o*******d 发帖数: 989 | 1 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA,
如此神奇? |
r****c 发帖数: 1494 | |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 3 他一直有能力,但是没有机会。作为控卫他也更依赖于体系,单打能力
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
s***d 发帖数: 81 | |
c******t 发帖数: 2478 | 5 n投1中的人很多啊,一场搞十几分的多,连续5,6场搞20+的不多
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 很多人你让他打满全场,搞十几分都不是问题。
w**4 发帖数: 18 | |
h*****8 发帖数: 4754 | 7 desperate coach made a desperate move.
It turns out to be a genius move.
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | |
c********n 发帖数: 4762 | 9 他可以神, 因为nba常规赛以表演为主, 怎么造神都可以。
不过他的实力的确有。 |
H********o 发帖数: 3625 | 10 他一直就不错。
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
e********3 发帖数: 18578 | 11 这个版上很多人(包括我)09年开始就看好林书豪了,至于能力,很多时候教练根本都
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
l******t 发帖数: 12659 | 12 可以去找舟子,呵呵
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
s*u 发帖数: 1778 | 13 有团队lol
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
G****s 发帖数: 3523 | 14 lol
【在 r****c 的大作中提到】 : 一定是代打的。
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 15 一直都很优秀,但是以前没有表现机会
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
l********o 发帖数: 4272 | 16 where is 方肘子...
【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】 : 这个要请方肘子来打假。
m**********n 发帖数: 27535 | 17 小林子命中率不错,不是靠出手次数刷出来的分
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 很多人你让他打满全场,搞十几分都不是问题。
A*****i 发帖数: 3587 | |
j*********5 发帖数: 6221 | 19 你不会不知道,lin其实是姚明整了容再次征战nba的啊
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
e***t 发帖数: 14386 | 20 姚明是工藤新一?
【在 j*********5 的大作中提到】 : 你不会不知道,lin其实是姚明整了容再次征战nba的啊
r****r 发帖数: 107 | |
f**********5 发帖数: 1073 | |
Y**L 发帖数: 397 | |
j*****n 发帖数: 85 | |
f******d 发帖数: 537 | 25 Jason Terry is here
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 很多人你让他打满全场,搞十几分都不是问题。
h******8 发帖数: 3624 | |
r********3 发帖数: 2998 | 27 如果没有潜力,他在高中队里面就没有位置了。他在哈佛校队里面,基本上是所有进攻
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
J**J 发帖数: 510 | |
x**********g 发帖数: 618 | 29 穿越了?
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
b********7 发帖数: 130 | 30 Some people 大器晚成. Even Tom Brady was not recognized at the beginning. |
y****t 发帖数: 9189 | 31 火箭放弃lin是说得过去的。毕竟lowry已经证明了自己,坐稳了首发。另外还有穷人版
【在 r********3 的大作中提到】 : 如果没有潜力,他在高中队里面就没有位置了。他在哈佛校队里面,基本上是所有进攻 : 发起者。在哈佛这种烂队里面,实力已经很突出了。 : 09年看到他在勇士队跟火箭队的打了5分钟。很明显,进攻和突破很犀利。多上几分钟 : ,火箭队就难说了。至于勇士队教练为什么不重用他,那是教练的问题。 : 火箭队需要的控卫是能够硬抗的后卫。你看火箭队的洛瑞就明白了。因为火箭队的头号 : 得分手马丁是几乎没有防守能力的,所以需要一个强壮的控卫有能力硬抗任何一个位置 : 的外线球员。显然,防守这关的强度林同学还达不到。 : 纽约有足够对的防守球员,而且内线接应球员也很多。所以,控卫能够专心在组织进攻 : 上。这点和林同学在哈佛校队的打法很一致,所以就比较合适了。 : 严格来说。任何一个NBA球员,能够从高中队里面选拔拿全奖进入大学篮球队,都是有
j********d 发帖数: 157 | 32 Business decision. At the end, NBA is a business, and making max profit is
the core value for the boss. Everything else, skill / race / schedule / etc
are there to support the core. After Yao, there might be several market
segment analysis showing NBA is making less money from American Chinese/
Asian and in asian countries than Yao times or less expected GDP growth rate
, and these reports suggest to have a Asian super star to change this. The
bosses review the reports and nod the suggestion. So there must be an Asian
super star in NBA, and Lin was well prepared to play this role for NBA (so
the bosses can make as much as money as possible). Lin was capable to do
well in this role before, but in Yao times, there was no need of Lin.
