Biology版 - Zhang, Yitang’s life at Purdue, by TT Moh |
k******0 发帖数: 1073 | 1 Zhang, Yitang’s life at Purdue
(Jan. 1985-Dec, 1991)
Dr. Zhang Yitang made a major advancement to the twin prime conjec-ture as
verified by Prof. H. Iwaniec, a famous number theorist. Some people are
curious about Yitang’s life as a graduate student at Purdue University.As
the thesis adviser of Dr. Zhang, I will share my memories of
1 China to USA
By the recommendations of Prof. Ding, Shihsun (an algebrais
t, Presi-dent of Peking University) and Prof. Deng, D.G. (Chairman of
Department of Mathematics, Peking University), Mr. Zhang was admitted to
Purdue University as a graduate student in Jan, 1985. Prof. Ding, Shihsun
specifically requested me to take care of Mr. Zhang. When he arrived
, we had a cordial talk. Yitang expressed his desire to work in the field of
Algebraic Geometry. I nodded while remembering the call of French
mathematician Jean Dieudonn ́e in the international conference at
Purdue (
it was to celebrate Louis de Brangles’ result on Bieberbach’s conjecture).
Dieudonn ́e said
“ You should go to the field of algebraic geometry
−that is the future of mathematics” to several hundred analysts.
Yitang also mentioned that he wanted to study under my guidance. Knowing
that he had one published
paper, and some training in the field of Analytic Number Theory under Prof.
Pan (especially in the multiplicative branch, where the central problem is
the twin prime conjecture), I was happy to have a talented student. I was
surprised by Yitang’s next request of working on the Jacobia
n conjecture as his thesis topic. I felt it was odd to select such a
difficult task. After seeing his enthusiasm, I settled on it and did my best
to guide him.I thought Yitang as an ambitious, intelligent, and hard-
working young man.
Mathematics Department, Purdue University
2 Education at Purdue
After we settled on his thesis topic, we met almost daily for a whole
semester. Our discussions centered on my published paper On the Jacobian
conjecture and the configuration of roots.
J. fur die Reine and angewandte Mathematik, 340, 1983, pp. 140-212
Sometimes, they lasted into the dawn. That was the essential
part of Yi-tang’s first semester at Purdue.For the next two semesters, I
organized a seminar with five graduate
students (including Yitang) on Prof. Hironaka’s monumental papers on the
theory of resolutions of singularities. I believed that we doubled the world
population of those who had studied the papers after we finished two
semesters. Prof. Grothendick once described those papers as among the most
complicated thesises in the human history.
Upon completing three semesters of intensive work, I felt that I might not
have done the right thing (I behaved too much like a modern day “tiger
mother”); I should give him the space to grow. I then laid back and did not
do any pushing. He would come to me once a week to talk, and I listened
carefully. Yitang spent all of his free time thinki
ng of mathematics.
After years, Yitang started to believe that he might have gotten a solution
to the Jacobian conjecture. As a gatekeeper of the palace of the Jacobian
conjecture, I did my duty of examining every claim presented to me, and
denied the entrance of anybody (including myself) if the pro
of was invalid. “Maybe the Jacobian conjecture is a problem for the future
”,I thought. In the year of 1991, his 7-th year at Purdue, Yitang composed
his Ph.D. thesis “Jacobian Conjecture and the Degree of Field Exten
sion”. He presented it to the committee which consisted of myself as the
chair, L. de Brangles, J. Lipman and W. Heinzer. His thesis passed the
committee with flying colors.
3 Daily life
Some people believe that mathematicians are weird. I think d
ifferently. All the mathematicians I know are quite normal. Yitang was a
normal person for those seven years at Purdue. He was elected the President
of the Chinese Student Club at Purdue University, and he discharged his duty
responsibly and served his community well.
Yitang had some background in classical Chinese literature
. Sometimeswe talked about them. I mentioned to him a phrase of Confucius:
“A person who knows a job is no match to a person who likes the job. A
person who likes the job is no match to a person who enjoys the job. ” I
thought that
applied to research very well. He agreed. Sometimes I regreted not fixing
him a job. But really, who could tell?
Maybe it was his destiny to endure and turn out to be great. I indeed got a
job for my first student at the end of 70’s. Later when I mentioned the
episode to my friends, they all laughed and told me that it was only the
norm of the long-gone 60’s. Time changed at late 70’s, there was the new
term “tenure track,” and students should look for jobs on their own. So
after Yitang graduated, I told him the normal way of seeking jobs. When I
into his eyes, I found a disturbing soul, a burning bush, an explorer who
wanted to reach the north pole, a mountaineer who determined to scale Mt.
