n*********4 发帖数: 99 | 1 BIOINFORMATICS for Next Generation-Sequencing analysis @ ICBR of University
of Florida
• Provide high level bioinformatics support to molecular biologists
by applying information technology and statistics to genomic and proteomic
• Evaluate available bioinformatics tools for next generation-
sequencing data and prototype new methods and algorithms to enhance existing
analysis capabilities and pipelines;
• Provide computational support for internal bioinformatics
objectives as well as for ongoing customer-driven projects, including
experimental design, analysis of gene expression, genomic and proteomics
data, algorithm and pipeline development, user training and client
• Maintain a current awareness of new developments in the analysis
of data derived from next generation DNA sequencing instruments as it
pertains to your central focus on next generation-sequencing data analysis
- Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, or a Ph.
D. in Molecular Biology with a strong computational background.
- Working knowledge of Sanger and next generation DNA sequencing
technologies (e.g. 454, Illumina, SOLiD) and assembly data processing,
highly desirable
- Proficiency in scripting and programming languages (e.g. C++, Java, Perl,
Python desirable)
Experience working in a Linux environment, running a cluster using SGE, PBS
and BASH shell scripting is strongly preferred.
please send email to: p*************[email protected] |
f****b 发帖数: 2410 | 2 BIOINFORMATICS for Next Generation-Sequencing analysis @ ICBR of University of Florida
• Provide high level bioinformatics support to molecular biologists
by applying information technology and statistics to genomic and proteomic
• Evaluate available bioinformatics tools for next generation-
sequencing data and prototype new methods and algorithms to enhance existing
analysis capabilities and pipelines;
• Provide computational support for internal bioinformatics
objectives as well as for ongoing customer-driven projects, including
experimental design, analysis of gene expression, genomic and proteomics
data, algorithm and pipeline development, user training and client
• Maintain a current awareness of new developments in the analysis
of data derived from next generation DNA sequencing instruments as it
pertains to your central focus on next generation-sequencing data analysis
- Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, or a Ph.
D. in Molecular Biology with a strong computational background.
- Working knowledge of Sanger and next generation DNA sequencing
technologies (e.g. 454, Illumina, SOLiD) and assembly data processing,
highly desirable
- Proficiency in scripting and programming languages (e.g. C++, Java, Perl,
Python desirable)
Experience working in a Linux environment, running a cluster using SGE, PBS
and BASH shell scripting is strongly preferred.
Salary or Compensition
($35,000 - $40,000) annually
please send email to: p*************[email protected]
发信人: university1 (guang), 信区: Biology
标 题: bioinformatics 吐下槽
Apr 25 14:28:22 2012
坦白说对genomics/sequencing技术还是很有兴趣的。也喜欢交叉科学。而且sequencing成本越来越低,越来越多的data要产生。所以我是很看好这一行的。所以本科是读生物的;然后来了美国半路转到bioinformatics。但我觉得很郁闷的是,bioinformatician好像都是在跑别人写好的program。做alignment就是BWA/bowtie;然后call SNP就是GATK/samtools啥的。也就是自学一点bash code来做一些很平常的处理;然后大规模的fastq就写一点简单的python来pre-processing
另外,我在的这个一般的medical school都没有CS course。我都是自学,觉得很野鸡,一点都不科班。这个破烂bioinformatics program也很一般,很小很新,都没什么人。各位在综合性大学bioinformaticics phd program的,你们都有上很正规的CS的course么?还是说CS这个东西,就是自己瞎捣弄就ok了?
1.我还是很喜欢bioinformatics的。但觉得目前的状况下没什么training,都是自己摸索。所以想转到一个established的更好的bioinformatics program;但这不就把目前的老板给得罪了么
2.干脆直接转到cs的master算了。自己摸索了一年的bioinfor,对coding什么的好歹也有个大概的概念。但cs master,自己又没钱;而且担心身份出问题
大家来说说看法吧。谢谢 |
n*********4 发帖数: 99 | |
c********e 发帖数: 598 | 4
工资太低了吧。140K is reasonable for phD of computer science.
