a***n 发帖数: 1616 | 1 Thanks!
This explanation helps a lot! Now I have a better picture of what's going
on in this kind of application.
I think, as a DBA newbie, I need to read more oracle DBA books to grasp the
ideas ...
To tell the truth, I didn't even know:
What is cached? Query Result or Query Statement or both?
Is this shared pool caching only for JDBC or for any client including
sqlplus online transactions?
If it's caching, why can't it dump/replace the cache automatically
a***n 发帖数: 1616 | 2
噢? 跟时间有关? 难道不是跟绝对query数量有关吗?
难道这个cache是1小时(or whatever)一结算?:)
//As long as you agree that sqlplus suffers the same problem, I'm satisfied:) |
a***n 发帖数: 1616 | 4
Oh. I have this set of books:) didn't notice the home of this page has
a sql syntax help:) that's cool!
Thanks! |
s***m 发帖数: 28 | 5 Hi,
How can I edit previous sql statement in isql and execute it again without
type in the same statement into isql interface again? I am using Informix
isql. In Oracle, I just have to set my default editor to do this. And a /
forward slash will execute the edited statement in sqlplus.
Also, what is the similar command in isql to execute an external statement
created in a text file. In oracle it is start/sta command.
Thanks |
n********a 发帖数: 68 | 6 Ok, then check your network settings.
1. Is your listener running?
2. It seems that you are on Oracle 9i up, thus no need
to config listener.ora. Listener will detect instances
automatically. If this is not true, check listener.ora
3. Can you connect with sqlplus @ipoll?
If not, check tnsnames.ora
4. If you are using advanced features like connection
manager or name servers instead of local naming, check
up the documentation to see if you have them configured
refused(DESCRIP |
s*****c 发帖数: 24 | 7 Connecting through SQLPlus does not mean listener is definitely up. Start the
listener specifically and see whether it works. |
g****h 发帖数: 30 | 8 Thanks. It is good, but only for one command. |
g****h 发帖数: 30 | 9 Thanks. This would be good for emacs users. But I am a vi/vim user ;0-(
Any more suggestions?
or |
s*****c 发帖数: 24 | 10 add the following three lines in your $HOME/.emacs, then xemacs will become
vi/vim. I am a vi user, but I never use pure vi today with the help of viper.
(setq line-number-mode t)
(setq viper-mode t)
(require 'viper)
Alt-z can be used to switch on/off vi mode inside xemacs.
Windows+Oracle, |
g****h 发帖数: 30 | 11 I have added this into my notes book. I haven't installed xemacs in Solaris
yet. Are you using Linux or Solaris? If Solaris, is it difficult to install
xemacs in it?
Meta-P |
s*****c 发帖数: 24 | 12 It should be very easy for Linux and Solaris because its binary is available.
I have not installed it for a long time since installing xemacs-19 years ago.
enter. |
n****f 发帖数: 905 | 13
In Oracle you can use SQLPLUS to connect to DB.
all |
t*******y 发帖数: 57 | 14 这几天真是见了鬼了
换写成servlet来通过JDBC访问oracle竟然只能做"select .."这样的sql访问
说什么java.sql.SQLException: SQL string is not Query
用perl写的cgi调用数据库也一点问题都没有呀. |
l***j 发帖数: 3 | 15 I installed ORACLE 10g Express on Fedora, and there is no
error in installation process. I did not change any configuration files.
Then when I tried to access ORACLE home page, Igot the following
error message:
The connection was refused when attempting to contact
When I tried to run sqlplus, I got the following errors:
ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified
When I tried to run "lsnrctl start", I got the following errors:
TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed
TNS-125 |
w*r 发帖数: 2421 | 16 Oracle的sqlplus里面使用''表示的blank string似乎会被自动翻译成null, 这样的话
我要test 一个 column是blank的话怎么写???='' !=''都不太对劲儿,
今天刚发现的,一直没有注意过这个问题 |
A**********e 发帖数: 3102 | 17 say i have an image file 'test.jpg' on my local linux machine, and want to
use PL/SQL and sqlplus to send it to a database on a server.
i know how to do it with C/C#, and how to do it with SQL if the image is on
the server. But how to do it with SQL on local machine?
THANKS~~~ :)) |
y********o 发帖数: 2565 | 18 测试如下:
sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect scott/tiger@Oracle10g
SQL> desc user_tables;
Name Null? Type
------------------------ -------- -----------------------
SQL> |
c*****d 发帖数: 6045 | 19 我觉得现在可以确定是你这边的问题
在server端没问题,1521端口工作 <- server端可以用sqlplus+tnsnames连接自己
问题肯定在client端,你用"netstat -a"看看
tcp 0 0 coolbid.cs.xxxx.edu:32994 db.xxxx.edu:1521
t*g 发帖数: 1758 | 20 你们CLIENT端的软件用什么?我想找个FREE的。比如ORACLE,用SQLPLUS就可以了。可我
了。 |
r**o 发帖数: 481 | 21 The query result can be a mass. I set line to be a big number but seems the
header and the data line are still cut into pieces.
