M****i 发帖数: 58 | 1 If I am not missing somthing here, the sufficiency is not correct. For
example, choose the function sigma(y,t) to be the constant 1, then clearly
we have sigma(X,t) is deterministic (identically 1). But the corresponding
SDE becomes dX(t)=dW(t), so that the solution is X(t)=X(0)+W(t), whose
quadratic variation [X](t)=t, this is not a constant.
Maybe the question should be changed into:
If dX(t)=sigma(X(t),t)dW(t), then the following are equivalent:
1)the quadratic variation of X is a constant;
2... 阅读全帖 |
H********1 发帖数: 2 | 2 请问Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming有什么解决方法? |
H********1 发帖数: 2 | 3 请问Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming有什么解决方法? |
h********0 发帖数: 944 | 4 【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: huiqiang80 (gene), 信区: Statistics
标 题: 包子求linear – quadratic model问题解决
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 12 16:20:58 2010, 美东)
最近做了Radiation的实验,现在手上有Data, 查了文献,要用linear – quadratic
model 来拟合一个曲线,版上有哪位用过这个模型的能教教我,小弟包子答谢!有意请
站内短信或留言详谈,多谢! |
H***a 发帖数: 735 | 5 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
发信人: Hyena (阿盆), 信区: Programming
标 题: 一个quadratic programming的问题,请指教!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 21 18:53:05 2009, 美东)
题目本身是一个标准quadratic programming with linear constraints问题。
需要 maximize: f(x) = r'*x - a*x'*V*x
subject to constraints:
(1) sum(x_i) = e'x = 1, e代表向量(1,1,1..)
(2) 0 <= x_i <=1
clear all;
r = [0.0667; 0.0900; 0.0717; 0.0733];
V = [0.00019 0.00065 |
p********1 发帖数: 1011 | 6 建thiessen polygon然后regression,是不是就是quadrat analysis的一种方法?
还是quadrat analysis用的根本就是不同方法?
请指教。 |
h********0 发帖数: 944 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: huiqiang80 (gene), 信区: Statistics
标 题: 包子求linear – quadratic model问题解决
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 12 16:20:58 2010, 美东)
最近做了Radiation的实验,现在手上有Data, 查了文献,要用linear – quadratic
model 来拟合一个曲线,版上有哪位用过这个模型的能教教我,小弟包子答谢!有意请
站内短信或留言详谈,多谢! |
r*****t 发帖数: 286 | 8 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
meetinnc (zerg) 于 (Mon Jan 29 12:24:26 2007) 提到:
需要写程序解一个quadratic optimization问题( quadratic objective with linear
constraints). 不知道有没有free的比如open source的package可以用? 谢谢指点?
wenge (文革) 于 (Mon Jan 29 12:33:47 2007) 提到:
Google for OOQP
longhei (offer offer offer) 于 (Mon Jan 29 12:39:19 2007) 提到:
OOQP is good and free
v*******g 发帖数: 334 | 9 proc GLM;
assuming A has 5 levels.
a -2 -1 0 1 2------ I understand this is linear .
a 2 -1 -2 -1 2 ---------- Why this is QUADRATIC ? |
H***a 发帖数: 735 | 10 题目本身是一个标准quadratic programming with linear constraints问题。
需要 maximize: f(x) = r'*x - a*x'*V*x
subject to constraints:
(1) sum(x_i) = e'x = 1, e代表向量(1,1,1..)
(2) 0 <= x_i <=1
clear all;
r = [0.0667; 0.0900; 0.0717; 0.0733];
V = [0.00019 0.00065 0.00004 0.00038;
0.00065 0.00883 0.00218 0.00327;
0.00004 0.00218 0.00125 0.00063;
0.00038 0.00327 0.00063 0.00162];
e = ones(len |
f******k 发帖数: 297 | 11 请问有没有什么好的软件/程序能做large scale quadratic programming的?我现在的
矩阵,优化问题也是凸问题。Matlab的QP不支持sparse matrix。谢谢! |
f*****p 发帖数: 235 | 12 最近有些问题要用quadratic programming,想琢磨琢磨门道。谢谢。 |
b****t 发帖数: 114 | 13 Hi all,
for any quadratic plolynomial function, can I say there is a unique local
optimum if we define the local neighborhood as a unit ball ||x-y||<=1?
or simply consider the function defines on Z^n integer vectors.
Assume this function has a global optimum not at infinite.
Thanks a lot.
Beet |
b******v 发帖数: 1493 | 14 带binary variable的quadratic programming容不容易求解?
感觉引入太多binary variable的话,计算量会变得很大? |
c*m 发帖数: 1114 | 15 这个很正常哇。带约束的quadratic program在H正定的情况下不保证收敛,因为增加拉
格朗日乘子后Hessian就不是H了。 |
l*********o 发帖数: 88 | 16 给一个随机过程 X(t), 随机微分方程:
dS = sigma(X,t) dW.
