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Bridge版 - Slam bidding
What is the right bidding for this hand?test your slam bidding
怎么叫Test your bidding( From OKB spectactor)
Grand slam without 2 AMiss Grand Slam!
Bidding after a reverseBidding question again
叫牌问题A slam decision
one more slam hand[合集] A slam decision
话题: partner话题: 1s话题: grand话题: 1h话题: j2nt
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 642
Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
you have with your partnership?
发帖数: 52743


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
: least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
: you have with your partnership?
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64

发帖数: 20570
1S is good when you want to find something like:
KQxx KJxxx xx Kx from patner.
Here, if you bid J2NT, you'll unlikely find the top spot of 7S.
Still, if you are not very confident about the sequences after 1H-1S, you
should just bid J2NT...


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
: least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
: you have with your partnership?
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64

发帖数: 1295
With 4 A, J2NT is a good start to ask partner's shortness. If partner has
either C or D singleton and HK, grand is almost there.


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
: least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
: you have with your partnership?
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64

发帖数: 2608
I agree with pqwr to start with 1S, trying not to avoid to choose S 4-4 as
trump, even though this case could be rare, but sometimes 4-4 S could be the
only right way to have a Grand. Indeed with two (strong) suits matching, 4-
4 as trump could be typically better than 5-4.
You should have enough tools to try Grand even after 1S bid.
发帖数: 642
It seems J2NT is the tool for almost everyone :)
If partner answers any shortness, it will be easy to explore grand. The real
case is that partner answers 4H. Then it seems it is the time to settle 6H.
1S response will provide potential way to figure out partner's shape.
1H 1S
2D 3C(?)
For a lot of partnership, 3C will be the only forcing bid after 2D, which
takes too much room, so may not be good for some hands. For this hand, no
matter what partner bid, 3D/3H/3S/3NT, you will have a hard time to show H
fit without possible misunderstanding. The situation may not be as easy as
starting with J2NT, as pqwer pointed out.
Some players modify the 3C bid in this sequence as invitation for D/H/S,
which makes the situation much better.
1H 1S
2D ?
2H nonforcing
2NT invitation for 3NT
3C invitation in D/H/S
3D/3H/3S GF and set up trump
2S artificial GF, none of above
The only change for the system is that you need to treat 2S to 1H opening as
a weak spade response, since you cannot sign off 2S later.
For the hand here, we can set up trumps as 3 level while showing slam
interest, although it normally shows only 3 card support:
1H 1S
2D 3H
3S ?
3S shows filler, which should be SK here. 3S does not necessarily show extra
, since it is forced by your 3H. Now we know partner has likely 5-4 in H-D,
plus SK.
The chance to explore possible grand is much better. Even if partner holds
SK, HK and DK, which is very likely, grand is not hopeless, since partner
has shown 4D. We want to avoid grand if HK is missing. If HK is verified, we
want to be in grand if partner has any of DKQ, SQ+DK, SQ+CKQ, or DK+CK.
If you luckily has the tool after partner's 2D rebid, how do you explore
from here?

【在 p***r 的大作中提到】
: 1S is good when you want to find something like:
: KQxx KJxxx xx Kx from patner.
: Here, if you bid J2NT, you'll unlikely find the top spot of 7S.
: Still, if you are not very confident about the sequences after 1H-1S, you
: should just bid J2NT...
: at

发帖数: 2168
1. J2NT之后,开叫人持5422是不是应该叫3NT而不是最低限的4H?
2. 应叫人如果5张S, 是不是反而应该用J2NT而不是1S回,因S多半更适合做边花?


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: It seems J2NT is the tool for almost everyone :)
: If partner answers any shortness, it will be easy to explore grand. The real
: case is that partner answers 4H. Then it seems it is the time to settle 6H.
: 1S response will provide potential way to figure out partner's shape.
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3C(?)
: For a lot of partnership, 3C will be the only forcing bid after 2D, which
: takes too much room, so may not be good for some hands. For this hand, no
: matter what partner bid, 3D/3H/3S/3NT, you will have a hard time to show H
: fit without possible misunderstanding. The situation may not be as easy as

发帖数: 2804
发帖数: 20570
You can just cubbid 4C and hope to hear 4D from partner.
After Partner's 4D, you should just RKC with 4S. After 4NT, which shows 1 KC
, a normal treatment is to bid 5S to ask for side suit kings. If you happen
to have some better gadgets here, you should bid 5NT to show SQ and all KC
and HQ. 5NT also denies DQ (because you have skipped 5D). Later, partner can
bid 6C to show CK, 6D to show DQ, blabla...
If partner just bids 4H over 4C, you can also try 4S as RKC probably.
Chances for 7H(7NT) isn't very good usually, unless some unlikely holding of
HKxxxx DQxxx CKQ from partner.
This sequence suggests that enhanced kickback version of RKC is still not
too bad a gadget to help you bid some grand slams.


