k******0 发帖数: 1073 | 1 试图纯化protein phosphatase PP1 复合体,蛋白质在1mM DTT (含Mn离子),但过了
cysteine,没有双硫键,可能是这些cysteine crosslink蛋白质。
有没有xdjm有纯化PP1的经验,如何克服这氧化的问题?是否可以alkylate 这些
cysteine? 多谢解答。 |
m**z 发帖数: 787 | 2 best solution is to remove oxygen by dialyzing the protein in an anaerobic
chamber with buffers free of oxygen.This is not easy to do though.
【在 k******0 的大作中提到】 : 试图纯化protein phosphatase PP1 复合体,蛋白质在1mM DTT (含Mn离子),但过了 : 3,4天,蛋白质开始沉淀,此时加入更多DTT,蛋白质又稳定了。发现Pp1有13个 : cysteine,没有双硫键,可能是这些cysteine crosslink蛋白质。 : TCEP可以保持蛋白质更长时间。尝试5mM,不知蛋白质能稳定几天。正在检测中。 : 有没有xdjm有纯化PP1的经验,如何克服这氧化的问题?是否可以alkylate 这些 : cysteine? 多谢解答。
e****s 发帖数: 1125 | 3 加DTT或者TCEP有什么不好吗?
5mM DTT。如果DTT对下游试验会有干扰,用以前脱盐或者Dialysis就好了。
【在 k******0 的大作中提到】 : 试图纯化protein phosphatase PP1 复合体,蛋白质在1mM DTT (含Mn离子),但过了 : 3,4天,蛋白质开始沉淀,此时加入更多DTT,蛋白质又稳定了。发现Pp1有13个 : cysteine,没有双硫键,可能是这些cysteine crosslink蛋白质。 : TCEP可以保持蛋白质更长时间。尝试5mM,不知蛋白质能稳定几天。正在检测中。 : 有没有xdjm有纯化PP1的经验,如何克服这氧化的问题?是否可以alkylate 这些 : cysteine? 多谢解答。
k******0 发帖数: 1073 | 4 没有不好,我只是想蛋白质能够稳定更长时间,在金属离子存在的情况下DTT很快就被
【在 e****s 的大作中提到】 : 加DTT或者TCEP有什么不好吗? : 既然在DTT/TCEP的条件下稳定,就这么提啊。我们实验室提取蛋白一般Buffer都放1- : 5mM DTT。如果DTT对下游试验会有干扰,用以前脱盐或者Dialysis就好了。
b******y 发帖数: 627 | 5 DTT and BME are intrinsically unstable in aqueous solution. They will die
out within days. Use TCEP as it is more stable. After crystal trial is setup
, the system will be isolated in terms of O2. Further oxidation is prevented
. If you use high concentration of TECP, make sure to pH it right as it is
very acidic. |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 6 赞!
【在 b******y 的大作中提到】 : DTT and BME are intrinsically unstable in aqueous solution. They will die : out within days. Use TCEP as it is more stable. After crystal trial is setup : , the system will be isolated in terms of O2. Further oxidation is prevented : . If you use high concentration of TECP, make sure to pH it right as it is : very acidic.
k******0 发帖数: 1073 | 7 Many thanks.
Will 5mM TCEP is sufficient to last for one month? I use 1 mM at room
temperature for a week by now and the protein is still happy by far.
I use neutralized TCEP solution, so pH would not be an issue.
【在 b******y 的大作中提到】 : DTT and BME are intrinsically unstable in aqueous solution. They will die : out within days. Use TCEP as it is more stable. After crystal trial is setup : , the system will be isolated in terms of O2. Further oxidation is prevented : . If you use high concentration of TECP, make sure to pH it right as it is : very acidic.
b******y 发帖数: 627 | 8 If they are in well capped tubes, sufficient. may even afford to use less,
for instance 1 or 2 mM. good luck. |
b******y 发帖数: 627 | 9 If they are in well capped tubes, sufficient. may even afford to use less,
for instance 1 or 2 mM. good luck. |