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Bridge版 - Simple bidding question Follow-up
有人用1NT force(as responder)吗?Some interesting hands from a swiss
1S-2C art relay to show real C GF or 3+ spadesGFWhere to go?
new minor forcing谁能给讲讲2NT after 1H/S
some hands in regional (1)Styles, strategy and tactics (4): responding
where to land?how can you make this a disaster?
structure after opener's jump rebid after 2/12 over 1?
some common handsSimple bidding question
叫牌问题(12)Truscott and bridge scandles (3)
话题: reverse话题: 2s话题: hand话题: jump话题: 3nt
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14569
Thanks all for explaining. Looks like all have the same opinion:
1S now is 12 - 18-, 2S is 18+.
In this sense, you all take 2S as reverse.
According to Max Hardy's book, jump reverse show splinter. So If I have
heart support, singleton spade, and good point, I need to jump to 3S to
show this (as Jump Reverse)?
发帖数: 3277
you play blackwood? if so, your partner should bid 6D over 5H.
4H wasn't a bad call though.
you have shown a very strong hand, so he should bid 6D.
I don't really think you should bid 4NT over 4D, because your pd may not
have good hearts sometimes:
Sxx HQxxx DAQxx CKQx would also justify his 4D bid in which can you don't
have a good play in 6D.
anyway, 4D here shouldn't be invitational because 2S is game forcing.
4D is an unnecesary jump which should show slam interest.

【在 g**********y 的大作中提到】
: Thanks all for explaining. Looks like all have the same opinion:
: 1S now is 12 - 18-, 2S is 18+.
: In this sense, you all take 2S as reverse.
: According to Max Hardy's book, jump reverse show splinter. So If I have
: heart support, singleton spade, and good point, I need to jump to 3S to
: show this (as Jump Reverse)?

发帖数: 295
As I remember, Hardy briefly mentioned signoff after reverse in his old book.
A 2NT or a simple rebid of his suit by responder shows no more than 9 hcp, and
any other rebid shows 9+ and game forcing. Therefore, 3D is the preferred call
here. 4D definitely claims a more distributional hand if no other
other special agreement between your partnership.
In this particular sequence, the responder have to rebid 3H with 5 hearts and
a minimium, not always a pleasant choice for you guys. Thus I suppose

【在 g**********y 的大作中提到】
: Thanks all for explaining. Looks like all have the same opinion:
: 1S now is 12 - 18-, 2S is 18+.
: In this sense, you all take 2S as reverse.
: According to Max Hardy's book, jump reverse show splinter. So If I have
: heart support, singleton spade, and good point, I need to jump to 3S to
: show this (as Jump Reverse)?

发帖数: 14569
good point, I remember that 2NT show weak hand now. Hardy's book is really


【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: As I remember, Hardy briefly mentioned signoff after reverse in his old book.
: A 2NT or a simple rebid of his suit by responder shows no more than 9 hcp, and
: any other rebid shows 9+ and game forcing. Therefore, 3D is the preferred call
: here. 4D definitely claims a more distributional hand if no other
: other special agreement between your partnership.
: In this particular sequence, the responder have to rebid 3H with 5 hearts and
: a minimium, not always a pleasant choice for you guys. Thus I suppose

发帖数: 3277
but 1C 1D 2S is gameforcing, I don't think 2NT can start sign off sequence
If you like you can play it this way:
1C 1D
2NT: relay to 3C
3C: relayed.
3D: weak hand with at least 5 diamonds.
3H: weak hand with C support.
3S: weak hand with spade fit(this requires partnership discussion).
3NT: mild slam interest in C, balanced hand.
3C: better hand, C support.
3D: better hand, D suit.
3H: better hand, no H stopper.
3S: better hand.
the drawback is that 3NT may b

【在 g**********y 的大作中提到】
: good point, I remember that 2NT show weak hand now. Hardy's book is really
: cool.
: book.
: and
: call
: and
: the

发帖数: 14569
That's exactly what Hardy described in his book. 2NT shows a 5+ ~ 9 point
hand. Doesn't mean must stop, but definitely tell pard: that's my hand,
whether we go to game or not, you decide.
You like to improve bidding system :)
For an ameteur bridge fan, "improve" is too much for me. I will feel lucky
that if I can remember one standard system, and consistently bid with that
system. But the cruel fact is, I always forget something from time to time,


【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: but 1C 1D 2S is gameforcing, I don't think 2NT can start sign off sequence
: here.
: If you like you can play it this way:
: 1C 1D
: 2S:
: 2NT: relay to 3C
: 3C: relayed.
: 3D: weak hand with at least 5 diamonds.
: 3H: weak hand with C support.
: 3S: weak hand with spade fit(this requires partnership discussion).

