s******h 发帖数: 47 | 1 Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is
good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years.
I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions.
1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell,
hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be
extremely hot in next few years, but still hot.
2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification
regulators interact w |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 2
这个一大堆人在做,结果乱七八糟。极少令人信服的结果。 不过由于政策的原因,还会热下去的。
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is : good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years. : I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions. : 1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell, : hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be : extremely hot in next few years, but still hot. : 2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification : regulators interact w
s******h 发帖数: 47 | 3 good to know that, any new ideas about hot areas?
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】 : : 这个还会很热,而且会往医学发展很快 : 这个早就热过了,现在做的人已经过多了,再往里钻就是找死,除非你的 : 导师是大牛 : 这个一大堆人在做,结果乱七八糟。极少令人信服的结果。 不过由于政策的原因,还会热下去的。
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 4 关于RNA的话题还会热好一阵子,主要是我们对RNA认识不深,很多现象都没有
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : good to know that, any new ideas about hot areas? : : 还会热下去的。
z*t 发帖数: 863 | 5
但关于DNA甲基化,non-coding RNA仍然有很大的盲区。而且不少epigenetics相关的生
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】 : 关于RNA的话题还会热好一阵子,主要是我们对RNA认识不深,很多现象都没有 : 探索过 : 关于新的生物技术,比方说可控制的基因表达,还有细胞激发等,都会在近10年 : 有比较大的探索。
s******h 发帖数: 47 | 6 I recalled one more:
the functionality of Mitocondrial genes in physiology, pathology, etc.
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is : good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years. : I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions. : 1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell, : hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be : extremely hot in next few years, but still hot. : 2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification : regulators interact w
a***e 发帖数: 1010 | |
a****d 发帖数: 1919 | 8 I say cell trans-differentiation could be hot for the following years. |
w******y 发帖数: 8040 | 9 细胞激发是啥?
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】 : 关于RNA的话题还会热好一阵子,主要是我们对RNA认识不深,很多现象都没有 : 探索过 : 关于新的生物技术,比方说可控制的基因表达,还有细胞激发等,都会在近10年 : 有比较大的探索。
a***e 发帖数: 1010 | 10 大家觉得重新回头去做抗生素怎么样,当然可能发不了好文章了,因为美国人不是很在
乎。 |
s******h 发帖数: 47 | 11 Yeah, there are tons of antibiotics already, ranging from generic to
specific. Even if you can make a new strain of antibiotics, you have to show
how it is ten times better than the existing ones, not mentioning years to
get approved by FDA. I knew there were news/reports talking about super
antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It is always the surviving/selecting battle
between bateria and antibiotics, isn't it? You can not swipe them all no
matter what antibiotics you use.
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 大家觉得重新回头去做抗生素怎么样,当然可能发不了好文章了,因为美国人不是很在 : 乎。
b******d 发帖数: 149 | 12
I want to bring up a point from a different perspective:
multidisciplinary research.
The concept itself is nothing new, but it often creates new
methodologies and approaches to study biological problems, therefore
creates some new research fields and/or revolutionizes an old field or
completely wipes out some. Just name two examples:
Physics + Biology: single molecule, new optical technology for studying
structure, imaging, etc.;
Chemistry + Biology: small mole
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is : good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years. : I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions. : 1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell, : hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be : extremely hot in next few years, but still hot. : 2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification : regulators interact w
s******h 发帖数: 47 | 13 Right, one more example like maths and bioinformatics/biostatistics.Some
great inventions came up as of a hybrid of inter- or multi-disciplinary
However, inter- or multi-disciplinary research is tempting but very
challenging. In order to get something out of it, at least you need to
understand the basics of the related knowledge. Most biology people like
myself, I beleive, do not know much about physics, or maths, or chemistry.