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: It seems J2NT is the tool for almost everyone :)
: If partner answers any shortness, it will be easy to explore grand. The real
: case is that partner answers 4H. Then it seems it is the time to settle 6H.
: 1S response will provide potential way to figure out partner's shape.
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3C(?)
: For a lot of partnership, 3C will be the only forcing bid after 2D, which
: takes too much room, so may not be good for some hands. For this hand, no
: matter what partner bid, 3D/3H/3S/3NT, you will have a hard time to show H
: fit without possible misunderstanding. The situation may not be as easy as

发帖数: 20570
The standard version of J2NT is quite rough. Usually you can improve it with
some relay sequences.
With 5S, in theory it's still the best to start from 1S (although you will
have some difficulties later because some sequences after 1H 1S are no easy.
Ideally, you want to find all your 8+ card fit to decide whether you want
to bid a grand slam and which suit you want to play. There are always some
possibilities that you may play better in S or because you don't have the
adequate honors in S, you want to stay out of (grand) slams. J2NT is not
good at discovering the side suit 8+ fit.

【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: 我想请教两个旁的问题:
: 1. J2NT之后,开叫人持5422是不是应该叫3NT而不是最低限的4H?
: 2. 应叫人如果5张S, 是不是反而应该用J2NT而不是1S回,因S多半更适合做边花?
: real

如何叫牌?test your slam bidding
叫牌问题Test your bidding( From OKB spectactor)
one more slam handMiss Grand Slam!
发帖数: 642
The real hand
The bidding at both tables are exactly the same:
1H 2NT
4H 6H
both tables missed the excellent grand.


【在 p***r 的大作中提到】
: You can just cubbid 4C and hope to hear 4D from partner.
: After Partner's 4D, you should just RKC with 4S. After 4NT, which shows 1 KC
: , a normal treatment is to bid 5S to ask for side suit kings. If you happen
: to have some better gadgets here, you should bid 5NT to show SQ and all KC
: and HQ. 5NT also denies DQ (because you have skipped 5D). Later, partner can
: bid 6C to show CK, 6D to show DQ, blabla...
: If partner just bids 4H over 4C, you can also try 4S as RKC probably.
: Chances for 7H(7NT) isn't very good usually, unless some unlikely holding of
: HKxxxx DQxxx CKQ from partner.

发帖数: 2804
Grand is great because of DJ. If it is a small D, then grand is not so hot.
I don't think standard system has a method to ask J in a side suit (even Q-
ask is only for advanced partnership), so maybe missing grand is normal.

【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: The real hand
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64
: Kx
: KJxxx
: KQxx
: xx
: The bidding at both tables are exactly the same:

发帖数: 642
It is true that J or even Q is hard to check. But the case here is that the
captain holds the critical DAJ, so he needs to find partner's DKQxx, which
should be easier than finding a jack :)

【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: Grand is great because of DJ. If it is a small D, then grand is not so hot.
: I don't think standard system has a method to ask J in a side suit (even Q-
: ask is only for advanced partnership), so maybe missing grand is normal.

发帖数: 20570
So it's quite biddable in the discussed sequence:
1H 1S
2D 3H
3S (Cue A or K) 4C (cue)
4D(cue control) 4S(RKC)
4N(1 or 4) 5S(all KC, denies side K, denies DQ)
6D(DQ, because 4D has shown D control and partner holds DA, so partner knows
4D shows DK, so 6D here should show DQ) 7H (DJ becomes important)
This is an expample showing why 1S is good, because it helps the opener to
clearify his shape at low level. Still, you just shouldn't play the standard
treatment of 3C gf, which sucks big time.

【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: The real hand
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64
: Kx
: KJxxx
: KQxx
: xx
: The bidding at both tables are exactly the same:

发帖数: 642
That sounds a good approach, with the help of some gadgets.
The design after RKC doesn't sound very normal to me in terms of captainship
. The responder here is captain, but after RKC, he starts to describe his
holding, rather than keeps asking.
1H 1S
2D 3H
3S 4C
4D 4S
4NT ?
5C ask HQ
5H sign off
5D/5NT show D/S queen according to the design at this sequence. Could it be
designed as asking rather than showing? Apparently, this will also change
the meaning of 5S.