证明:the quadratic variation of X up to T 是一个常数的必要且充分条件是
sigma(X,t) = sigma(t)。也就是说sigma不是随机的。
谢谢。 |
c**********e 发帖数: 2007 | 17 What is the quadratic variation of X up to T? Could you clarify it?
是一个常数 with respect to T or with respect to randomization? |
l******i 发帖数: 1404 | 18 Proof:
dX(t) = sigma(X(t),t)*dW(t)
With quadratic variation of X(t)=M(X)
=integration from 0 to t of (sigma(X(s),s)^2)*ds
which is a distribution if sigma is stochastic.
So M(X) is constant if and only if Var(M(X))=0.
Var(M(X))=0 iff sigma is a deterministic function of t. |
v*******g 发帖数: 334 | 19 Thanks, i did .
Ok they're COEFFICIENTs of ( A+B)^2 or (A+B+C) ^2
but why the it has QUADRATIC effect? |
h********0 发帖数: 944 | 20 最近做了Radiation的实验,现在手上有Data, 查了文献,要用linear – quadratic
model 来拟合一个曲线,版上有哪位用过这个模型的能教教我,小弟包子答谢!有意请
站内短信或留言详谈,多谢! |
w*****g 发帖数: 798 | 21 有什么好的package?
我要做的事情是 min|Ax-Y| over x\in {0,1,2,...,n}^p
where A is a p by p matrix, Y is a p-dimentional vector and |.| is any type
of norm. Typically the choice of Euclidean norm reduces the problem to
integer quadratic programming.
多谢。 |
p********n 发帖数: 35 | 22 Does anyone know 'Quadratic Model with Plateau'. we want to use this model
to calculate the X threshold where Y begin to decline, with confidence
The attached is out data. Y=l/[1+A× exp(B×X)], X Y should fit this model.
How to use SAS to graph it and predict after get this model? Who has the
procedure? Thanks a lot.
0.861 1.000
0.760 0.987
0.680 1.038
0.673 0.976
0.573 1.023
0.452 0.877
0.445 0.805
0.329 0.574
0.221 0.407
0.214 0.211
0.136 0.18... 阅读全帖 |
p********a 发帖数: 5352 | 23 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
cici (full house) 于 (Mon Nov 7 08:33:47 2011, 美东) 提到:
对于logistic regression
我现在已知independent variables和response variable{log(pi/1-pi)}
我要怎么做才能把参数b0,b1,b2 fit出来?非常感谢
sleephare (I+don't+know.) 于 (Mon Nov 7 14:16:38 2011, 美东) 提到:
cici (full house) 于 (Mon Nov 7 16:19:05 2011, 美东) 提到:
☆────────────────────────────────────... 阅读全帖 |
q********g 发帖数: 10694 | 24 Sobereva
Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology Beijing,
Beijing 100083, China
。“反应物”与“产物”泛指这些过程的初态和末态。“优化”若未注明,... 阅读全帖 |
t*******r 发帖数: 22634 | 25 感谢推荐 Help Your Kids with Math。俺把 Amazon Link 贴在下面:
另一方面,我觉得,书有时候要两三本一起看看,才最佳。。。我在 Amazon
比如在 solve quadratic equation 那章,没有提到那个凑 (x-a)^2 = b
的通解解法(基于 quadratic expression 的 vertex form,当然最后还是
基于 distributive property)。。。而理解那个比 quadratic equation
solution formula 更基本,揭示代数的简洁性和(符号系统的)优越性。
当然,quadratic equation solution formula 也很重要,显示代数
作为 following proved known routine procedure without understanding
的简洁形式。。。(我这... 阅读全帖 |
g****g 发帖数: 1828 | 26 In probability theory, the normal (or Gaussian) distribution, is a
continuous probability distribution that is often used as a first
approximation to describe real-valued random variables that tend to cluster
around a single mean value. The graph of the associated probability density
function is “bell”-shaped, and is known as the Gaussian function or bell
curve:[nb 1]
f(x) = \tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\; e^{ -\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}
where parameter μ is the mean (location of the pe... 阅读全帖 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 27 不过 positive-definite 的这个属性还是挺有意思的:
More generally, any quadratic function from Rn to R can be written as
xTMx + xTb + c where M is a symmetric n × n matrix, b is a real
n-vector, and c a real constant. This quadratic function is strictly
convex when M is positive definite, and hence has a unique finite
global minimum, if and only if M is positive definite. For this
reason, positive definite matrices play an important role in
optimiz... 阅读全帖 |
b**g 发帖数: 335 | 28 You can use law of quadratic reciprocity to check if A
is NOT a primitive root of p since if A is a quadratic
residue of p, then A cannot be a primitive root. If p
is a Fermat prime, then (A is quadratic nonresidue) <=>
(A is primitive root) |
e*******s 发帖数: 62 | 29 需要解一个 Quadratic Program和一个Quadratic Constraint Quadratic Program
约束都是convex 的 |
z*******n 发帖数: 15481 | 30 呵呵 heteroscedasticity这个词好BT
这个不只是non-constant variance的问题 他有明显的quadratic form 需要加入
quadratic term到X里面然后做线性回归 再看residual vs y 再check下QQ plot基本就
完事了 加入quadratic form之后还有问题 可以做log transformation要想fit好 总是
可以做到 但是model的interpretation就没办法了
maximum |
j****n 发帖数: 7636 | 31 The relationship between general population suicide rates and educational
attainment: a cross-national study.
