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Astronomy版 - Galactic Graveyard: 1,000 Relics of Dying Stars[z
Astronomy Picture of Day: Planetary NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula from VLT
Galactic Merger[zz][转载] Re: 1054年7月4日
Astronomy Picture of Day: Interstellar DustAstronomy Picture of Day: Pelican nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Galactic CenterAstronomy Picture of Day: the Cat's Eye
Astronomy Picture of Day: X-rays of Galactic CentAstronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Magnetar & Giant FlareAstronomy Picture of Day: Cocoon Nebula
NGC 2440(英文原文)PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Crown of Diamonds, Veil Nebula
蝴蝶状的“派碧隆”(Papillon)星云揭示大质量恒星诞生之谜(英文原文)PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Basket Weave Nebula
话题: dying话题: stars话题: relics话题: graveyard话题: galactic
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 07:00 am ET
11 April 2002
Astronomers have found the remnants of a thousand dead and dying stars in the
southern part of the Milky Way Galaxy they described as a galactic graveyard.
The findings, from a new sky survey, roughly doubles the known number of so-
called planetary nebulae. These are a poorly named class of objects that
represent the relics of stars that have made their dying gasps by casting
waves of gas and dust into space to create o
1 (共1页)
PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Basket Weave NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: X-rays of Galactic Cent
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ghost NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Magnetar & Giant Flare
Astronomy Picture of Day: Thor's HelmetNGC 2440(英文原文)
Astronomy Picture of Day: M17: Star Factory蝴蝶状的“派碧隆”(Papillon)星云揭示大质量恒星诞生之谜(英文原文)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Planetary NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula from VLT
Galactic Merger[zz][转载] Re: 1054年7月4日
Astronomy Picture of Day: Interstellar DustAstronomy Picture of Day: Pelican nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Galactic CenterAstronomy Picture of Day: the Cat's Eye
话题: dying话题: stars话题: relics话题: graveyard话题: galactic