What else can I do? |
c*****d 发帖数: 6045 | 22 use the command to format the output
col col_name format xxx |
B*****g 发帖数: 34098 | 23 SELECT *
FROM all_tables |
c*****d 发帖数: 6045 | 24 你记混了,show tables是MySQL的命令 |
c*****d 发帖数: 6045 | 25 不是太明白你的意思
是在sqlplus里define _editor="emacs"吗? |
S*******e 发帖数: 379 | 26 thanks beijing!
0. otl_stream is a c++ class defined in OTL4.0 to access oracle db
1. I don't know why but when i run select * in sqlplus, it only returns
the field names with no data. But it worked well in otl_stream.
2. 因为我要把query的结果从otl-stream里倒到变量里,如果不用to_char,
我就得知道每个变量是number 还是char, 否则用>>倒数据的时候会有
3. 这个to_char的结果是几月几号几点几分,我需要的是那种一长串的数字,
是null还是一个empty string?从select的结果中能看出来吗? |
s*****c 发帖数: 24 | 27 sqlplus can redirect the output to a file: spool? |
j***a 发帖数: 10844 | 28
Why not?
Try this in sqlplus:
spool c:\sqloutput.txt
select * from emp;
spool off |
c**t 发帖数: 2744 | 29 found solutio:
variable c refcursor
exec WhateverProcedure(:c)
print c
has |
j***a 发帖数: 10844 | 31 如果你值sqlplus的话,都没问题。
9i OEM console won't work with 10g database.
10g exp won't work with 9i.
9i exp won't work with 10g |
c*****d 发帖数: 6045 | 32 在sqlplus里可以用set timing on这个命令
sqldevloper or toad不清楚,让beijing说说
另外可以用tkprof来分析trace,也可以知道运行时间 |
l*****O 发帖数: 402 | 33 Just installed oracle client 11g.
sqlplus is accessing the db fine.
even visual studio 2008 server explorere data source connection fine
however whiling using openquery to access the oracle database, it keeps
giving me the error Message 7303.
sp_testlinkedserver fails too. So I guess the connection is not there.
What's the problem?
Please help~~~ bow~~~ |
c**t 发帖数: 2744 | 34 我有这么一段代码:
const string CONNECTION_STRING = "Data Source=Some_TNSName;User Id=XX;Passwo
using( OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(CONNECTION_STRING) )
using(OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand() )
cmd.CommandText = "SchemaName.PackageName.ProcedureName";
cmd.CommandType = OracleCommandType.StoredProcedure;
时不r |
t*******y 发帖数: 81 | 35 set your database character set to unicode, then you should be able to use
Chinese character in SQLPlus. |
v*****r 发帖数: 1119 | 36 闲着没事,帮你写了一个,用 sqlplus Run 下面的 scripts: |
B*****g 发帖数: 34098 | 37 人家就自己写script在sqlplus里run |
B*****g 发帖数: 34098 | 38 说说什么东西toad不能干,赫赫。
"In my team, only ppl really know what they are doing are allowed to use
toad, others will only use sqlplus" |
y****w 发帖数: 3747 | 39 toad不能干的事儿多了。比如批处理n多stored procedure,按一定规则修改表还不是数
他也得知道命令。 |
B*****g 发帖数: 34098 | 40 不能老针对精英,精英也不会听俺们的,大部分就是普通人,一辈子也做不到
architecture/director。反正俺们公司的production dba不会参与任何project,俺们
写好了,他们sqlplus run一下就行了。当然DBA也不是只backup,人家还要维护系统。
有一些了。 |
a***y 发帖数: 2803 | 41 用sqlplus怎么样? 直接用command prompt就可以log in.
oracle |
a***y 发帖数: 2803 | 43 oracle 11g里面已经没有sqlplus了. |
v***e 发帖数: 2108 | 44 index scan也可以parallize,这道题只要是看对方对parallel plan有
什么了解,任何一个parallel plan都有一些对应的seriel plan里面不同的东西
自己的东西,不是标准的SQL operator
大的dataware houseDBA应该经常用parallel plan 减少运行时间。
parallelize |
c*****d 发帖数: 6045 | 45 1. 如果是在windows上的db console,需要在注册表修改oracle_sid
2. 我基本不用图形界面,用command更方便快捷
3. 在sqlplus里运行drop tablespace tablespace_name;
tablespace tablespace_name including contents |
B*****g 发帖数: 34098 | 46 toad/sql developer/sqlplus/java/.net/...... |
c*****d 发帖数: 6045 | 47 su - oracle
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
startup |
w*********r 发帖数: 2095 | 48 下面是我从网上找到的。问题是如何export the ORACLE_SID=orcl1 for node1?
This means that the ORACLE_SID is set to orcl - and that would be invalid
for a RAC instance as there are multiple instances per database and
identified by an instance number in addition (e.g. orcl1, orcl2 and so on).
Fix the ORACLE_SID in the environment, prior to firing up a sqlplus session.
Great! I just exported the ORACLE_SID=orcl1 for node1 and it worked.
Thanks a ton for the quick reply. |
T****U 发帖数: 3344 | 49 你装的是single instance吧,rac是multiple instance的 real application cluster
env | grep ORA
session. |
M*****r 发帖数: 1536 | 50 what is the username/passwd you used to connect to oracle in sqlplus? |