L*****2 发帖数: 66 | 1 I am building a survival model with few indepdent varaible being time
dependent. The values of these variables are not known in the future, for
instance, Bureau Score. In other words, when predicting the responses over
time starting at a certain point, we only know the values at that point,
not the values after that. My question is: should we use values at the
observation time for these variables or use the updated values over time in
the model development? |
h***x 发帖数: 586 | 2 For created variable such as Y/X, it is fine to include it into the model
once it makes sense in business, or in the field the model will be applied
如果variable不make sense,就算在线性,再significant,也不能用。 |
l******o 发帖数: 3764 | 3 to the one upstairs, first thanks much for your reply
"define your own dictionary" means lists all variable names in the way I'd
like them to be? If so, it's not practical for me as I have too many
Maybe I'll try STATA tech support |
p********1 发帖数: 1011 | 4 我的这个sample超级大,快10万了。我担心的是:model和variables全都significant
是因为sample size太大。
logistic regression会不会因为sample size太大而导致model和variables总是
significant? |
p********1 发帖数: 1011 | 5 Exp(B)只有categories有,variable没有 (我用的spss)。 是看exp(B)大的那个
category? 可是我想知道哪些variables是predictors.
"OR非常大的variable", 非常大是大于多少算非常大?
另外,对于sample size很大的data,都应该看哪些参数? |
d*********k 发帖数: 1239 | 6 How can I loop through a list of strings as variables in a model?
举个例子啊 数组 mydata
response predictor1 predictor2 predictor3 predictor4
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
如果弄loop的simple regression的时候,最笨的方法是
for (i in 2:ncol(mydata))
summary(lm(response~mydata[,i], data = mydata))
我想怎么弄一个loop through a list of strings as variables? 用names(mydata)
之类的? 应该怎么弄呢?谢谢啦啊 |
p*****V 发帖数: 43 | 7 Anybody know what's the SAS V5 variable? This variable is related to
clinical trial data. Thank you. |
h******e 发帖数: 1791 | 8 length of variable name <= 8 and length of variable label <= 40 |
s*********h 发帖数: 6288 | 9 thanks!
Do I need to declare variable?
Is this SQL server version? I think teradata doesn't have @ symbol for macro
Also if @aaa = 'FEB'
and I want to write a file name called 'FEBawesome'
can I do '@aaa;awesome' |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 10 I mean to pretend a variable as a file, so that another code
that use myterious method to read file can get date from my variable |
n**m 发帖数: 156 | 11 For example,if I have gender in the regression formula. My data has 90 Male
and 10 Female.
I know it is not good to have two groups so unbalanced. The estimate of
gender will have relative big standard error. Is there any other downside
for including it as explanatory variable?
What if it is a dependent variable in logistic regression?
Thanks. |
r******o 发帖数: 81 | 12 其实我就是想在一个data step中创建一个macro variable: testvar,但是还需要紧接
着就可以用这个macro variable来创建一个新变量:a2。
我知道call symput创建的macro var必须先把当前data step关闭才可以调用,请问还
data test1;
input a b c;
1 1 1
data test2;
set test1;
do i = 1 to 2;
a1 = i;
call symput('testvar',a1);
%put &testvar.;
a2 = &testvar.; *ALL I want is to get a2 = 1 for the first record and 2 for
the second record in a dynamic way;
run |
s***h 发帖数: 26 | 13 实在不好意思打扰了,我最近在做一个research遇到了以下几个问题,希望能够向版上
1. 我的原始数据missing rate相当严重(总rate 50%,每个variable的 missing rate
大概在1%-20%左右)。我使用了R里面的MICE去fill进去这些missing value,但是它的
默认setting是5个sub imputation datasets,我想问问看有什么办法能够把它们合成
者直接在MICE的情况下run regression。我想问问看有没有使用过MICE的人有没有什么
2. 我的dataset原始variable数量很多(80+),其中90%是categorical变量,在R里面
有没有快速看变量之间correlation的方法(cor function应该是不适合看categorical
3. 如果我使用一些比较raw的方法删掉了一批变... 阅读全帖 |
s***h 发帖数: 26 | 14 实在不好意思打扰了,我最近在做一个research遇到了以下几个问题,希望能够向版上
1. 我的原始数据missing rate相当严重(总rate 50%,每个variable的 missing rate
大概在1%-20%左右)。我使用了R里面的MICE去fill进去这些missing value,但是它的
默认setting是5个sub imputation datasets,我想问问看有什么办法能够把它们合成
者直接在MICE的情况下run regression。我想问问看有没有使用过MICE的人有没有什么
