摆脱不要在用这些你们那些狗屁的数据了。 连政府的统计报告都显示你们有多轻
松。 在举个例, consulting firm 的工作时间是60-75小时, 但是没有多少人可以撑
下来, 这些mckinsey的人都是高学历的,见过世面的, 如果他们都没法忍受60小时的
工作, community college 毕业老头的可以工作60个小时, 估计他早见上帝了。 | x**z 发帖数: 2437 | 2 我也知道有人选择性回答, 但是这些东西是事实, 就像没人回答Voucher的问题。 要
是我有Voucher,我一定把娃送到私立去,不管住哪里, 只是没钱又交property tax,
又交private school。 这年头, 俺工作养别人的娃,给人家吸毒吃龙虾, 太搞笑
了, 还要连俺娃的饭也要抢, 没天理, 要我是总统, 就在所有免费食品里下避孕药
。 没有生存能力, 就没有生育权。 | x**z 发帖数: 2437 | 3 果然冥猪党棍和工会大佬都不出来了。
【在 x**z 的大作中提到】 : 我也知道有人选择性回答, 但是这些东西是事实, 就像没人回答Voucher的问题。 要 : 是我有Voucher,我一定把娃送到私立去,不管住哪里, 只是没钱又交property tax, : 又交private school。 这年头, 俺工作养别人的娃,给人家吸毒吃龙虾, 太搞笑 : 了, 还要连俺娃的饭也要抢, 没天理, 要我是总统, 就在所有免费食品里下避孕药 : 。 没有生存能力, 就没有生育权。
| Q****r 发帖数: 7340 | 4 工作58个小时就是fucking joke了
【在 x**z 的大作中提到】 : 58小时是个调查老师问卷结果, 没有任何根据。 我还跟老板说我在家 : 工作3个小时。 实际上是灌着水run reports。这难道也算?? : 58小时的根据是几个叫兽调查900个老师的问卷调查结果。 : 这能信吗??? : 发个link大家自己看。 自编自演的东西 : http://www.forrestdarby.com/teachers-workloads/ : ”Bruno, along with Steven Ashby, a professor of labor and employment : relations at Illinois, and Frank Manzo IV, a research assistant and graduate : student at the University of Chicago, are co-authors of a paper that : surveyed 983 Chicago Public School teachers. “
| x**z 发帖数: 2437 | 5 俺以前当长工作60个小时的时候, 可是年轻力壮, 可以一觉睡24小时。 还是做了两
年就跳了。 如果换成好逸恶劳的美国人, 估计一礼拜就跷辫子了。
【在 Q****r 的大作中提到】 : 工作58个小时就是fucking joke了 : 中国的老师那么勤奋,也没有58小时 : : graduate
| f******y 发帖数: 2971 | 6 工作58小时对于这种工作只能说明自己笨,我觉得谁回答了58小时应该直接开除。因为
【在 x**z 的大作中提到】 : 58小时是个调查老师问卷结果, 没有任何根据。 我还跟老板说我在家 : 工作3个小时。 实际上是灌着水run reports。这难道也算?? : 58小时的根据是几个叫兽调查900个老师的问卷调查结果。 : 这能信吗??? : 发个link大家自己看。 自编自演的东西 : http://www.forrestdarby.com/teachers-workloads/ : ”Bruno, along with Steven Ashby, a professor of labor and employment : relations at Illinois, and Frank Manzo IV, a research assistant and graduate : student at the University of Chicago, are co-authors of a paper that : surveyed 983 Chicago Public School teachers. “
| x**z 发帖数: 2437 | 7 再贴一下工会的贪婪历史, 我看是没有冥猪党棍和工会猪敢反驳了。
Bargaining history between Chicago Public Schools
and the Chicago Teachers Union, 1980 – 2010
• The CTU strikes for 10 days in response to delayed paydays resulting
from low
enrollment and escalating costs.
• Approximately 473,000 students are affected by the CTU’s strike
• The CTU strikes for 15 days, and teachers demand a 10% salary
• The strike is settled with a 1-year contract containing a 5% raise
and 2.5% bonus.
• Approximately 436,000 students are affected by the CTU’s strike.
• The CTU strikes for 10 days in response to the Board’s plan to cut
medical benefits.
• The strike is settled with a 1-year contract containing a 4.5% raise
, a 2.5% bonus
and a new medical plan.
• Approximately 450,000 students are affected by the CTU’s strike.
• The CTU strikes for 2 days in support of its contract demands.
• The strike is settled with a 1-year contract containing a 6% raise
in the first year and
a 3% raise in the second year.
• The CTU strikes for 19 days – the longest strike in the CTU’s
history – after the
parties reach a deadlock in salary negotiations.
• The strike is settled with a 2-year contract that includes a 4% pay
raise each year,
increased sick days and improved medical coverage.
• Approximately 430,000 students are affected by the CTU’s strike.
1989 • A strike threat is averted when the CTU’s membership accepts a
1-year contract
with an average 5.4% pay increase in July.
• After 11 months of negotiations, the CTU approves its first 3-year
contract, which
gives teachers a 21% pay raise over 3 years.
• The pay raise avoided an impending strike by the CTU.
• In September, the Board announced that it could not fund the 7%
salary increases
contained in the contract.
• The teachers vote by a large margin to strike if the CTU cannot
reach an agreement
with the Board.
• The CTU and the Board reopen negotiations with the help of the
Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service. In November, the parties agree to a 1-year
contract with a
3% salary increase.
1992 • In August, the parties agree to a 1-year contract containing a
7% salary increase 30
days after the beginning of the school year.
• In September, schools are shut down twice as negotiations continue
and remain
open only through a series of court orders.
• A federal judge waives CPS’s statutory balanced budget requirement
to allow the
schools to open. For the first time, Mayor Daley asks the CTU for
concessions on
work rules and compensation.
• In October, the CTU agrees to a contract that reduces benefits for
the first time and
freezes pay for two years.
• In May, the General Assembly passes the 1995 Amendatory Act that
gives Mayor
Daley control over the schools and prohibits strikes for an 18-month period.
• In July, the parties agree to their first 4-year contract containing
base increases of
3% per year for the first and second year, 3.25% in the third year and 3.375
% in the
fourth year.
• The parties agree to a 4-year contract 9 months before the current
contract expired.
The new contract contains base increases of 3% in the first year and 2% per
year in
the remaining three years.
• In October, the CTU’s members overwhelmingly vote down a 5-year
and the CTU’s House of Delegates votes to authorize a strike.
• The main strike issues include the duration of the contract, health
care contributions
and the length of the school day and year.
• After 18 hours of bargaining, the parties avert a strike by agreeing
to a 4-year
contract containing pay raises of 4% per year. The contract was ratified by
only 55%
of the CTU membership.
• A strike would have affected approximately 440,000 school children.
• By a slim margin, the parties agree to a 5-year contract, which
contains a 4%
annual wage increase and 3-year freeze on medical insurance costs.
• The Board tables its proposal for a longer school day in exchange
for a longer
contract and labor stability. |