M******t 发帖数: 555 | 1 digest 100ug plasmid DNA 最小体积多少啊?
谢谢. |
w**u 发帖数: 311 | 2 各位XDJM,借人气问一问题
Commodity Description:Plasmids in dry ice
Harmonied Code: 不知怎么写
Country of Manufacture: USA
Value of Customs: N/A
请前辈们指教 |
C*******e 发帖数: 4348 | 3 就是plasmid的话不是提出来然后点在filter paper小片片上寄回去会容易点嘛?
对海关来说就是纸片片而已 |
M*****n 发帖数: 16729 | 4 点在filter paper上面,fedex overnight
除非是巨大的plasmid, 一般都没问题。 |
w**u 发帖数: 311 | 5 That means I probably have to make spot 200 plasmids one by one on filter
Are there other ways? |
M**a 发帖数: 4816 | 6 Just go with Fedex, no need to mention about plasmids nor dry ice (even you
have dry ice in the box).
You can indicate it as medical supplies. |
c***c 发帖数: 113 | 7 请教大牛,有什么好用功能又全的plasmid序列分析软件可以推荐, PC上用的。
谢谢 |
S******e 发帖数: 393 | 9 很佩服,我转的plasmid和LZ大小差不多,也一直存在困难。
你转的什么细胞?表达高么? |
e***o 发帖数: 344 | 10 问个很土的问题,转染时,带有一种ori的质粒只会有一个copy在一个细菌里。也就是
plasmid incompatibility。google了一下,好象没有得到很专业的回答。大家有清楚
这个的吗? 谢谢! |
W**S 发帖数: 275 | 12 我也是奇怪在这呢,就算TITER低也不至于一点没有。PLASMID用RE DIGESTION CHECK了
了PURO啊。 |
r******y 发帖数: 21907 | 13 是不是plasmid太长了,还是最好先到TA vector里再克隆到 gateway? |
g*********5 发帖数: 2533 | 14 like me ask some lentivirus vector to overexpess,
because no commercial availlable now.
some ppl have this plasmid,
i wrote to him, but not reply...
I bought vetor from invitrogen, no work :( |
u***e 发帖数: 71 | 16 请问高人,有没有什么办法在一个22kb的plasmid中特定位置插入30 bp的序列?谢谢 |
a****d 发帖数: 1919 | 17 Two step PCR should work for your propose.
synthesize two pair of primers:
PCR separately, then put together both products as template, PCR again using
F1-xxxx and xxx-R2. The final PCR product could be subcloned into the
plasmid. You have to find the suitable digestion sites when designing
primers though. |
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 18 Recombination/gateway cloning would be the way to go, very easy if you know
the system, check liu pengtao's work...
For traditional cloning, Sunny's suggestion is the way to go... very easy
too if one is experienced with the MB and the 22kb plasmid itself is not
weird...try to have the insert size about 100-500bp...size in this range are
easier to handle than longer or shorter ones in general... |
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 19 never did cloning this way myself...but I advised my former roommate to
develop the tech and I remembered he inserted three LoxP sites into a 25kb
or so plasmid within literally 2-3 weeks...I could be wrong since I was not
the one doing it...but I thought the concept was simple: u have the homology
adapters flanking the sequence of interests...someone say 30 bp may be too
small and could get lost...never did myself, don't know(maybe I shouldn't
have commented so surely:)))...I could ask my form... 阅读全帖 |
s*********t 发帖数: 600 | 20 是吗?多谢
还有G418和puro该怎么保存? |
s*********t 发帖数: 600 | 21 谢了。
有时候只转很少的细胞,mini prep的量是够的,做max太麻烦
but |
s******r 发帖数: 2876 | 22 这个depend on你的细胞,如果你的细胞耐粗饲,那没问题。
有时候只转很少的细胞,mini prep的量是够的,做max太麻烦
but |
z*****6 发帖数: 14 | 24 Does anybody has AdEasier®-1 cells (BJ5183 contain the AdEasy®-1
plasmid)? Thanks. |