2. 我的dataset原始variable数量很多(80+),其中90%是categorical变量,在R里面
有没有快速看变量之间correlation的方法(cor function应该是不适合看categorical
3. 如果我使用一些比较raw的方法删掉了一批变... 阅读全帖 |
t******u 发帖数: 345 | 15 每次转换variable的format 和 informat都特别痛苦,尤其是日期相关的情况,一直不
Variable Original Wanted Sample
# Name informat informat value
1 zip best6. $5. 37000
00237 new_zip = put (zip, $5.);
2 usage $8. 8.2 1234... 阅读全帖 |
S*********1 发帖数: 105 | 16 可以把categorical variables变成dummy variables,再用PCA。 |
m**********r 发帖数: 122 | 17 我现在有一个15个variable的回归模型。 有什么系统性的方法去检测他们中间有哪些
是interaction的。这些variable中有numerical的, 也有categorical或者binary的。 |
E**********e 发帖数: 1736 | 18 【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: ExpressoLove (MoneyForNothing), 信区: Statistics
标 题: PCA 可以用在mixture of continuous 和categorical variables
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 17 18:03:19 2015, 美东)
据我了解, pca用在continous variables 比较合理。categorical one怎计算
covariance matrix啊? |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 20 Amazon.com has the Breville BJE510XL Ikon 900-Watt Variable-Speed Juice
Extractor for $159.99 with FS.
For all you health fanatics.....
This is a highly rated juicer and its the cheapest its ever been. This is
the cheapest by $40. [Note this is not a refurb.]
* 900-watt stainless-steel juice extractor with 5 speeds
* Speeds range from 6500 rpm to 12500 rpm for maximum extraction
* 3-inch circular feed tube; bac... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 21 Amazon
Dirt Devil ND20500PC 10-1/2-Amp Variable Speed 200 MPH Electric Leaf Blower/
Free shipping
2 In 1 performance - blower and vacuum in one
Corded convenience give you unlimited runtime for all jobs
Variable speed lets you control speed up to 200 MPH depending on surface and
Fine tip blower for controlling your blowing
16:1 Mulching ratio mulches debris into small amounts to go into your
attached cloth b... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 22 Crosman 760 Pump Master Variable Pump BB Repeater/Single Shot Pellet Rifle
Crosman 760 Air Rifle
Full-scale replica of pneumatic rifle compatible with small BBs or pellets
Looks, feels, weighs, and functions just like a real rifle, but safer
Velocity of up to 625 fps (BBs) and 600 fps (pellets)
18-shot BB magazine or 5-shot pellet clip; 200-shot reservoir
Fiber-optic sight; compatible with scope or red-dot sight
The Cros... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 23 Walmart:
has a George Foreman 80" Grill with Variable Temperature for $15.00 with
free to store shipping or .97 shipping. Amazon has it for $38
George Foreman 80" Grill with Variable Temperature, Painted Platinum:
George-tough nonstick coating
Signature foreman heating elements
Fixed plates
Dishwasher-safe drip tray
Easy to clean
Patented slope design removes up to 42 percent of fat
n*******n 发帖数: 407 | 24 Dispersive order: Let X and Y be random variables with quantile functions F-
1 and G-1 respectively. If F-1(b)- F-1(a) <= G-1(b)- G-1(a) whenever 0
< 1; then X is said to be smaller than Y in the dispersive order. |
t*********h 发帖数: 941 | 25 variable timing xxx 最后一个词没听清 坏了 dashboard显示 engine malfunction
这个东西干嘛的? 严重吗? |
o**********t 发帖数: 406 | 26 有开 Continuously variable transmission 的朋友说说体验?
不要理论,只要亲身感受。谢谢。 |
X***9 发帖数: 7385 | 27 新civic引擎上使用了本田第一次的同时可以变换控制进气和排气凸轮轴的vtc系统
A new 2.0L DOHC i-VTEC® 4-cylinder that makes 158 peak horsepower, 15
more than the outgoing 1.8-liter. It has Variable Timing Control (VTC) on
both the intake and exhaust camshafts. |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 28 刚看到老帖,很受教育,顶一下,
还请问,我现在的 403b 退休账号就是 个 variable annuity 性质的,的确发现,买
funds时,fee要多 1%,那么是不是应该赶快 转成 MF 性质的。
annual |
a****l 发帖数: 245 | 29 There is a platform with embeded c++ compiler, it implements all the
function except static function, design a Singleton without using static
member variable or static function.