Recently, Jeremy Yang and Jeremy Hu might have been given the opportunity in
search of Yao's replacement, but they were not excellent enough to satisfy
the boss. So the opportunity come to Lin, and he grabbed the opportunity
instantly and the boss are very pleased and said, "he is the man, nail it
down". Of course, if Jeremy Lin can't do well, there will be Jeremy Wang or
Jeremy Zhang to rise until bosses are happy and money flow in their pocket.
I am not in any NBA board of member, so this is a pure guess. |
e***t 发帖数: 14386 | 33 有时间打这么多废字也不简单。。
【在 j********d 的大作中提到】 : Business decision. At the end, NBA is a business, and making max profit is : the core value for the boss. Everything else, skill / race / schedule / etc : are there to support the core. After Yao, there might be several market : segment analysis showing NBA is making less money from American Chinese/ : Asian and in asian countries than Yao times or less expected GDP growth rate : , and these reports suggest to have a Asian super star to change this. The : bosses review the reports and nod the suggestion. So there must be an Asian : super star in NBA, and Lin was well prepared to play this role for NBA (so : the bosses can make as much as money as possible). Lin was capable to do : well in this role before, but in Yao times, there was no need of Lin.
j******l 发帖数: 10445 | 34 你一定是方舟子。
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
j******l 发帖数: 10445 | 35 说明“亚裔/哈佛”的体育球星在美国职业体坛被歧视是普遍现象。
一旦消除歧视,亚裔立刻脱颖而出。 |
j********d 发帖数: 157 | 36 Just like Lin and NBA games, trying to entertain people like you who may watch games or read a post on this board.
Of course, he and other NBA players are making millions a year, and their
bosses are making billions by doing so and did it well. They know what they
are doing and insisted their fair share in dividing the money when they
were at the table neogiating salaries that delay this NBA season several
I was doing it for fun - sorry if I didn't do well in entertaining people,
which I may learn and improve as time pasts.
To 发信人: emsct (K-Pop), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Re: 有个疑问,林书豪为什么突然这么神
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 21 12:30:40 2012, 美东)
有时间打这么多废字也不简单。。 |
m***6 发帖数: 8479 | 37 据说他以前就很厉害,不过NBA里面种族歧视太严重,差点把他埋没了
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的
r***d 发帖数: 162 | 38 Don’t give second guess from armchair. Jeremy has such capabilities to play
well in NBA. It just happens to be an Asian-American in this moment,
nothing else. He played well in high school and college. Before the NBA
draft, there was even some kind of prediction that he will be chosen in
second round by LA Lakers. I don’t think Jeremy’s popularity is due to
some big boss’s business decision. Also, shrinking GDP has nothing to do
with YAO. I don’t think a single human being has such powder to influence
the whole economy. What you said feels like a fiction not reality.
【在 j********d 的大作中提到】 : Business decision. At the end, NBA is a business, and making max profit is : the core value for the boss. Everything else, skill / race / schedule / etc : are there to support the core. After Yao, there might be several market : segment analysis showing NBA is making less money from American Chinese/ : Asian and in asian countries than Yao times or less expected GDP growth rate : , and these reports suggest to have a Asian super star to change this. The : bosses review the reports and nod the suggestion. So there must be an Asian : super star in NBA, and Lin was well prepared to play this role for NBA (so : the bosses can make as much as money as possible). Lin was capable to do : well in this role before, but in Yao times, there was no need of Lin.