w**t 发帖数: 52 | 25 Are you going to do Y2H screening? If so, only those interact could grow on
selective plates (SCM-L-T-H). You could further purify your candidates by streaking before you recover the
plasmids. |
T****i 发帖数: 15191 | 26 还有STRE-lacZ reporter plasmid, 介绍一下,或请给个reference。拜谢了。 |
p****e 发帖数: 105 | 27 看到paper构建了一个plasmid表达蛋白,可以写信要吗?不是很复杂的东西,只是我不
是学生物的,自己不会。 |
s***m 发帖数: 6197 | 28 版上有谁实验室里有表达TurboTEV的plasmid
如果有的话能不能给送一些(站内信件联系或者发邮件到x****[email protected])
谢了先! |
C***Y 发帖数: 142 | 29 如果哪位大侠有sigma-1 receptor plasmid, 敬请站内PM我。最近需要overexpress
sigma-1 receptor. 万分感谢!!! |
m******t 发帖数: 109 | 30 我把GOI 插入到一个带GFP的空载体里面,结果发现不绿,而同时转的原来的 空载体还
m******t 发帖数: 109 | 31 其实是绿的,非常弱。
现在的问题是, 我自己做的PLASMID有的绿, 有的不绿。请问是和原因。 |
n****y 发帖数: 819 | 32 需要一个很简单的 cloning plasmid, 必须要有 KpnI 和 XhoI, 不能有 AvrII。 只
是用来做cloning 的, 不需要表达, 所以其他elements越少越好, 而且千万不能有
sv40 early promoter and origin, 因为里面有一个酶切位点之后会用到。 谢谢 |
W*******n 发帖数: 2762 | 33 想把plasmid extract, 但怎么把genomic DNA去掉? |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 34 stable line里面的Plasmid都整合了,你有提取的功夫都可以自己做一个了 |
m*****r 发帖数: 1164 | 35 Is there anybody has experience with 96-plasmid prep? I'm looking for the
vacuum manifold. The Axygen one does not work well. Thanks a lot. Cannot
type Chinese on this computer. |
D***a 发帖数: 516 | 36 刚看了一篇新的nature medicine的文章,有一个实验直接把luciferase基因的plasmid
注射到皮下,20天后还能检测到luciferase activity。很好奇,google了一下,还真
有别的文章也这么直接注射。这种实验可信吗? |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 37 That's the trick isn't it. I guess that's why it is in Nature Medicine for
stabilizing the plasmid. |
C*******e 发帖数: 4348 | 38 rt
有没有人用QuikChange Mutagenesis PCR protocol做过8 kb plasmid?
以前小质粒,4、5 kb的都没什么问题,换碱基、插入、去除什么都行
是不是8kb太长了? |
s*******m 发帖数: 24 | 39 Try 3min/kb extension time. Worked for >10kb plasmids for me every time.
Also double check your primers... |
X******n 发帖数: 914 | 40 你的plasmid是Sp resistant为什么不能用TOP10? |
u*********1 发帖数: 2518 | 41 我正好在做这个,8kb的plasmid,用Pfu貌似没问题,PCR出一堆smear,然后digestion
1. 从板子上挑选不同的colony摇菌,提质粒,测序,发现有的成功引入突变,有的没
2. 8kb的target of interest大概是2.5kb;我现在是设计10对引物覆盖这2.5kb,等于
long-range PCR到底发生了什么。。。 |
s********n 发帖数: 2939 | 42 Transform cloning strain by your extracted plasmid from mini scale and then
large scale |
w********r 发帖数: 1431 | 43 just re-transform your low conc. miniprep plasmid
the |
b**********8 发帖数: 349 | 44 如题,人在国内,没有fedex账号(我知道考验我人品的时候到了),请问谁有MISSION
® TRC2 pLKO.5-puro Non-Mammalian shRNA Control Plasmid DNA(产品编号
! |
z*******9 发帖数: 112 | 45 今天实验室打扫,不知从哪个犄角旮旯里翻出一个几乎没用的QIAGEN Plasmid Plus
Maxi Kit,看了看他的简介,貌似真够省时间的,我也想试试,
谢谢 |
f*****r 发帖数: 84 | 46 要做一个screen 然后sequence plasmid library. 所以小含量的gDNA 会比较影响结果
。 大家有什么比较好的方法除去gDNA 么。 是不是大片段dna 在cartridge 上elute
就不容易, 这样我再做一个pcr clean up 是不是gDNA 会去掉很多。
thanks! |
f*****r 发帖数: 84 | 47 似乎有plasmid safe exonuclease 看来可以试一下。 Thanks! |
f*****r 发帖数: 84 | 48 似乎有plasmid safe exonuclease 看来可以试一下。 Thanks! |
f*****r 发帖数: 84 | 49 似乎有plasmid safe exonuclease 看来可以试一下。 Thanks! |
m*********D 发帖数: 1727 | 50 考虑一下比较老的方法:Traditional Methods for CsCl Isolation
of Plasmid DNA by Ultracentrifugation |