z****e 发帖数: 2024 | 1 还有能不能reference count,也是何谓smart pointer标准争论焦点之一啊。
de |
S**I 发帖数: 15689 | 2 我的理解是:iterator是一种design pattern,pointer不是。
啊。 |
k*******d 发帖数: 1340 | 3 我印象中iterator对resource allocation没怎么支持吧,它支持RAII?貌似不是,所以
,把他和tr1::shared_ptr等同是不够准确的,当然,如果说广义的smart pointer那的
确有联系 |
P********e 发帖数: 2610 | 4 function call via pointer是runtime resolved
class A
virtual x(){}
class B : public A
A * a = new B();
这个compile的时候不知道what object a addresses. |
g*********s 发帖数: 1782 | 5 why not function pointer vector. |
d****j 发帖数: 293 | 6 多谢指点
之前不太明白怎么用typedef定义function pointer
改成 typedef const vector* (*fptr) (int); 就对了!
多谢! |
s*******o 发帖数: 392 | 7 刚开始看www.cplusplus.com上的tutorial文档,在73页写到了关于function pointer
using namespace std;
int addition (int a, int b)
return(a + b);
int subtraction (int a, int b)
return(a - b);
int operation(int x, int y, int (* functocall(int x, int y)))
int g;
g = (*functocall(x, y));
int main()
int m;
int (*minus)(int, int) = subtraction;
m = operation(7 , 5, minus);
std::cout << m;
re... 阅读全帖 |
X****r 发帖数: 3557 | 8 是(*functocall)(int x, int y),不是(* functocall(int x, int y))
pointer |
s********k 发帖数: 6180 | 9 what's wrong with second one? I know void pointer dose not make sense in
this example, just some legacy code. |
E******T 发帖数: 59 | 10 Here is part of MPI code, a is a matrix with column NCA, offset is the start
point of row number of matrix a. The confusing part is ((double (*)[NCA])a)
, does it denote NCA number of pointer in matrix a?
any comments? Thanks
MPI_Send(&((double (*)[NCA])a)[offset][0], rows*NCA, MPI_DOUBLE, dest
, mtype,
h**i 发帖数: 712 | 11 a is a pointer point to an array with NCA elements which are double type.
dest |
E******T 发帖数: 59 | 12 float **x;
x = (float **)malloc(k*sizeof(float *)); /* Make space for the data */
in this example, sizeof(float *) and sizeof(float) has any difference? the
denotation * means a pointer?
Thanks |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 13 yes, * means pointer... so you have totally no idea about C. better grab an
introductory book and read a bit. |
c********2 发帖数: 56 | 14 class Sample
int *ptr;
Sample(int i)
ptr = new int(i);
delete ptr;
void PrintVal()
cout << "The value is " << *ptr;
void SomeFunc(Sample x)
cout << "Say i am in someFunc " << endl;
... 阅读全帖 |
P********e 发帖数: 2610 | 15 this is not called dangling pointer.
this is called shallow copy |
c********2 发帖数: 56 | 16 class Sample
int *ptr;
Sample(int i)
ptr = new int(i);
delete ptr;
void PrintVal()
cout << "The value is " << *ptr;
void SomeFunc(Sample x)
cout << "Say i am in someFunc " << endl;
... 阅读全帖 |
P********e 发帖数: 2610 | 17 this is not called dangling pointer.
this is called shallow copy |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 18 ok, according to C/C++ standard, accessing an object with other type of
pointer/reference is undefined unless you do it through union, compatible
types (such as int*/unsigned*), or char*. |
v******l 发帖数: 512 | 19 I said "perfect logic" because there is no underline logic flaw as it is.
Problem only occurs when the strict-aliasing rule assumes "pointers of
different types cannot point to the same memory address". This assumption
adds complexity to the language and is anti-intuitive, thus make the
learning curve a little bit steeper, but sure it is well justified by
performance improvement and other benefits. |
a**a 发帖数: 416 | 20 Smart pointer is a model for memory management, while iterator is a model of
data visiting. Totally different things. |
n****d 发帖数: 22 | 21 在真实世界里,c++ programmer真的用smart pointer吗? 还只是学术界意淫的一个对
象 ? |
O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 22 都用boost::shared_ptr, boost::scoped_ptr, boost::shared_array, boost::scoped
_array 或者用std::auto_ptr. 人家把delete已经封装好了。不需要自己封装。 使用
smart pointer的好处是,一来不需要注意delete,二来是exception safe. 说到
exception, 我们这里认为它比goto还要糟糕,所以禁止使用。 |
C***y 发帖数: 2546 | 24 幸福啊,可以用新特性
我们很苦逼,用自己的smart pointer
跟外界脱节了 |
n****d 发帖数: 22 | 25 在真实世界里,c++ programmer真的用smart pointer吗? 还只是学术界意淫的一个对
象 ? |
O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 26 都用boost::shared_ptr, boost::scoped_ptr, boost::shared_array, boost::scoped
_array 或者用std::auto_ptr. 人家把delete已经封装好了。不需要自己封装。 使用
smart pointer的好处是,一来不需要注意delete,二来是exception safe. 说到
exception, 我们这里认为它比goto还要糟糕,所以禁止使用。 |
C***y 发帖数: 2546 | 28 幸福啊,可以用新特性
我们很苦逼,用自己的smart pointer
跟外界脱节了 |
g***l 发帖数: 2753 | 29 谢谢。还要谢谢thrust.
