g*******w 发帖数: 140 | 1 On my certificate (English page), it says
LastName FirstName
This is not the American format:
LastName, FirstName
FirstName LastName
Will this be an issue?
Thanks. |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 2 when you write letters to secretaries, how do you call them?
Ms. firstname, or Ms. lastname, or Ms. firstname lastname? |
u***8 发帖数: 1581 | 3 【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: uno88 (Ut), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 工作场合被直呼lastname,是不是对方对自己很不礼貌
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 9 13:01:24 2016, 美东)
如题 |
w*s 发帖数: 7227 | 4 给出以下文件,display the following:
1.Patient names and ages, sorted by age
2.All patients with high blood pressure (systolic over 140 or diastolic over
3.Display all columns and allow the user to pick a column to sort by
"emailAddress":"[email protected]/* */",
"fir... 阅读全帖 |
m****e 发帖数: 315 | 6
Not at all.
My American coworker's daughter took his lastname and his son took his wife'
s lastname. (They have different lastnames) They are a happy couple. And
until he told us, nobody knew.
My son took my lastname, not my LG's. And unless I tell peope, no one asks
or cares. |
m****e 发帖数: 315 | 7
Not at all.
My American coworker's daughter took his lastname and his son took his wife'
s lastname. (They have different lastnames) They are a happy couple. And
until he told us, nobody knew.
My son took my lastname, not my LG's. And unless I tell peope, no one asks
or cares. |
m*********y 发帖数: 389 | 8 Let's say you have first name, last name, and address in one table.
Here duplicate means same firstname&lastname&address combination, for
John|Doe|123 Main st|...|...
John|Doe|123 Main st|...|...
Mike|Smith|567 Springfield ave|...|...
to find duplicate, do this:
select * from dbo.person where firstname+lastname+address
in (select firstname+lastname+address from dbo.person
group by firstname+lastname+address having count(*)>1)
Does this make sense? |
d****n 发帖数: 12461 | 9 select
from t_personel
from t_personel
having count(1)>1) |
d*********t 发帖数: 277 | 10 就是想知道如果内查询有结果,那整个查询最终得到的结果是只运行外查询的结果呢,
SELECT a.FirstName, a.LastName
FROM Person.Person,可是结果是johnson,这还是和内查询搅在一起了呀。
USE AdventureWorks2012 ;
SELECT a.FirstName, a.LastName
FROM Person.Person AS a
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS b
WHERE a.BusinessEntityID = b.BusinessEntityID
AND a.LastName = 'Johnson');
FirstName L... 阅读全帖 |
b********o 发帖数: 60 | 11 遇到个读数据的问题:
SMITH ,BOB 01/03/668845333883
JACKSON ,ANDREW 03/09/779917736612
ALICE ,KIM 02/24/542243226673
要求按 LastName FirstName Birthday Phone读入。
INPUT NAME $ 1-22 BIRTH $ 23-30 PHONE $31-39;
可是,问题是,如果要分出 LastName FirstName 两个variables,怎样才能读入呢?
1.能否直接读入LastName 与 FirstName两个变量?
2.能否先读入全名到 Name 变量,再把 Name变量分成 LastName和FirstName?
恳请大牛帮忙! |
C*******r 发帖数: 10345 | 12 看了Downton Abbey,发现对英国爵位,称号还是不很清楚,结果在网上找来个简介,
After a long discussion last night in the tiny chat about aristocratic
titles, I thought it might be a good idea to have the information down
somewhere where everyone can see it and refer to it. My sources are mainly http://laura.chinet.com/html/titles01.html (which will tell you EVERYTHING that you could ever want to know) as well as three years grappling and getting on top of them for writing Regency set stories. The titles from Downto... 阅读全帖 |
t*********1 发帖数: 502 | 13 刚发现 car title (和car registration)的顺序写成了 LastName FirstName (中间
没有逗号)。感觉按照惯例应该写成 FirstName LastName。
大家的car title 或者 car registration 上面的 FirstName LastName是什么顺序呀?