j********d 发帖数: 157 | 39 It looks I didn't get the points crossed well. First, I was not discounting
Lin's capacity, there is no question Lin is excellent and he was and is in
a sharp state to grab the opportunity when it appears. My point is that NBA
need one (and probably just one, or two) Asian super star to make sure NBA
markets well in Asian population and Asian countries. Yao was the man for
several years, which is the reason other Asian players did get much
opportunity when Yao was serving the role so well for NBA. Now that Yao
time is gone and other Asian player get the opportunity to compete to be the
man. Lin grab the opportunity and probably win the boss's endorsement
before other asian players. There are probably more than a half dozen (
maybe a dozen) Asian players including Lin who can serve this role well for
NBA. Unfortunitely, NBA just need one (or two) of them to be super star.
Yao was the pick for the past, and Lin is probably the current pick (as it
appears that he has gained the boss's endorsement), and the cold side is
that others will continue to be on the side seat (like Lin in the past). If
Jeremy Chen or Jeremy Zhang win boss's endorsement before Jeremy Lin, Lin
will continue stay on the side seat no matter how excellent he is, simply
because NBA doesn't need another Asian super star if there is already one.
Again, this is guess, trying to entertain the readers with a possible answer
to the question asked in the original post.
One thing for sure is that if things are not moving in the direction of boss
's interest, it need to be changed even if it cause all games to be delayed
(like this NBA season, money talks), right? So, definitely, Lin's rise
currently has NBA boss's nod, otherwise he will at at side seat again like
before no matter how excellent he is.
【在 r***d 的大作中提到】 : Don’t give second guess from armchair. Jeremy has such capabilities to play : well in NBA. It just happens to be an Asian-American in this moment, : nothing else. He played well in high school and college. Before the NBA : draft, there was even some kind of prediction that he will be chosen in : second round by LA Lakers. I don’t think Jeremy’s popularity is due to : some big boss’s business decision. Also, shrinking GDP has nothing to do : with YAO. I don’t think a single human being has such powder to influence : the whole economy. What you said feels like a fiction not reality. : : etc
e***t 发帖数: 14386 | 40 ......Do you know how many asian players are in NBA right now? Not to say
East Asian.
【在 j********d 的大作中提到】 : It looks I didn't get the points crossed well. First, I was not discounting : Lin's capacity, there is no question Lin is excellent and he was and is in : a sharp state to grab the opportunity when it appears. My point is that NBA : need one (and probably just one, or two) Asian super star to make sure NBA : markets well in Asian population and Asian countries. Yao was the man for : several years, which is the reason other Asian players did get much : opportunity when Yao was serving the role so well for NBA. Now that Yao : time is gone and other Asian player get the opportunity to compete to be the : man. Lin grab the opportunity and probably win the boss's endorsement : before other asian players. There are probably more than a half dozen (
c*****l 发帖数: 3551 | |
x**i 发帖数: 2627 | 42 别人为啥要让你出场那么久,你当教练是傻子啊
【在 s***d 的大作中提到】 : 很多人你让他打满全场,搞十几分都不是问题。
x**i 发帖数: 2627 | 43 同意,就像ESPN分析的,他自己的得分能力也是相当不错
【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】 : 他一直有能力,但是没有机会。作为控卫他也更依赖于体系,单打能力 : 并不算出众。
x**i 发帖数: 2627 | 44 版主有问题,这种帖子应该长期置顶的。。。
【在 H********o 的大作中提到】 : 他一直就不错。 : 只不过你一直不看球,所以不知道。 : 几年前这个版就再讨论林书豪进NBA会如何
e***t 发帖数: 14386 | 45 太简单了,因为种族,别人不信任。
【在 o*******d 的大作中提到】 : 我不是球迷,不大关心NBA, : 但最近很多林神奇的新闻, : 就看了一下,有个问题不明白, : 像这种竞赛技术技艺应该是日积月累, : 在训练中逐步加强的吧, : 即使是有量变到质变的爆发, : 那之前的潜力都没人注意? : 进了NBA打球,教练都看不出来, : 还被(勇士及火箭)裁掉? : 怎么进了尼克斯队就突然表现的