【在 n*********4 的大作中提到】 : BIOINFORMATICS for Next Generation-Sequencing analysis @ ICBR of University : of Florida : RESPONSIBILITIES: : • Provide high level bioinformatics support to molecular biologists : by applying information technology and statistics to genomic and proteomic : projects; : • Evaluate available bioinformatics tools for next generation- : sequencing data and prototype new methods and algorithms to enhance existing : analysis capabilities and pipelines; : • Provide computational support for internal bioinformatics
S**********e 发帖数: 1789 | 5 不用顶了,您这价钱去印度,东欧, 国内试试看吧。
不要说生物信息专业,普通生物nih 标准fresh PhD 都3万9了,生物信息起价要5-6万
【在 n*********4 的大作中提到】 : Ding
c********e 发帖数: 598 | 6
This is not a postdoc position!
【在 n*********4 的大作中提到】 : BIOINFORMATICS for Next Generation-Sequencing analysis @ ICBR of University : of Florida : RESPONSIBILITIES: : • Provide high level bioinformatics support to molecular biologists : by applying information technology and statistics to genomic and proteomic : projects; : • Evaluate available bioinformatics tools for next generation- : sequencing data and prototype new methods and algorithms to enhance existing : analysis capabilities and pipelines; : • Provide computational support for internal bioinformatics
y**********n 发帖数: 478 | |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 8 where you found this music? it is quite interesting.but the image of the baby doesn't fit in here.
【在 y**********n 的大作中提到】 : 工资太低了,除非老板非常牛,要不谁跳这个坑?
g******o 发帖数: 4042 | |
y**********n 发帖数: 478 | 10 Average Bioinformatics Postdoc Salary in Piscataway, NJ: $61000
【在 g******o 的大作中提到】 : 生物信息开价多少合适?
N******n 发帖数: 3003 | 11 如果4万,在FL,应当能招到生物方面,稍微懂一些统计的postdoc, |
n*********4 发帖数: 99 | 12 We expect people have only ONE of the following experience:
1) NGS analysis experience
2) programming skill
3) Biostatistics skill
FL living expenses is low, especially housing market.
【在 N******n 的大作中提到】 : 如果4万,在FL,应当能招到生物方面,稍微懂一些统计的postdoc,
g******o 发帖数: 4042 | 13 关键还是老板够不够牛屄
老板不够牛,只能靠美元砸 |
S**********e 发帖数: 1789 | 14 跟我前老板一样,我们这里生活水平低,所以。。。
【在 n*********4 的大作中提到】 : We expect people have only ONE of the following experience: : 1) NGS analysis experience : 2) programming skill : 3) Biostatistics skill : FL living expenses is low, especially housing market.
N******n 发帖数: 3003 | 15 主要是FL一般的Postdoc也就31000左右,所以楼主特意说35000-40000,就是说比一般
应当能找到要转行的,但经验谈不上。 如果你想快出文章,还是要找有经验的。 |
n*********4 发帖数: 99 | 16 If experienced one can not be found, we will look for a helper.
For example, running the well-built pipeline, maintaining web sites etc.
【在 N******n 的大作中提到】 : 主要是FL一般的Postdoc也就31000左右,所以楼主特意说35000-40000,就是说比一般 : 的高。 : 应当能找到要转行的,但经验谈不上。 如果你想快出文章,还是要找有经验的。
n*********4 发帖数: 99 | 17 I don't think you can easily get a job if you know only one of them.
It all depends on your skills and experience level.
【在 S**********e 的大作中提到】 : 跟我前老板一样,我们这里生活水平低,所以。。。 : 请问NIH给钱的时候是不是考虑了你那生活水平低,R01给你打个7折呢? : 你这点钱,连生物统计硕士工资都不够,除非你从穷国家直接找。 : 这3条,会其中任何一条的都可以轻松找到工作,保守估计要6-7万工资起价
b*******n 发帖数: 8420 | 18 maintaining web sites
【在 n*********4 的大作中提到】 : If experienced one can not be found, we will look for a helper. : For example, running the well-built pipeline, maintaining web sites etc.
g*********r 发帖数: 2033 | 19 大多数不牛的老板也没钱去砸你,呵呵
bioinforatics postdoc正经的很少有低于5万的
【在 g******o 的大作中提到】 : 关键还是老板够不够牛屄 : 老板不够牛,只能靠美元砸
a*****c 发帖数: 2086 | 20 这叫什么postdoc,明明是bioinfomatist做的事情。做着scientist的事情,却拿着
事么 |
l*****a 发帖数: 1431 | 21 我们这里招的bioinformatician,master degree。就是做做NGS aligment,用的就是现
成的软件,BWA,SAMtool之类,工资90K。 |