注:本人在加州。 |
f******y 发帖数: 265 | 14 owner的名字是 LastName FirstName,
既不是 LastName, FirstName
也不是 FirstName LastName
比方Bill Gates的名字, 放到certificate of title上面变成了Gates Bill, 而且中
间没有逗号。 去DMV问, 大妈说certificate of title就是这样子。 大伙是不是都是
这样子? 谢谢 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 15 1) Dear Dr. lastname
2) Hi Dr. lastname
3) Dear firstname
4) Hi firstname
5) firstname
6) Dr. lastname
which one is best if you both become familiar with each other, for example
three months after you joined the lab? |
P*C 发帖数: 132 | 16 里面姓名翻译的的是Lastname Firstname而不是Firstname Lastname或Lastname,
多谢多谢! |
a*********7 发帖数: 1329 | 17 是不是在第一次提到自己的时候要写上全名如: Dr. Firstname Lastname,之后才用Dr
. Lastname?
以了。 |
d**t 发帖数: 1671 | 18 正式的email可以称呼对方的first name 吗?
有时候给陌生人第一次发较为正式的email, 称呼别人 Dr. LastName 后,别人回信自称
first name, 而且简称,比如 把 Patricia 简称 Pat or Tracy, 于是我第二个email马
上改成 Pat or Tracy,这样有问题么?
遇到过相反的情况,别人给我发email 用 Dr. LastName, 我回信后自称,别人还继续 Dr
. LastName的.所以吃不准,不知道对方 email的简称是不是用习惯了,其实内心不希望
自己过早被称为 Pat or Tracy.
有些极端情况,别人甚至自称得更离谱,比如Peter的简称P,Magaret 简称 M. 我能回信
说 Dear P 么?好像不合适. |
c******n 发帖数: 4965 | 19 my wife was spending a lot of time sorting the bibliography of her thesis,
because her bib was obtained in plain text form, I have to parse out the
first author last name first. so I wrote this little piece of code. hope it
will be useful for someone too....
right now it fails to parse single-author bib, cuz it's difficult to
recognize a human name from other words. but for biology papers, a paper
mostly has multiple authors
sub get_first_author($) {
my ($line) = @_;
my ($author, $secon... 阅读全帖 |
s**********o 发帖数: 14359 | 20 你的TABLE本身就没做好吧,为什么不是FIRSNAME ,LASTNAME各一个COLUMN呢
你LIKE未必能找到正确的人名,比如LIKE '%JOHN%',叫JOHN的多了
MATCH的更准确 |
s**********o 发帖数: 14359 | 21 你的TABLE本身就没做好吧,为什么不是FIRSNAME ,LASTNAME各一个COLUMN呢
你LIKE未必能找到正确的人名,比如LIKE '%JOHN%',叫JOHN的多了
MATCH的更准确 |
c******n 发帖数: 4965 | 22 【 以下文字转载自 THU 讨论区 】
发信人: creation (努力自由泳50m/45sec !), 信区: THU
标 题: parsing bibliography and sorting
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 11 13:27:54 2012, 美东)
my wife was spending a lot of time sorting the bibliography of her thesis,
because her bib was obtained in plain text form, I have to parse out the
first author last name first. so I wrote this little piece of code. hope it
will be useful for someone too....
