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Bridge版 - yet another one
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Simple bidding question【每周一题】阻击叫牌
how to bid男队
a bidding questionSome interesting hands from DC national(1)
Preempt problemBidding problem
bidding questionReno系列之七 鸡肋鸡肋
long time no water here!叫牌问题(11)
话题: 2d话题: 3c话题: 2s话题: 2c话题: 2h
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 295
IMP None
you have
S K93
H 982
D 76
C KJ963
The bidding gose:
1H / / X
/ 2C / 2D
/ ??
A. pass
B. 2H
C. 2S
D. 2NT
E. 3C
F. 3D
That should cover the field. Which one is your choice?
发帖数: 3277
I bid 2S. 3C is a weak bid here, but I do have extra.
so my 2S shows value in spade and maximum hand.
I can't have 4 spades here, because if I have them, I'd bid 1S
instead of 2C.
Another option is 2H, but 2S is better since it shows value in sp.
2H just says: I have a good hand.

【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: IMP None
: you have
: S K93
: H 982
: D 76
: C KJ963
: The bidding gose:
: You
: 1H / / X
: / 2C / 2D

发帖数: 2449
Can't agree more.

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: I bid 2S. 3C is a weak bid here, but I do have extra.
: so my 2S shows value in spade and maximum hand.
: I can't have 4 spades here, because if I have them, I'd bid 1S
: instead of 2C.
: Another option is 2H, but 2S is better since it shows value in sp.
: 2H just says: I have a good hand.

发帖数: 287

IMP None
you have
S K93
H 982
D 76
C KJ963
The bidding gose:
1H / / X
/ 2C / 2D
/ ??
A. pass
B. 2H
C. 2S
D. 2NT
E. 3C
F. 3D
E. 仅仅表示一下有自愿应叫的点力,草花套还可以,D无支持.
That should cover the field. Which one is your choice?

【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: IMP None
: you have
: S K93
: H 982
: D 76
: C KJ963
: The bidding gose:
: You
: 1H / / X
: / 2C / 2D

发帖数: 287

What if bidding 3C? That should mean a) C is a pretty decent suit b)
the whole hand is not weak c) there's no good match in D d) no good stopper
in H. Under those conditions, you have to have some strength in S to
justify your overall strength.

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: I bid 2S. 3C is a weak bid here, but I do have extra.
: so my 2S shows value in spade and maximum hand.
: I can't have 4 spades here, because if I have them, I'd bid 1S
: instead of 2C.
: Another option is 2H, but 2S is better since it shows value in sp.
: 2H just says: I have a good hand.

发帖数: 3277
3C doesn't have to be strong here. I think it shows a weak hand
with long clubs and no D fit.
something like this:
Sxxx Hxxx Dx CKQxxxx is reasonable. I think passing 2D isn't a good
choice for this hand. Partner's 2D doesn't have to be a strong suit,
I'd bid 2D with something like this for sure:
SAKQ Hxx DAJTxx CAxx, for this hand, 2D isn't a good spot. 5C is
quite cold though.
the bidding may go like:
1H x p 2C
p 2D p 3C
p 4C p 5C

【在 a***n 的大作中提到】
: What if bidding 3C? That should mean a) C is a pretty decent suit b)
: the whole hand is not weak c) there's no good match in D d) no good stopper
: in H. Under those conditions, you have to have some strength in S to
: justify your overall strength.

发帖数: 287

If your hand is not strong, you could just pass 2D. I think
2D is just to show that your pd's hand is fairly strong, but
not necessarily forcing another round.
In this example case, your pd could simply bid 3C to show both overall
sttrength and the club fit. The only problem I see here is that you
originally have 3-3-3-4 and decided to bid the only 4-card suit, not matter
how weak it is.

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: 3C doesn't have to be strong here. I think it shows a weak hand
: with long clubs and no D fit.
: something like this:
: Sxxx Hxxx Dx CKQxxxx is reasonable. I think passing 2D isn't a good
: choice for this hand. Partner's 2D doesn't have to be a strong suit,
: I'd bid 2D with something like this for sure:
: SAKQ Hxx DAJTxx CAxx, for this hand, 2D isn't a good spot. 5C is
: quite cold though.
: the bidding may go like:
: 1H x p 2C

发帖数: 3277
it's usually a bad idea to raise partner to 3 level with only 3 trumps.
like this hand:
SAKxx Hx DAKJxx CAxx,
I'd bid 2D over pd's 2C for sure.
if you pass 2D with
Sxxx Hxxx Dx CKQxxxx, pd would be very unhappy.

【在 a***n 的大作中提到】
: If your hand is not strong, you could just pass 2D. I think
: 2D is just to show that your pd's hand is fairly strong, but
: not necessarily forcing another round.
: In this example case, your pd could simply bid 3C to show both overall
: sttrength and the club fit. The only problem I see here is that you
: originally have 3-3-3-4 and decided to bid the only 4-card suit, not matter
: how weak it is.

发帖数: 545
3c【 在 arrowhits (箭笑江湖) 的大作中提到: 】
1 (共1页)
wt will u bidPreempt problem
your call?bidding question
what was the club J?long time no water here!
more on bidding(1)Bidding question again
Simple bidding question【每周一题】阻击叫牌
how to bid男队
a bidding questionSome interesting hands from DC national(1)
话题: 2d话题: 3c话题: 2s话题: 2c话题: 2h