Yeah, we can always learn new stuff, still need courage t
【在 b******d 的大作中提到】 : : is : years. : opinions. : modification : I want to bring up a point from a different perspective: : multidisciplinary research. : The concept itself is nothing new, but it often creates new : methodologies and approaches to study biological problems, therefore : creates some new research fields and/or revolutionizes an old field or
w******y 发帖数: 8040 | 14 呵呵, 后面那段话我同意
就拼命贬低庄晓薇的研究就知道, biologists是感觉到实实在在的威胁了
其实不过是鹰有的时候飞得比鸡低, 尤其是刚起步的时候, 如此而已
【在 b******d 的大作中提到】 : : is : years. : opinions. : modification : I want to bring up a point from a different perspective: : multidisciplinary research. : The concept itself is nothing new, but it often creates new : methodologies and approaches to study biological problems, therefore : creates some new research fields and/or revolutionizes an old field or
l******u 发帖数: 936 | |
l******u 发帖数: 936 | 16 KO 老鼠的研究近年都不会过时, 当然condition & inducible KO的模型更不会过时
关键在于用这个工具关注哪些问题. 将来老鼠模型的趋势将 不是为了机制而机制,
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is : good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years. : I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions. : 1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell, : hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be : extremely hot in next few years, but still hot. : 2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification : regulators interact w
s******e 发帖数: 163 | 17 多学科的参与和技术的更新,总能带给我们很多的新的知识。但是我们研究的问题本身没有多年前刚
有什么头绪的的题目,比如死亡。 |
a***e 发帖数: 1010 | 18 看来我这种超传统的遗传分子生化的人是没出路了。 |
h******g 发帖数: 1521 | 19 开发一个抗生素很难,而且要费大本钱,现在药厂都不大做抗生素的生意了,那玩意儿
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 大家觉得重新回头去做抗生素怎么样,当然可能发不了好文章了,因为美国人不是很在 : 乎。
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 20 yes, more and more people are working on this...infectious disease field
beyond AIDS and bio-terror is gaining
its due respects across biomedicine community...BTw, I haven;t see the several very hot /upcoming field being
even mentioned here...
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 大家觉得重新回头去做抗生素怎么样,当然可能发不了好文章了,因为美国人不是很在 : 乎。
s******h 发帖数: 47 | 21 Then name a few, please.
several very hot /upcoming field being
【在 n********k 的大作中提到】 : yes, more and more people are working on this...infectious disease field : beyond AIDS and bio-terror is gaining : its due respects across biomedicine community...BTw, I haven;t see the several very hot /upcoming field being : even mentioned here...
l******u 发帖数: 936 | 22 immaging.
任何试验结果都比不上亲眼所见. 可以吧ATCG标上颜色, 然后直接用显微镜读出序列,
比什么测序, Chip-chip, chip-seq 都强.
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 大家建议一下什么问题可能开创一个新的研究领域吧
y******8 发帖数: 1764 | 23 wow, this would require sub-nm resolution. Could any in situ
technique achieve this resolution?
【在 l******u 的大作中提到】 : immaging. : 任何试验结果都比不上亲眼所见. 可以吧ATCG标上颜色, 然后直接用显微镜读出序列, : 一并连该序列binding的蛋白都把它看出来. : 比什么测序, Chip-chip, chip-seq 都强.
s*********x 发帖数: 1923 | 24 chip-seq不就是直接从图像中读出DNA序列吗?每个cycle一个bp啊?
【在 l******u 的大作中提到】 : immaging. : 任何试验结果都比不上亲眼所见. 可以吧ATCG标上颜色, 然后直接用显微镜读出序列, : 一并连该序列binding的蛋白都把它看出来. : 比什么测序, Chip-chip, chip-seq 都强.
k*********a 发帖数: 49 | 25 冷门也能让你有口饭吃;job offer再多,一人也只能挑一个;关键在于你做得好不好
academia的残酷越好,觉得适合就做下去,不适合就赶紧撤。Hide in big daddy's
不要追热门,除非拜在祖师门下,否则死相很难看,nobody wants even one more
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is : good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years. : I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions. : 1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell, : hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be : extremely hot in next few years, but still hot. : 2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification : regulators interact w
l**x 发帖数: 52 | 26 没法这么直观吧
【在 l******u 的大作中提到】 : immaging. : 任何试验结果都比不上亲眼所见. 可以吧ATCG标上颜色, 然后直接用显微镜读出序列, : 一并连该序列binding的蛋白都把它看出来. : 比什么测序, Chip-chip, chip-seq 都强.
g*******6 发帖数: 1034 | 27 How about immunology, what will be hot in immunology?
Infectious diseases, Virus, autoimmunity?
By the way, autism will be hot...
