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Apple版 - Apple Announces 2012 Summer Filmmaking Camps for Kids
Apple retail store为8-12岁孩子提供free workshop~~这台imac配置如何?
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话题: apple话题: camps话题: filmmaking话题: summer话题: kids
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3492
Wed, 20 Jun 2012 08:40:30 PDT
As it has done in some previous years, Apple is again offering free summer
camps for kids at its retail stores, focusing on filmmaking using iMovie.
Each session of the camp, which is targeted at children ages 8-12, includes
two 90-minute weekday workshops where students will learn about filmmaking
and then create their films in iMovie using footage shot themselves. The
session concludes with an optional Saturday morning film festival in which
participants can screen their films for friends and family.
At Apple Camp, kids ages 8-12 learn how to shoot their own footage, create
an original song in GarageBand on an iPad, and put it all together in iMovie
on a Mac. This free workshop, held at Apple Retail Stores, spans three days
and ends with campers debuting their masterpieces at the Apple Camp Film
Festival. Space is limited and workshops fill up quickly, so sign up now for
a super-creative adventure.
The first camp groups begin on July 23, with stores offering as many as 12
separate groups between then and late August to help meet demand. Camps
groups are, however, already filling up at some locations, and those
interested in participating should move quickly to secure spots at the
locations of their choice.
Signups are currently available for programs at Apple retail stores in the
United States and Canada. Apple's European, Chinese, and Japanses sites
indicate that schedules and signups should be coming soon for summer camps,
while Australia will see its camps arrive in September.
1 (共1页)
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Apple retail store为8-12岁孩子提供free workshop~~这台imac配置如何?
求推一个简单的音轨编辑软件.iMovie 9.0.6 Released to Support Retina MacBook Pro [Mac Blog]
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话题: apple话题: camps话题: filmmaking话题: summer话题: kids