Shah A, Bhandarkar R.
SourceUniversity of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK. a*******[email protected]
Suicides are associated with both high and low levels of intelligence and
educational attainment in both individual-level and aggregate-level studies.
A cross-national study examining the relationship between general
population suicide rates (y) and educational attainment (x) was un... 阅读全帖 |
t*******r 发帖数: 22634 | 32 quadratic distance 不一定能避免在 distance 上没有根号。。。
俺就猜测一下用 quadratic distance 可能能让根号抵消掉。。。
不过俺懒,没算,不知道是不是能抵消。。。俺有空看看。 |
t*******r 发帖数: 22634 | 33 quadratic distance 不一定能避免在 distance 上没有根号。。。
俺就猜测一下用 quadratic distance 可能能让根号抵消掉。。。
不过俺懒,没算,不知道是不是能抵消。。。俺有空看看。 |
t*******r 发帖数: 22634 | 34 我上面说的太云里雾里。我觉得要么举一个实际的例子,比如上次欧洲妈妈
Vertex Form of Quadratic Functions。从 vertex form 直接抢滩
其实 vertex form of quadratic functions 也不用学,也就是 多项式
+ 分配率 + 变量替换 + 坐标系移轴。也就是抢滩速度慢点。
当然,说也就是这么说。就这么简单的玩意儿,教会普通白纸娃还是不容易的。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 35 另一方面,我觉得 “美式构建式数学教育”,在 代数/前代数/Formal-Operation 阶
其一:是在 Formal Operation 阶段,没有考虑 Formal Operation 阶段的特点,照抄
小学阶段 Concrete Operation 的 spiral 教学法。这带来 (a) 教学进度太慢,教授
的基础知识太少,花太多时间在不必要的 spiral 上,(b) 在 Formal Operation 的
spiral 的循序渐进层面,也有问题。
这个原因是 Formal Operation 是有明显的阶段性和结构性的,而 spiral 的时候很难
Algebra 1 和 "linear" geometry / "linear" analytic geometry,比如 solve
linear equation, solve system equations, complete a square, solve quadratic
equation, equation of line, slope of ... 阅读全帖 |
g*****h 发帖数: 15 | 36 College Algebra by Larson & Hostetler
DVDRip | MKV / AVC 692 Kbps | 720х544 | 29.97 fps | MP3 128 kbps | 8.75 GB
Language: English
Lecture Titles:
P-1 Review of Real Numbers and Their Properties
P-2 Exponents and Radicals
P-3 Polynomials and Special Products
P-4 Factoring
P-5 Rational Expressions
P-6 Errors and the Algebra of Calculus
P-7 Graphical Representations of Data
Chapter 1 – Equations and Inequalities
1-1 Graphs of Equations
1-2 Linear Equations in in One Variable
1-3 Mode... 阅读全帖 |
s***1 发帖数: 49 | 37 如果有一组数据,然后分别用 linear kernel (Xi dot Xj) , quadratic kernel ( (
Xi dot Xj+1)^2 , 和 radial basis function kernel (e^[-1/(2*sigma) * (Xi-Xj)
^2] 的 SVM 来成功 separate。
这时候吧数据里面每一个点都向上平移10. 就是 (xi,xj) = (xi,xj+10).
再用以上三个kernel 重新找boundary. 相对于每一个点来说, 新的boundary 会不会
和旧的 boundary 不一样? 也就是说每一个新的点到新的boundary, 和每一个旧点到
我觉得linear 的是一样的,应为就是平移。 但是quadratic kernel 和 radial basis
不一样,但是无法具体解释为什么。。。。 |
r********3 发帖数: 2998 | 38 support vector machine,我觉得只是用数学系的quadratic programming来套用在分
分类模型不是他提出的,同时quadratic programming也不是他发明的。。。
learning,spectral clustering,虽然都是合作的。。。 |
r********3 发帖数: 2998 | 39 support vector machine,我觉得只是用数学系的quadratic programming来套用在分
分类模型不是他提出的,同时quadratic programming也不是他发明的。。。
learning,spectral clustering,虽然都是合作的。。。 |
s***1 发帖数: 49 | 40 如果有一组数据,然后分别用 linear kernel (Xi dot Xj) , quadratic kernel ( (
Xi dot Xj+1)^2 , 和 radial basis function kernel (e^[-1/(2*sigma) * (Xi-Xj)
^2] 的 SVM 来成功 separate。
这时候吧数据里面每一个点都向上平移10. 就是 (xi,xj) = (xi,xj+10).
