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Boston版 - 音乐之光
re: harvard mm[供求]Malden Towers bedroom available from July 1
$780 Malden Towers寻合租室友, 限女生[供求]Malden Towers bedroom available from July 1
[供求] Malden高层公寓1br2bath出租 (多图)[供求]Malden Towers bedroom available from July 1
[供求] Malden Tower高层公寓全新客厅房出租[供求]Malden Towers 公寓楼 bedroom available from July 1
[供求] One room in Malden Towers, available from May 16.[供求]Room available for short rent in Malden Towers
[供求] Malden Towers 一房间available from Jun1现在别的城市可以打手机电话到Boston吗?
[供求] Malden Towers 一房间available from Jun1Crime Scene map
[供求] Malden Towers 一房间available from Jun1ok, explain it to me like i am a three year old
话题: music话题: lululu话题: he话题: scene话题: made
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 418
Today I went to a concert, although I don't understand German, the
music made me really moved. It reminded me of a scene at the movie
"Shawshank redemption", andy was in prison, he only enjoyed ten mins
of the music at the expense of a week's jin4 bi4. I think music made
him feel that he is human being, not just a prisoner.
I hope many years later, when I recalled the life here, what is in
mind is a scene, lululu is walking along the Charles River, Harvard
Tower is just behind, and lululu 沉浸在音乐之
发帖数: 8
//hand! wasn't that a GREAT movie? tim robins is a great actor, although he
is such a bad dresser, every year he wears the worst taste clothing to the
oscar, has been a laughing stock for years. :(( i went clubbing last night
and felt and saw how music could move people (some alcohol effect too),
however, i was only moved for a while, after which i felt i did not belong,
they were singing along with the pianist (it was a blues club), and dancing
and laughing, and in the middle of all this lo

【在 l****u 的大作中提到】
: Today I went to a concert, although I don't understand German, the
: music made me really moved. It reminded me of a scene at the movie
: "Shawshank redemption", andy was in prison, he only enjoyed ten mins
: of the music at the expense of a week's jin4 bi4. I think music made
: him feel that he is human being, not just a prisoner.
: I hope many years later, when I recalled the life here, what is in
: mind is a scene, lululu is walking along the Charles River, Harvard
: Tower is just behind, and lululu 沉浸在音乐之

1 (共1页)
ok, explain it to me like i am a three year old[供求] One room in Malden Towers, available from May 16.
现实版越狱[供求] Malden Towers 一房间available from Jun1
【求助】求帮忙下载一篇哈佛的博士论文 (转载)[供求] Malden Towers 一房间available from Jun1
小鸟在梯子上搭窝孵蛋,不安全,求建议 (脏乱慎入)[供求] Malden Towers 一房间available from Jun1
re: harvard mm[供求]Malden Towers bedroom available from July 1
$780 Malden Towers寻合租室友, 限女生[供求]Malden Towers bedroom available from July 1
[供求] Malden高层公寓1br2bath出租 (多图)[供求]Malden Towers bedroom available from July 1
[供求] Malden Tower高层公寓全新客厅房出租[供求]Malden Towers 公寓楼 bedroom available from July 1
话题: music话题: lululu话题: he话题: scene话题: made