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Basketball版 - Uncalled Fouls on Jeremy Lin Suspicious of Racial Bias
NBA 回复about Uncalled Fouls on Jeremy Lin Suspicious of Racial Bias媒体的bias真是小强,永远不死
谁知道给nba compaint的emai地址?come on, those fouls are fine.
小林被恶意犯规的视频NBA replied regarding the foul committed by Jason Kidd on
###此帖已应当事人要求删除###NBA considering significant rule changes
NBA locks out refs(zz from yahoo)Duncan: My FIBA Career Is Over(ZT)
nba裁判薪水55w光头裁判 Joe Crawford
话题: lin话题: nba话题: racial话题: fouls话题: bias
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4860
Video of Uncalled Fouls on Jeremy Lin Raises Suspicion of Racial Bias in the
As an Asian American playing basketball in the US, Jeremy Lin has
experienced all sorts of racial prejudice, especially during his college
years at Harvard. That’s why when he entered the NBA, he vowed to break
racial stereotypes.
“I feel like Asians in general don’t get the respect that we may deserve
whether it comes to sports, basketball, or whatever it might be,” Lin said
in an online interview in 2011.
Five years and five NBA teams later, the undeniably talented point guard of
Taiwanese descent still seems to be battling racial bias on the court.
A YouTube video posted earlier this month points out that Lin has been
experiencing a ridiculous amount of unfair officiating throughout his NBA
In the video, Lin is seen getting hit in the face or head multiple times.
Instead of the referees calling a flagrant foul, however, they only call
regular fouls or at times none at all. Lin is also shown once in the video
bleeding from his nose after getting hit in the face but no foul was called.
Suspecting that racial bias is somehow connected to the chronic no-calls,
the video’s creator included a letter attributed to Jenny & KP Chan and
directed to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver saying, “As fans of the NBA and
its players, we care deeply about the quality and integrity of the game and
the safety of the players… When we see dubious officiating by the NBA
referees, we cannot help but question the integrity of the game at its very
He also points out how referees’ officiating can be faulty: “Throughout
Lin’s six years in the NBA, we have continuously witnessed Lin as the
recipient of numerous hard fouls with unnecessary and excessive force by
other players. In these cases, the referees either didn’t make the calls or
made incorrect calls.”
“It’s disheartening to see Lin’s mistreatment by the NBA referees. As
fans, we ask you to please review this matter seriously and to take action.”
While the video is making rounds in social media, the NBA has yet to
officially respond.
发帖数: 1441


【在 M****o 的大作中提到】
: Video of Uncalled Fouls on Jeremy Lin Raises Suspicion of Racial Bias in the
: http://nextshark.com/jeremy-lin-flagrant-fouls/
: As an Asian American playing basketball in the US, Jeremy Lin has
: experienced all sorts of racial prejudice, especially during his college
: years at Harvard. That’s why when he entered the NBA, he vowed to break
: racial stereotypes.
: “I feel like Asians in general don’t get the respect that we may deserve
: whether it comes to sports, basketball, or whatever it might be,” Lin said
: in an online interview in 2011.

发帖数: 4860
Jason Terry is a motherfxxcker


【在 M****o 的大作中提到】
: Video of Uncalled Fouls on Jeremy Lin Raises Suspicion of Racial Bias in the
: http://nextshark.com/jeremy-lin-flagrant-fouls/
: As an Asian American playing basketball in the US, Jeremy Lin has
: experienced all sorts of racial prejudice, especially during his college
: years at Harvard. That’s why when he entered the NBA, he vowed to break
: racial stereotypes.
: “I feel like Asians in general don’t get the respect that we may deserve
: whether it comes to sports, basketball, or whatever it might be,” Lin said
: in an online interview in 2011.

发帖数: 4532
发帖数: 737
I hardly use Fxxx word, but this time it is only by own mean.

【在 M****o 的大作中提到】
: Jason Terry is a motherfxxcker
: the
: said

1 (共1页)
where was that foul? Bull shitNBA locks out refs(zz from yahoo)
Bulls beat Cals and refereesnba裁判薪水55w
sent a message to complain Kidd's behavior to Lin from this web比肩这一场了吧?
NBA 回复about Uncalled Fouls on Jeremy Lin Suspicious of Racial Bias媒体的bias真是小强,永远不死
谁知道给nba compaint的emai地址?come on, those fouls are fine.
小林被恶意犯规的视频NBA replied regarding the foul committed by Jason Kidd on
###此帖已应当事人要求删除###NBA considering significant rule changes
话题: lin话题: nba话题: racial话题: fouls话题: bias