再用以上三个kernel 重新找boundary. 相对于每一个点来说, 新的boundary 会不会
和旧的 boundary 不一样? 也就是说每一个新的点到新的boundary, 和每一个旧点到
我觉得linear 的是一样的,应为就是平移。 但是quadratic kernel 和 radial basis
不一样,但是无法具体解释为什么。。。。 |
a*********a 发帖数: 3656 | 41 then the formula I gave should be it. if you don't require crossing the
points, then it is a different matter.
starting from 0th, you can pick an arbitrary tangent. you have now y0, y0'.
then going to the 1st point, the only thing you can do is a quadratic form.
3 equations for 3 unknowns like I laid out before. y0=a x0^2+b x0+c,y1=a x1^
2+b x1+c,y0'=2 a1 x0+b1)
This will fix the tangent at point 1. then you solve anther equation set of
3. (y1=a x1^2+b x1+c,y2=a x2^2+b x2+c,y1'=2 a1 x1+b1). lath... 阅读全帖 |
w**l 发帖数: 5 | 42 I am surprised that these CS guys are so ignorant of Math. If my understanding
is correct, this is almost a high shool level problem. If his ellipse means
the quadratic surface, then just solve the joint equations:
1. (x-x0)'A(x-x0)=1
2. x=x1+t*(x2-x1)
where A is a square matrix, x0 is the center of the ellipse, x1 and x2 are two
points on the line. Plug 2 into 1, it remain to check whether the following
eqaution about t has solution:
which is a quadratic functio |
r********n 发帖数: 7441 | 43 取决于你的问题是否是convex的,如果是,用lagrangian可以建立解得sufficient &
necessary condition,或者CPLEX直接可以求解;如果不是convex program,你只能求
出所有stationary point,然后比较,一般用sqp (sequential QP) 或者slp (
sequential LP) |
w******o 发帖数: 726 | 44 Dear Dr XXX,
You are making many incorrect assumptions about the teaching of mathematics
at South H. S. Use of a graphing calculator
is a requirement in all NYS regents courses, as well as AP courses and exams
. In our program it is used as a tool to help
conceptual understanding and not as a "crutch" that impedes understanding.
Joan Casazzone
> Dear Ms. Casazzone,
> It is not the financial difficulty, it is the damaging effect to the kid's
brain. I knew that Texas instrument Inc. invi... 阅读全帖 |
o*******i 发帖数: 396 | 45 在下是新手,不才, 有初级问题请教达人们:
目标函数 F(x1,x2,....xn)可以closeform表示出来,是个非线性函数(很多erfc函数
[x1,x2,....xn] = argmax{F(x1,x2,....xn)}
T(x1,x2,....xn) <= Tmax
有什么比较好 的reference或者tutorial可以参考?
十分感谢。 |
w****h 发帖数: 212 | 46 【 以下文字转载自 Mathematics 讨论区 】
发信人: wmbyhh (wmbyhh), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: 如何由函数在某点值、及其前2阶导数值,构造此函数
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 16 00:59:02 2008)
Besides, it requires the function D(f) is quadratic (only) for f>C.
I don't know what does quadratic means? |
c**********r 发帖数: 4 | 47 【 以下文字转载自 CS 讨论区 】
发信人: csresearcher (life for research), 信区: CS
标 题: About QCQP optimization problem
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 18 21:03:17 2005)
Does anyone know how to solve the Quadratically Constrained Quadratic
Programming problem? (Suppose the objective and constraint functions are
Can this be solved in poly-nomial time?
Any link on refereces will be highly appreciated!
Thanks! |
o*******i 发帖数: 396 | 48 【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: orioniori (猎人), 信区: EE
标 题: Nonlinear Constrained Optimization 问题求教
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 2 14:18:31 2008)
在下是新手,不才, 有初级问题请教达人们:
目标函数 F(x1,x2,....xn)可以closeform表示出来,是个非线性函数(很多erfc函数
[x1,x2,....xn] = argmax{F(x1,x2,....xn)}
T(x1,x2,....xn) <= Tmax
有什么比较好 的reference或者tutorial可以参考?
十分感谢。 |
w****h 发帖数: 212 | 49 如果已知一个关于f的函数D(f),在点f=C处的函数值f(C)、一阶导数值f'(C)、二阶导
Besides, it requires the function D(f) is quadratic (only) for f>C.
I don't know what does quadratic means? |