1) Time: 12:00pm noon this Sunday (Sep. 11th)
2) Location:
7 NANA Japanese Steakhouse
199 Boston Rd
Billerica , MA 01862
3)Registration: Please email me at:
y***************************[email protected]
to confirm your attendance and leave your cell if possible.
or at facebook: http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php?type=1&fcode=602e7f847&f=10000
4) Transportation: Carpool from Alewife T Station is possible
(11:30am), even though driving there yourself is encouraged.
This is one of the best Japanese buffet I've been to. Everything is
freshly ordered and cooked. And a small bottle of hot sake (or other
drink) is included in the $21.95 price.
After lunch, we could consider a walk at Fresh pond park to catch the
sunshine or else .