有什么好方法? |
U*********y 发帖数: 54 | 30 写recursive的程序时, 经常会需要建某个variable或data structure,然后多次用到它
并需要它maintain value between calls. 一般有两种方法可以选择, 一种可以在
recursive的函数里declare它static; 另一种是在函数的wrapper里declare它然后pass by
一直想知道哪种方法更好,大家有没有什么见解? |
l*********8 发帖数: 4642 | 31 pass by reference 好吧
static local variables 看起来不好理解 |
U*********y 发帖数: 54 | 32 同意这个, static local variable可能不好还原成初始状态.
time |
b**********e 发帖数: 76 | 33 "...You will be eligible to participate in XXX's Employee Incentive Plan
with a variable pay target of 12% of you annual base salary..."
这是什么东东?是在什么情况下能拿到工资的12%?不解。。。 |
w***y 发帖数: 6251 | 34 我还遇到另外一个sql题,是看面经里的。也不会做 //汗
SQL:一个学生enrollment table,里面的数据是
studentID, courseID, grade
求每个学生的最好成绩,和对应的courseID。如果highest grade有duplicate怎么办?
这个好像涉及到对每个group进行rank,然后取top K, 也是一种常见的题目。 怎么做
呢? 我在网上搜的答案,有的SQL支持 类似row_number() 这种function,好像mysql
是没有的,需要自己定义local variable 去做。 我想不明白有duplicate怎么处理,
是不是写一个case 来判断? 今天现学的case statement,还有点搞不定 |
g****v 发帖数: 971 | 35 你说的是c++中的public variable么? 能不能用python举个例子?
多谢! |
O****e 发帖数: 802 | 37 据说这款 Pentair IntelliFlo Variable Speed Pump 可以省75%-90%的电费。
有人用过吗,说说效果? |
w****u 发帖数: 303 | 38 Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) 4.6%的Variable APR(interest only)是不是
investment property。
谢谢 大牛们指教 |
D**S 发帖数: 24887 | 39 哦,是variable?
那也很糟糕了。谁没事买小额/固定额的GCs啊(除非Safeway有专门promo的时候) |
c*********5 发帖数: 5813 | 40 上午去个店偶然发现一张漏网之鱼,结果付完钱发现显示卡non-activated, 又费了老
大工夫找manager退钱,最后给退了5张100的,看样子这次variable是彻底死翘了 |
C**********o 发帖数: 658 | 42 Case:
I have 107 variables to be renamed. Can I do it in this way (SAS) --
proc select xxx,xxx,xxx, ...., xxx
as xxxnew1,xxxxnew2,xxxnew3,....,xxxnew107
Or do I have to rename them one by one, such as
Proc select xxx as xxxnew11, xxx as xxxnew2,... ?? |
C**********o 发帖数: 658 | 43 Thank you. I end up copying the old and new variables in excel, then add a '
=' between them, then copy it into notepad, then copy it into SAS. |
s*********k 发帖数: 1989 | 44 Thanks. I find the manual and the definition. But what are the variable HM
show on FTP? |
l******u 发帖数: 2314 | 45 ********************************
A. 法拉第的到来和“计划”
到底在岛外具体都干了些啥,他总算避开了红头发的爱人小Charlotte - 直到这最后一
刻。 |
s*********r 发帖数: 609 | 46 这个8小时也不能算多大的bug
不是不可能。 |
b******g 发帖数: 3616 | 48 不用买variable的啊。。。。直接B+W圆的ND搞块10stop和3stop就好了,150刀左右就
能搞定了。 |
s***k 发帖数: 23 | 49 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: stock (Microsoft is dead), 信区: Programming
标 题: Perl for programmers(1): Variables in Perl
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 23 10:52:21 2000) WWW-POST
Type Character Example Is a Name for
Scalar $ $abc an individual value(# or string)
Array @ @ff a list of values,keyed by #
Hash % %eif a group of values,keyed by string
Subroutine & &anid |
Y**I 发帖数: 444 | 50 The first page will display a Hit-counter. When the second
or the third page returns to the first page, I don't want
the Hit-counter +1. I think it should use a global variable
to control it. But how to set it in these pages? |