【在 p***r 的大作中提到】
: So it's quite biddable in the discussed sequence:
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3H
: 3S (Cue A or K) 4C (cue)
: 4D(cue control) 4S(RKC)
: 4N(1 or 4) 5S(all KC, denies side K, denies DQ)
: 6D(DQ, because 4D has shown D control and partner holds DA, so partner knows
: 4D shows DK, so 6D here should show DQ) 7H (DJ becomes important)
: This is an expample showing why 1S is good, because it helps the opener to
: clearify his shape at low level. Still, you just shouldn't play the standard

发帖数: 20570
Often you just can't really be the captain after the first round of RKC,
which is especially true in grand slam decisions. In many situations, grand
slams are bid by collaborations. So it's more like a covalent bonding,
instead of ionic bonding. Everybody need to contribute some information to
reach the final decision. Captain types of bidding actually happens less
frequently in bidding. It is good in some shapely two suiters, where side
suit honors or shortness are important. For example, suppose you have a hand
like KQxxxx AKxxx x x and S is the trump, after partner shows all kcs, you
really need to avoid bidding grand slam if partner holds three or four H
without HQ. Therefore, an asking bid in H can be helpful. However, such kind
of situations are usually rare and some types of cuebidding at high levels
can often help to solve such kind of problems too.
In my opinion, RKC can be triggered by anybody who finds slam potential, 5
level safety, no wide open side suits, and has no cuebids available at 4
level. In that sense, the one who starts RKC doesn't have to be the captain.
He's just running out of bids at 4 level. Also following this logic, the
failure of bidding 4NT would just mean concerns in some suit that nobody has


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: That sounds a good approach, with the help of some gadgets.
: The design after RKC doesn't sound very normal to me in terms of captainship
: . The responder here is captain, but after RKC, he starts to describe his
: holding, rather than keeps asking.
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3H
: 3S 4C
: 4D 4S
: 4NT ?
: 5C ask HQ

发帖数: 642
Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
you have with your partnership?
发帖数: 52743


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
: least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
: you have with your partnership?
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64

发帖数: 20570
1S is good when you want to find something like:
KQxx KJxxx xx Kx from patner.
Here, if you bid J2NT, you'll unlikely find the top spot of 7S.
Still, if you are not very confident about the sequences after 1H-1S, you
should just bid J2NT...


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
: least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
: you have with your partnership?
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64

发帖数: 1295
With 4 A, J2NT is a good start to ask partner's shortness. If partner has
either C or D singleton and HK, grand is almost there.


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: Partner opens 1H at second seat, and you hold such a big hand. 6H will be at
: least. How do you plan to explore the possibility of grand? What tools do
: you have with your partnership?
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64

Bidding question againA slam decision
4.21在bbo叫牌练习室碰到的牌例1[合集] A slam decision
4.21在bbo叫牌练习室碰到的牌例2昨天真是盛况 (BBO)
发帖数: 2608
I agree with pqwr to start with 1S, trying not to avoid to choose S 4-4 as
trump, even though this case could be rare, but sometimes 4-4 S could be the
only right way to have a Grand. Indeed with two (strong) suits matching, 4-
4 as trump could be typically better than 5-4.
You should have enough tools to try Grand even after 1S bid.
发帖数: 642
It seems J2NT is the tool for almost everyone :)
If partner answers any shortness, it will be easy to explore grand. The real
case is that partner answers 4H. Then it seems it is the time to settle 6H.
1S response will provide potential way to figure out partner's shape.
1H 1S
2D 3C(?)
For a lot of partnership, 3C will be the only forcing bid after 2D, which
takes too much room, so may not be good for some hands. For this hand, no
matter what partner bid, 3D/3H/3S/3NT, you will have a hard time to show H
fit without possible misunderstanding. The situation may not be as easy as
starting with J2NT, as pqwer pointed out.
Some players modify the 3C bid in this sequence as invitation for D/H/S,
which makes the situation much better.
1H 1S
2D ?
2H nonforcing
2NT invitation for 3NT
3C invitation in D/H/S
3D/3H/3S GF and set up trump
2S artificial GF, none of above
The only change for the system is that you need to treat 2S to 1H opening as
a weak spade response, since you cannot sign off 2S later.
For the hand here, we can set up trumps as 3 level while showing slam
interest, although it normally shows only 3 card support:
1H 1S
2D 3H
3S ?
3S shows filler, which should be SK here. 3S does not necessarily show extra
, since it is forced by your 3H. Now we know partner has likely 5-4 in H-D,
plus SK.
The chance to explore possible grand is much better. Even if partner holds
SK, HK and DK, which is very likely, grand is not hopeless, since partner
has shown 4D. We want to avoid grand if HK is missing. If HK is verified, we
want to be in grand if partner has any of DKQ, SQ+DK, SQ+CKQ, or DK+CK.
If you luckily has the tool after partner's 2D rebid, how do you explore
from here?

