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Biology版 - Re: About protein size, any suggestion?
如果His tagged protein is present in the soluble fraction, 是否可以直接做kinetic assay?求推荐:96 well plate 哪家公司的比较好?
关于nuclear loading control的问题Position Available: Associate Scientist, High Throughput Screening/Assay Development
求subcellular fractionation 的protocol或kit推荐Good antibodies of CBP, p300 and GRIP1/SRC-2 for WB and CHIP?
Histone H3可以做nuclear fraction positive marker吗?copy number of TF or Co-activator
求推荐Nucleo-cytoplasmic fractionation的kit又来麻烦大家来。。。。
做了cell fractionation以后, nucleus里面啥都没了。。。yeast synthetic rescue 怎么分析?
NGS/Array Job opportunity -IlluminaCHIP from tissue?
Temp position:RA in Genentech (转载)这装置真能通过脑电波控制想做的事? 还是只是个想法,没精确性?
话题: protein话题: assay话题: size话题: ip话题: about
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 70
is there IP assay available? i think it is necessary if you
can fractionate the protein by columns (many biochemcal stuffs
that i am not familiar, which i read from purification of
p300 transcription factor, i think people in this area knows
a lot). then do the assay to see which fraction has the
activity (is this specific reaction?) thus you know the effective
is this endogenous or expressed protein? guess it is
endogenous, given the big size. try IP with the antibody and
do the assay. or
1 (共1页)
这装置真能通过脑电波控制想做的事? 还是只是个想法,没精确性?求推荐Nucleo-cytoplasmic fractionation的kit
p300和H3k4m1 antibody推荐做了cell fractionation以后, nucleus里面啥都没了。。。
Retraction: Functional dissection of lysine deacetylases reveals that HDAC1 and p300 regulate AMPKNGS/Array Job opportunity -Illumina
该文章的第一作者是不是畏罪自杀?Temp position:RA in Genentech (转载)
如果His tagged protein is present in the soluble fraction, 是否可以直接做kinetic assay?求推荐:96 well plate 哪家公司的比较好?
关于nuclear loading control的问题Position Available: Associate Scientist, High Throughput Screening/Assay Development
求subcellular fractionation 的protocol或kit推荐Good antibodies of CBP, p300 and GRIP1/SRC-2 for WB and CHIP?
Histone H3可以做nuclear fraction positive marker吗?copy number of TF or Co-activator
话题: protein话题: assay话题: size话题: ip话题: about