IPS is certainly hot, but I don't know how far it will go, Nobel prize has
already been determined, you probably will not have a chance anymore. |
w******y 发帖数: 8040 | 28 autism will be another Alzh,
a lot of money in and nothing out
【在 g*******6 的大作中提到】 : How about immunology, what will be hot in immunology? : Infectious diseases, Virus, autoimmunity? : By the way, autism will be hot... : IPS is certainly hot, but I don't know how far it will go, Nobel prize has : already been determined, you probably will not have a chance anymore.
l******u 发帖数: 936 | 29 chip-seq 不能直观的看见DNA上粘着某个蛋白吧.
【在 s*********x 的大作中提到】 : chip-seq不就是直接从图像中读出DNA序列吗?每个cycle一个bp啊?
l******u 发帖数: 936 | 30 现在的 4Pi 显微镜理论上可以做到碱基之间的分辨率, 但是实际上有些困难,
但是这些东西在immaging技术牛逼后, 迟早可以解决.
【在 y******8 的大作中提到】 : wow, this would require sub-nm resolution. Could any in situ : technique achieve this resolution?
h********n 发帖数: 4079 | 31 楼主你说的field有两种, 一种是技术上的, 一种是生物上的.
我个人的看法, 技术上的, 要多学科的来一起做才有前途; 生物上的嘛, 看什么疾病没
搞清楚, cancer, neuro degeneration... |
s******h 发帖数: 47 | 32 That is right. I am more concerning the biology/subject research field. What
I am thinking is like this:
If you have an very interesting and hot project/question to work with, then
you can use any technology (old or new) to search for an answer, which does
not have to be a mechanism or a solution. It is difficult, but a good
project/area is always a good thing to start with.
【在 h********n 的大作中提到】 : 楼主你说的field有两种, 一种是技术上的, 一种是生物上的. : 我个人的看法, 技术上的, 要多学科的来一起做才有前途; 生物上的嘛, 看什么疾病没 : 搞清楚, cancer, neuro degeneration...
j*****d 发帖数: 787 | 33 I name one: wireless control of neural activity, scooping the optic control.
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is : good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years. : I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions. : 1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell, : hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be : extremely hot in next few years, but still hot. : 2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification : regulators interact w
j**********k 发帖数: 296 | 34 nod!而且,ideas are cheap。只要是真东西,基本都不止一个人在做。你能想到,别
人也能想到;你能做到,别人也能做到。in the end,还是决定于resources(老板)
【在 k*********a 的大作中提到】 : 冷门也能让你有口饭吃;job offer再多,一人也只能挑一个;关键在于你做得好不好 : ,其次在于你跟着谁做,和你做什么field基本无关。出来混总是要还的,越早意识到 : academia的残酷越好,觉得适合就做下去,不适合就赶紧撤。Hide in big daddy's : pocket越久,还幻想“扶上马再送一程”,等真正自己一个人打拼那天有你哭的时候。 : 不要追热门,除非拜在祖师门下,否则死相很难看,nobody wants even one more : competitor,不见得比你去做“冷门”结果好。
n***w 发帖数: 2405 | 35 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100820072031.htm
【在 y******8 的大作中提到】 : wow, this would require sub-nm resolution. Could any in situ : technique achieve this resolution?
D*a 发帖数: 6830 | |
b*********2 发帖数: 35 | 37 Immune cancer therapy
Cancer stem cell
Nanoparticle-based cancer therapy |
y******g 发帖数: 5 | 38 "1. knockouts. every single gene is almost knocked out in 2 ways,
conventional, or conditional."
入门者求教,这句是什么意思? 根据International Knockout Mouse Consortium ,
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Please list a few, not limited to any specific organs or tissues. This is : good for looking for a hot or becoming hot area to work in next few years. : I start first. Of course, it is debatable depending individual opinions. : 1. stem cell related research (cancer stem cell, embronic stem cell, : hematopoietic stem cell, IPS, what ever): I feel it is not gonna be : extremely hot in next few years, but still hot. : 2. Epigenetics, especially to understand how the Chromatin modification : regulators interact w
y******8 发帖数: 1764 | 39 It is a very cool technique. However, I don't think this can be applied as
in situ imaging method.