现在的选择要么是写一个专门的singleton,这个是来代替前面的global generator. 要
么就是回到你说的那种,类似于C里面的function Pointer LUT。 |
f*******n 发帖数: 12623 | 32 array and pointer are completely different |
G****u 发帖数: 51 | 33 你说的两个都错, 是说的两个都return pointer to local variable么? 但我现在要弄
明白的不是这个return local variable的问题, 而是为啥2能输出正确的结果, 而1不能 |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 34 事实上我刚才看花眼了, 第二个不能说是错, 但是类型不匹配. C可以强制转换.
char (*str)[]的意思是pointer to array of char, 而"ABC"被强制转换了. |
G****u 发帖数: 51 | 35 问题是为啥fun2 总能输出ABC,而fun1时而能输出ABC(gcc), 时而输出garbage? array
在C里面到底是怎么给造出来的, 一下子可以等同与pointer, 一下子不能, 这背后的原
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 36 fun2没有错, 所以总能输出ABC, 虽然你把好好的函数写成了一滩那什么.
fun1有错, 能不能输出ABC要看天意.
至于array和pointer的关系, 请仔细阅读C FAQ第6章. |
G****u 发帖数: 51 | 37
if it points to something in stack, it won't be
You mean pointer cannot point to something in stack or you mean str in fun2
is not point to something in stack? |
B********r 发帖数: 397 | 38 但我试了一下,如果在fun1里面用 char *str="ABC"确实就没问题了,如果局部变量消
失的话,这个str pointer不是应该也没法指向变量了么?还是说“ABC“属于const
variable所以不会随着返回而消失? |
l********a 发帖数: 1154 | 39 前提:
1. new一定返回一个pointer
2. type *a读作: a是一个(指向type)的指针
3. 优先级[]高于*http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_precedence
double **a: a是一个指向(一个指向double的指针)的指针, (a是个指针的'指针')
double *a[]: a是个数组,数组的元素是 指向double的指针 (a是个指针'数组')
第一个,double **a = new ...,左边a是个指针,右边new返回指针,没问题
第二个,double *a[] = new...,左边a是个数组,右边new返回一个指针,有问题. |
r**a 发帖数: 536 | 40 我做了个test,你说的是对的。那么我confused是到底什么时候smart pointer会被
free掉呢。是说出了scope吗?我原来以为那个reference counter是0就会调用
destructor,现在看是不对的。 |
p****r 发帖数: 165 | 41 when "Implement inline functions for retrieving function pointers to VC API
entry points",
the compiler complain:
" error C2664: 'GetProcAddress' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const
wchar_t [23]' to 'LPCSTR'"
it is 3rd party code suppose to work, anything I might miss? or any resource
I could take a look to help this issue? Thanks. |
t*****r 发帖数: 142 | 42 不是相声,只是看到有人讨论C++ pointer有感。 |
k**********g 发帖数: 989 | 43 類代碼用STL smart pointer,
Public API class 用intrusive (COM-like classes, AddRef/Release)
Non-COM-based reference counting don't work well (as in, can't get to the
same level of stability) across multiple languages (esp. unmanaged/managed). |
N******K 发帖数: 10202 | 44 itk用的是自己搞的intrusive pointer
我在想是沿用itk的 还是用你说的这个 |
d**********x 发帖数: 4083 | 45 看迁移成本。。
如果不是整个项目都在用smart pointer的话,搞起来很恶心的。。 |
n******t 发帖数: 4406 | 46 smart pointer 这个东西,主要是为了企业能招到足够不会seg fault的C++
程序员而产生的。 |
p***o 发帖数: 1252 | 47 Reference in languages like java and python means pointer in C/C++. |
G***l 发帖数: 355 | 48 iterator是一个class,不过实现了* operator,让你感觉它和pointer的相似之处,其
实完全不是一回事。打个比方,我有一个bank deposit的class,实现了+operator,可
stl iterator是iterator pattern的一种实现,所以你应该先看一下iterator pattern
试下实现一个stl的container和iterator。 |
c******t 发帖数: 133 | 49 谢谢大家的解答!确实如pptwo所说,我自己写的有问题,所以vector,string之类的
也谢谢Godel和domini的指导,我再好好学习一下。 |
l*********s 发帖数: 5409 | 50 isn't RAII the same idea as smart pointer? |