【在 p***r 的大作中提到】
: 1S is good when you want to find something like:
: KQxx KJxxx xx Kx from patner.
: Here, if you bid J2NT, you'll unlikely find the top spot of 7S.
: Still, if you are not very confident about the sequences after 1H-1S, you
: should just bid J2NT...
: at

发帖数: 2168
1. J2NT之后,开叫人持5422是不是应该叫3NT而不是最低限的4H?
2. 应叫人如果5张S, 是不是反而应该用J2NT而不是1S回,因S多半更适合做边花?


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: It seems J2NT is the tool for almost everyone :)
: If partner answers any shortness, it will be easy to explore grand. The real
: case is that partner answers 4H. Then it seems it is the time to settle 6H.
: 1S response will provide potential way to figure out partner's shape.
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3C(?)
: For a lot of partnership, 3C will be the only forcing bid after 2D, which
: takes too much room, so may not be good for some hands. For this hand, no
: matter what partner bid, 3D/3H/3S/3NT, you will have a hard time to show H
: fit without possible misunderstanding. The situation may not be as easy as

发帖数: 2804
发帖数: 20570
You can just cubbid 4C and hope to hear 4D from partner.
After Partner's 4D, you should just RKC with 4S. After 4NT, which shows 1 KC
, a normal treatment is to bid 5S to ask for side suit kings. If you happen
to have some better gadgets here, you should bid 5NT to show SQ and all KC
and HQ. 5NT also denies DQ (because you have skipped 5D). Later, partner can
bid 6C to show CK, 6D to show DQ, blabla...
If partner just bids 4H over 4C, you can also try 4S as RKC probably.
Chances for 7H(7NT) isn't very good usually, unless some unlikely holding of
HKxxxx DQxxx CKQ from partner.
This sequence suggests that enhanced kickback version of RKC is still not
too bad a gadget to help you bid some grand slams.


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: It seems J2NT is the tool for almost everyone :)
: If partner answers any shortness, it will be easy to explore grand. The real
: case is that partner answers 4H. Then it seems it is the time to settle 6H.
: 1S response will provide potential way to figure out partner's shape.
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3C(?)
: For a lot of partnership, 3C will be the only forcing bid after 2D, which
: takes too much room, so may not be good for some hands. For this hand, no
: matter what partner bid, 3D/3H/3S/3NT, you will have a hard time to show H
: fit without possible misunderstanding. The situation may not be as easy as

发帖数: 20570
The standard version of J2NT is quite rough. Usually you can improve it with
some relay sequences.
With 5S, in theory it's still the best to start from 1S (although you will
have some difficulties later because some sequences after 1H 1S are no easy.
Ideally, you want to find all your 8+ card fit to decide whether you want
to bid a grand slam and which suit you want to play. There are always some
possibilities that you may play better in S or because you don't have the
adequate honors in S, you want to stay out of (grand) slams. J2NT is not
good at discovering the side suit 8+ fit.

【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: 我想请教两个旁的问题:
: 1. J2NT之后,开叫人持5422是不是应该叫3NT而不是最低限的4H?
: 2. 应叫人如果5张S, 是不是反而应该用J2NT而不是1S回,因S多半更适合做边花?
: real

发帖数: 642
The real hand
The bidding at both tables are exactly the same:
1H 2NT
4H 6H
both tables missed the excellent grand.


【在 p***r 的大作中提到】
: You can just cubbid 4C and hope to hear 4D from partner.
: After Partner's 4D, you should just RKC with 4S. After 4NT, which shows 1 KC
: , a normal treatment is to bid 5S to ask for side suit kings. If you happen
: to have some better gadgets here, you should bid 5NT to show SQ and all KC
: and HQ. 5NT also denies DQ (because you have skipped 5D). Later, partner can
: bid 6C to show CK, 6D to show DQ, blabla...
: If partner just bids 4H over 4C, you can also try 4S as RKC probably.
: Chances for 7H(7NT) isn't very good usually, unless some unlikely holding of
: HKxxxx DQxxx CKQ from partner.