【在 n***w 的大作中提到】 : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100820072031.htm
s******e 发帖数: 163 | 40 这个未必,如果你先发明了一种技术,可以有1,2年甚至更长时间的技术垄断期,有很
【在 j**********k 的大作中提到】 : nod!而且,ideas are cheap。只要是真东西,基本都不止一个人在做。你能想到,别 : 人也能想到;你能做到,别人也能做到。in the end,还是决定于resources(老板) : 和personality/mentality(自己)。
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 41 say: MacroRNA (not miRNA) biology, synthetic biology(check automa etc) and
systems medicine, genomic
medicine etc etc...these are gonna be upcoming field...When everyone hears
the words, it is already too late or
it is a field waiting for genius/technology/methodolgy/accumulation etc...
【在 s******h 的大作中提到】 : Then name a few, please. : : several very hot /upcoming field being
k*********a 发帖数: 49 | 42 发明新技术这种太偶然,又或者太依赖聪明才智了,小薇jj的成功难复制。且她也算是
先有了足够的resources才搞成发明的,倘若没在Steven Chu lab做过,或许连机会都
【在 s******e 的大作中提到】 : 这个未必,如果你先发明了一种技术,可以有1,2年甚至更长时间的技术垄断期,有很 : 大的机会做出突 : 出的成果。总有人领先,总有人落后,做领先的那些人。
j**********k 发帖数: 296 | 43 nod,postdoc一定得去大lab,先拜山头,和老大混个脸熟
【在 k*********a 的大作中提到】 : 发明新技术这种太偶然,又或者太依赖聪明才智了,小薇jj的成功难复制。且她也算是 : 先有了足够的resources才搞成发明的,倘若没在Steven Chu lab做过,或许连机会都 : 没有。钱和人脉这些resources的重要性怎么说都不为过。academia师承至关重要,不 : 是根正苗红大lab出来的想做到出人头地,难度大多了。很多老中faculty做成牛人了, : 却大都仍要苦哈哈的“继续奋斗下去”,折腾到现在30年了也就冒出俩院士,不就是因 : 为上头没人罩么。
p*******r 发帖数: 4048 | 44
嗯,我最近对三个课题比较感兴趣: 长生不老,返老还童,意识的机制。
【在 s******e 的大作中提到】 : 多学科的参与和技术的更新,总能带给我们很多的新的知识。但是我们研究的问题本身没有多年前刚 : 开始的时候那么振奋人心。 : 有一些基本的问题很有意思,研究起来却非常困难。比如意识。还有一些看起来简单,但到现在还没 : 有什么头绪的的题目,比如死亡。
p*******r 发帖数: 4048 | 45 Agreed.
【在 w******y 的大作中提到】 : autism will be another Alzh, : a lot of money in and nothing out
p*******r 发帖数: 4048 | 46 macroRNA is very interesting.
【在 n********k 的大作中提到】 : say: MacroRNA (not miRNA) biology, synthetic biology(check automa etc) and : systems medicine, genomic : medicine etc etc...these are gonna be upcoming field...When everyone hears : the words, it is already too late or : it is a field waiting for genius/technology/methodolgy/accumulation etc...
p****y 发帖数: 23737 | 47 真研究出长生不老的方法,对这个世界是毁灭性的大灾难。
【在 p*******r 的大作中提到】 : macroRNA is very interesting. : : and : hears : etc...
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 48 不能光想着被人罩着,也得琢磨一下为什么30年了才这么点影响力。很多人做了
【在 k*********a 的大作中提到】 : 发明新技术这种太偶然,又或者太依赖聪明才智了,小薇jj的成功难复制。且她也算是 : 先有了足够的resources才搞成发明的,倘若没在Steven Chu lab做过,或许连机会都 : 没有。钱和人脉这些resources的重要性怎么说都不为过。academia师承至关重要,不 : 是根正苗红大lab出来的想做到出人头地,难度大多了。很多老中faculty做成牛人了, : 却大都仍要苦哈哈的“继续奋斗下去”,折腾到现在30年了也就冒出俩院士,不就是因 : 为上头没人罩么。
j**********k 发帖数: 296 | 49 不是说跟着牛人就一定能被罩着的,越牛的人其实越不愿意花时间精力去罩没用的人,
【在 O******e 的大作中提到】 : 不能光想着被人罩着,也得琢磨一下为什么30年了才这么点影响力。很多人做了 : PI还是停留在自己的三分利益上,不去花力气扶持手下人,也不好好增进华人彼此 : 间的合作互助。不改变这些,华人在学术圈只能处于边缘或者中下层。
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 50 Interested in this...it is gonna be one of my major focus if I can get a
lab started in a y or two...so maybe we can collaborate...