Everest, and a traveler who would brave thunders and lightnings to reach
his destination. Yitang never came back to me requesting rec
ommendation letters. Apparently he did not seek a job. Even to this date, I
do not know what was the best for him, though I was sure of one thing
he could not survive the process of “tenure-track,” “tenure,” and “
promotions”. I regarded him as a free spirit, and I should let him fly.
Yitang fl
ew away after he told me that he was going to Rutgers University to talk to
Prof.Iwaniec. I bade him good luck. That was almost 22 years ago. As for
Prof. Ding, Shihsun, I revisited China in 2000. Prof. Ding, then a Vice
−Chairman of the People’s Congress of China, kindly entertai
ned me with a banquet, we talked cordially and enjoyed the moment. | k******0 发帖数: 1073 | 2
张益唐在美国的导师是从台大走出去的代数专家莫宗坚(Tzuong-Tsieng Moh),他
大学时代》很精彩;看看小标题就能体会到:“读书记 ;生活记;恋爱记;跷课记...
学系。 当我只身远赴台大报到入学时,看到堂堂学府,几排高大的椰子树,眼睛为之
一亮。 又有梳着清汤挂面头发的女生们奔走在校内路上,真是一个新奇的世界!”就
,眸若点漆。 有些小和尚们,经也不念,钟也不打:「不拜佛祖,只拜观音。」王俊
张益唐的博士题目是雅可比猜想(Jacobian conjecture);这一猜想1939年由德国数学
家Ott-Heinrich Keller(1906-1990)于1939年提出来的,是关于多个变量的多项式里
。 可是这只是虚拟语气了。想当年,当年的天才约翰-纳什作出了著名的纳什嵌入定理
(Nash embedding theorem)也在翘望菲尔兹奖,结果未能如愿,导致精神失常。好在三
作。文中说:有时我很后悔没有帮他找工作(Sometimes I regrete not fixing
him a job); 他从此再也没有找我写过推荐信(He never came back to me
requesting recommendation letters)。在这篇文章中,莫教授还说张益唐是一个有
口子吃顿饭,基本是悄悄地来,悄悄地走,一年之间基本杳无音讯。 | k******0 发帖数: 1073 | 3 摘要:
加上和导师的关系极不融洽,张益唐变成博士到手失业开始,连个博士后都没有找到。 | W***o 发帖数: 6519 | 4 张的老板听起来挺一般正常的
【在 k******0 的大作中提到】 : Zhang, Yitang’s life at Purdue : (Jan. 1985-Dec, 1991) : T.T.Moh : 1 : Dr. Zhang Yitang made a major advancement to the twin prime conjec-ture as : verified by Prof. H. Iwaniec, a famous number theorist. Some people are : curious about Yitang’s life as a graduate student at Purdue University.As : the thesis adviser of Dr. Zhang, I will share my memories of : him. : 1 China to USA
| k******0 发帖数: 1073 | 5 我倒觉得张的老板急着撇清自己,否则不会学生毕业就断了通讯,从不过问一声。
【在 W***o 的大作中提到】 : 张的老板听起来挺一般正常的
| P*A 发帖数: 7996 | 6 搁生物口,确实挺一般正常的
【在 W***o 的大作中提到】 : 张的老板听起来挺一般正常的
| b*******n 发帖数: 8420 | 7 因为自己的研究结果导致老板之前的错误结论被人发现、名誉扫地,连自己的博士论文
【在 k******0 的大作中提到】 : 我倒觉得张的老板急着撇清自己,否则不会学生毕业就断了通讯,从不过问一声。 : 张就是硬气不求老板的推荐信。现在他的丑丢大了。
| W***o 发帖数: 6519 | 8 听着怎么这么像FAQ的遭遇
【在 b*******n 的大作中提到】 : 因为自己的研究结果导致老板之前的错误结论被人发现、名誉扫地,连自己的博士论文 : 都发布出来,还能指望着老板给写出positive的推荐信?
| f*******2 发帖数: 410 | 9 的确啊
【在 W***o 的大作中提到】 : 听着怎么这么像FAQ的遭遇
| B****i 发帖数: 466 | 10 老板觉得张不是走"tenure track" 的料。 到今天都不会推荐的。 |