发帖数: 623
The real difference is whether jump shift/reverse should be 100% game forcing.
The implication of that actually lies in how light you can respond on 1 level.
Say, after 1C opening, do you consider JTxxx x xxx JTxx good enough for
responding? Or, how about JTxxx xxx Jxxx x? I believe the answer is yes unless
red on white, (plus red on red on MP). Then having a signoff sequence is quite
useful, actually mandatory. In that case the issue of wrongsiding the 3NT is
not that serious as in most cases i

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: but 1C 1D 2S is gameforcing, I don't think 2NT can start sign off sequence
: here.
: If you like you can play it this way:
: 1C 1D
: 2S:
: 2NT: relay to 3C
: 3C: relayed.
: 3D: weak hand with at least 5 diamonds.
: 3H: weak hand with C support.
: 3S: weak hand with spade fit(this requires partnership discussion).

发帖数: 3277
I think at least it should force to 4 m.

【在 w****b 的大作中提到】
: The real difference is whether jump shift/reverse should be 100% game forcing.
: The implication of that actually lies in how light you can respond on 1 level.
: Say, after 1C opening, do you consider JTxxx x xxx JTxx good enough for
: responding? Or, how about JTxxx xxx Jxxx x? I believe the answer is yes unless
: red on white, (plus red on red on MP). Then having a signoff sequence is quite
: useful, actually mandatory. In that case the issue of wrongsiding the 3NT is
: not that serious as in most cases i

发帖数: 623
I kind of disagree -- I've actually passed the reverse before -- after all the
reverse is not completely unlimited, and you need to be able to pull stop at 3
level safely if light response is possible. If you hold such a weak hand,
there's really nothing that would change the picture drastically anyway, so
forcing to 4m is unnecessary, in my opinion.

you to

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: I think at least it should force to 4 m.
发帖数: 3277
The problem is that you may open 1 level with many strong hands:
SQxxx Hx DAKQJ CAKQx, 1D is the only opening that makes sense.
1D 1H
2S 2N
3N: 3NT is wrong sided when pd has Sx HAxxx Dxxx Cxxxx
or 6C can be cold here when 3NT has no play when pd has Sx HAxxx Dxxx Cxxxxx
2C could be bad because you have no way how to show this 3.5 suiter hand
after 2C opening.
1D 1H
2S 2NT
3NT ?
6C can be cold against: Sxx HAxxx Dxxxxx Cxx, but should partner pull 3NT
to 4D?
So I

【在 w****b 的大作中提到】
: I kind of disagree -- I've actually passed the reverse before -- after all the
: reverse is not completely unlimited, and you need to be able to pull stop at 3
: level safely if light response is possible. If you hold such a weak hand,
: there's really nothing that would change the picture drastically anyway, so
: forcing to 4m is unnecessary, in my opinion.
: forcing.
: level.
: unless
: quite

发帖数: 623
Hmm I think maybe our difference lies in that I have lower standards in
reverse/jump shift than you do as well, in addition to that my response can be
close to frivolous at times, when shape and vul are right.
If opener has extras, he can always refuse the relay of 3C after 2N, and after
that, you still have chance to bid to game with a fit, so missing of a game is
not systematical.
It's true that I may lose slam with your example
Qxxx x AKQJ AKQx vs x Axxx xxx xxxxx, but then you need C2-2 and

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: The problem is that you may open 1 level with many strong hands:
: SQxxx Hx DAKQJ CAKQx, 1D is the only opening that makes sense.
: 1D 1H
: 2S 2N
: 3N: 3NT is wrong sided when pd has Sx HAxxx Dxxx Cxxxx
: or 6C can be cold here when 3NT has no play when pd has Sx HAxxx Dxxx Cxxxxx
: SAKxx Hx DAJxxx CAKQ
: similiar,
: 2C could be bad because you have no way how to show this 3.5 suiter hand
: after 2C opening.

1 (共1页)
Truscott and bridge scandles (3)where to land?
What's to bid?structure after opener's jump rebid after 2/1
Weak NT structuresome common hands
Bid your suit or raise pd?叫牌问题(12)
有人用1NT force(as responder)吗?Some interesting hands from a swiss
1S-2C art relay to show real C GF or 3+ spadesGFWhere to go?
new minor forcing谁能给讲讲2NT after 1H/S
some hands in regional (1)Styles, strategy and tactics (4): responding
话题: reverse话题: 2s话题: hand话题: jump话题: 3nt