【在 p*******r 的大作中提到】 : macroRNA is very interesting. : : and : hears : etc...
w***r 发帖数: 709 | 51 有啥interesting的?
【在 p*******r 的大作中提到】 : macroRNA is very interesting. : : and : hears : etc...
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 52 sounds an expert working in the related field and KO is certainly one very
important way to define their
importance...anyhow, Could you pls elaborate your point of view a bit more...
I am fundamentally a believer of RNA biology, meaning RNA including micro
and macro RNA presumably
consists a major if not the major role of epigenetics: regulating gene
expression and chromosome
biology...and Xist is an amazing example but just a tip of the iceberg...if
the definition of your "interesting" is
【在 w***r 的大作中提到】 : 有啥interesting的? : 和Xist有什么不同吗? : 除了做个KO,还能干啥?
z*t 发帖数: 863 | 53 can't agree more, macroRNA is sure have great potential to dig, because it's
large,it can take the amazing job like interacting with protein,trans or
cis interact with different genome region.So I think it's interesting
Because it's big, the stereo structure of marcoRNA give it more property
than microRNA
【在 n********k 的大作中提到】 : sounds an expert working in the related field and KO is certainly one very : important way to define their : importance...anyhow, Could you pls elaborate your point of view a bit more... : I am fundamentally a believer of RNA biology, meaning RNA including micro : and macro RNA presumably : consists a major if not the major role of epigenetics: regulating gene : expression and chromosome : biology...and Xist is an amazing example but just a tip of the iceberg...if : the definition of your "interesting" is : to
w***r 发帖数: 709 | 54 俺不是专家。呵呵。只读了一篇review。
只是不觉得这种 resource-driven 的研究有什么意思。
【在 n********k 的大作中提到】 : sounds an expert working in the related field and KO is certainly one very : important way to define their : importance...anyhow, Could you pls elaborate your point of view a bit more... : I am fundamentally a believer of RNA biology, meaning RNA including micro : and macro RNA presumably : consists a major if not the major role of epigenetics: regulating gene : expression and chromosome : biology...and Xist is an amazing example but just a tip of the iceberg...if : the definition of your "interesting" is : to
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 55 I c, then keep open-minded...BTW, where did you get the idea--macroRNA study
has to be resource-driven,
sounds very green to me...
【在 w***r 的大作中提到】 : 俺不是专家。呵呵。只读了一篇review。 : 只是不觉得这种 resource-driven 的研究有什么意思。 : 如果说奖的话,我更看好应用研究。如果说发CNS,那没有问题。 : : ... : micro : if : who
w***r 发帖数: 709 | 56 这个问题思路基本上是这样的,
1,generate KO mice,otherwise,how do we know if it is indeed important or
2. large scale profiling the chromosome epigenetic status in KO cells.
3. purify macro-RNA binding protein.
【在 n********k 的大作中提到】 : I c, then keep open-minded...BTW, where did you get the idea--macroRNA study : has to be resource-driven, : sounds very green to me...
s*****j 发帖数: 6435 | 57 4Pi 就是在z方向上分辨率提高(x4), 到不了碱基.
imaging碱基可以做, 但靠的不是光学的分辨率,而是染色的分辨率.
【在 l******u 的大作中提到】 : 现在的 4Pi 显微镜理论上可以做到碱基之间的分辨率, 但是实际上有些困难, : 但是这些东西在immaging技术牛逼后, 迟早可以解决.
s*****j 发帖数: 6435 | 58 现在生物研究, 搞技术才是正道.
象小葳JJ的STORM, stephen hell的STED, Litchman的brainbow等等.
写片paper一堆Hypothesis, 意义实在是不大.
【在 h********n 的大作中提到】 : 楼主你说的field有两种, 一种是技术上的, 一种是生物上的. : 我个人的看法, 技术上的, 要多学科的来一起做才有前途; 生物上的嘛, 看什么疾病没 : 搞清楚, cancer, neuro degeneration...