发帖数: 2804
Grand is great because of DJ. If it is a small D, then grand is not so hot.
I don't think standard system has a method to ask J in a side suit (even Q-
ask is only for advanced partnership), so maybe missing grand is normal.

【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: The real hand
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64
: Kx
: KJxxx
: KQxx
: xx
: The bidding at both tables are exactly the same:

发帖数: 642
It is true that J or even Q is hard to check. But the case here is that the
captain holds the critical DAJ, so he needs to find partner's DKQxx, which
should be easier than finding a jack :)

【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: Grand is great because of DJ. If it is a small D, then grand is not so hot.
: I don't think standard system has a method to ask J in a side suit (even Q-
: ask is only for advanced partnership), so maybe missing grand is normal.

发帖数: 20570
So it's quite biddable in the discussed sequence:
1H 1S
2D 3H
3S (Cue A or K) 4C (cue)
4D(cue control) 4S(RKC)
4N(1 or 4) 5S(all KC, denies side K, denies DQ)
6D(DQ, because 4D has shown D control and partner holds DA, so partner knows
4D shows DK, so 6D here should show DQ) 7H (DJ becomes important)
This is an expample showing why 1S is good, because it helps the opener to
clearify his shape at low level. Still, you just shouldn't play the standard
treatment of 3C gf, which sucks big time.

【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: The real hand
: AJ83
: AQT4
: AJ
: A64
: Kx
: KJxxx
: KQxx
: xx
: The bidding at both tables are exactly the same:

J2NT的使用Grand slam without 2 A
What is the right bidding for this hand?Bidding after a reverse
发帖数: 642
That sounds a good approach, with the help of some gadgets.
The design after RKC doesn't sound very normal to me in terms of captainship
. The responder here is captain, but after RKC, he starts to describe his
holding, rather than keeps asking.
1H 1S
2D 3H
3S 4C
4D 4S
4NT ?
5C ask HQ
5H sign off
5D/5NT show D/S queen according to the design at this sequence. Could it be
designed as asking rather than showing? Apparently, this will also change
the meaning of 5S.


【在 p***r 的大作中提到】
: So it's quite biddable in the discussed sequence:
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3H
: 3S (Cue A or K) 4C (cue)
: 4D(cue control) 4S(RKC)
: 4N(1 or 4) 5S(all KC, denies side K, denies DQ)
: 6D(DQ, because 4D has shown D control and partner holds DA, so partner knows
: 4D shows DK, so 6D here should show DQ) 7H (DJ becomes important)
: This is an expample showing why 1S is good, because it helps the opener to
: clearify his shape at low level. Still, you just shouldn't play the standard

发帖数: 20570
Often you just can't really be the captain after the first round of RKC,
which is especially true in grand slam decisions. In many situations, grand
slams are bid by collaborations. So it's more like a covalent bonding,
instead of ionic bonding. Everybody need to contribute some information to
reach the final decision. Captain types of bidding actually happens less
frequently in bidding. It is good in some shapely two suiters, where side
suit honors or shortness are important. For example, suppose you have a hand
like KQxxxx AKxxx x x and S is the trump, after partner shows all kcs, you
really need to avoid bidding grand slam if partner holds three or four H
without HQ. Therefore, an asking bid in H can be helpful. However, such kind
of situations are usually rare and some types of cuebidding at high levels
can often help to solve such kind of problems too.
In my opinion, RKC can be triggered by anybody who finds slam potential, 5
level safety, no wide open side suits, and has no cuebids available at 4
level. In that sense, the one who starts RKC doesn't have to be the captain.
He's just running out of bids at 4 level. Also following this logic, the
failure of bidding 4NT would just mean concerns in some suit that nobody has


【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: That sounds a good approach, with the help of some gadgets.
: The design after RKC doesn't sound very normal to me in terms of captainship
: . The responder here is captain, but after RKC, he starts to describe his
: holding, rather than keeps asking.
: 1H 1S
: 2D 3H
: 3S 4C
: 4D 4S
: 4NT ?
: 5C ask HQ

1 (共1页)
[合集] A slam decision今天的一副牌
昨天真是盛况 (BBO)如何叫牌?
J2NT的使用one more slam hand
What is the right bidding for this hand?test your slam bidding
怎么叫Test your bidding( From OKB spectactor)
Grand slam without 2 AMiss Grand Slam!
Bidding after a reverseBidding question again
话题: partner话题: 1s话题: grand话题: 1h话题: j2nt