right now it fails to parse single-author bib, cuz it's difficult to
recognize a human name fr... 阅读全帖 |
gw 发帖数: 2175 | 23 这个是我搞错了,那个文件名应该是file,虽然可以unmarshal,但结果不是真正想要的
import java.io.File;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import... 阅读全帖 |
k**o 发帖数: 15334 | 24 是的,美国一个人多的班上有三四个John什么的很正常,一般加上lastname
一起叫。lastname的重复率就很低了。 |
g**********e 发帖数: 32 | 25 1. DS3053表格中Print Name一栏应该如何正确填写?是否要把中文也填上?格式应该
是lastname firstname,还是firstname lastname
2. 如何正确填写signature。看到国内文章说,要跟护照的签名页一致 |
c******a 发帖数: 633 | 26 俺刚来参加系里的BBQ,俺介绍一老同事给孩子说,这是Dr. Lastname,人家回应说你可
叫俺Firstname,不过你爹还得叫俺Dr. Lastname。 |
s****i 发帖数: 90 | 27 前段时间(大概有两周了)收到一个email,应该是系里小密发的,说要安排一个phone
interview。具体时间和search committee确定后再通知我,只是现在先跟我说一下。
我回了小密,但称呼是 Dear Dr. Lastname(当时很struggle怎么称呼,直接说Dear
Lastname又感觉不太好。。。)。然后到现在都没有收到任何schedule interview的
是不是我的称呼不合适?唉。。。快两周了感觉不太妙啊 |
h******3 发帖数: 456 | 29 First name should be in front of your last name.
Firstname Lastname or Lastname, Firstname |
e****e 发帖数: 418 | 30 Thank you for the sharing. It's a good one. Here I'm talking about the data
structure for name matching.
Show ugly.
prefix trie with pointers. When building the trie, don't make one entry on
firstName + lastName, instead make two entries on firstName, lastName
separately. At the end of entry, have a pointer pointing to the other (first
pointing to last name, last pointing to fist name) entry. In pointer, there
is some field marking if the name it pointing is a first or middle or last
name. So wh... 阅读全帖 |
f********a 发帖数: 165 | 31 类似于这题:
How would you implement live search for people's names (only firstname and
lastname, or lastname and firstname) like in facebook's search, retreiving
the top 5, knowing a value between 0 and 1 for every one of them. If you are
close friends then the value will be bigger. You should output the first 5
values in descending order.
想到trie。找前5怎么在tire上面加数据结构? |
x****o 发帖数: 29677 | 32 以前在的一个公司,有个中国大姐,说是大姐其实算大妈了,但是保养的不错,老公是
有一点混血迹象。而且来公司从来不管她老公叫老爸,直接叫first name
这位大姐的名字也很标准美国化,first name起了一个爽口的美国名字,标准发音,然
后把last name改成了老公的last name(姑且叫美国last name),把自己的last name拼
音放在middle name上,平时大姐英文不错,来了找中国人也说中文,公司里大家都叫
件列表地址也是她的英文first name+美国的last name,在邮件里大家也都称呼她的美
firstname+lastname,还以为公司突然多出来一... 阅读全帖 |
m****s 发帖数: 18160 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: weisgone (chamone), 信区: Biology
标 题: Hiring Senior Research Associate/Scientist
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 21 15:45:42 2014, 美东)
研究工作仍然主要是molecular biology和immunoassay方面。具体工作内容包括:1.
独立高效完成实验工作;2. 独立研究、设计、完成新project;3. 培训、管理RA日常
工作;4. 总结项目进展,和客户交流;5. 申请研究基金。
conjugatio... 阅读全帖 |
q******o 发帖数: 2503 | 34 恩,为什么叫年费的时候和lastname有关?求指点,我lastname就是z。。。。。 |
c*******r 发帖数: 57 | 35 申请人的名字写的是"FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME"。收信人写的是"firstname
lastname"(没有逗号)。请问是不是弄颠倒了我的姓和名? |
g**y 发帖数: 366 | 36 简单. 自己看看485的instruction.
Submission of I-485 for FirstName LastName (primary)
- Form G-1145
- Form I-485 with $1070 filing fee
- Two passport photos
- Form G-325A, biographic information sheet
- Medical examination report on Form I-693 in sealed letter
- I-140 approval notice
- Employment Verification letter
- Copies of passports including expired one and current one (submit copies
of the pages of passport containing the visas)
- Copy of birth certificate
- Copy of immig... 阅读全帖 |
s*********r 发帖数: 909 | 37 Mr.Lastname
Mrs. Lastname |
D*******e 发帖数: 12862 | 38 我德其他队已经都歇了,白人还是争取挺过这轮再回家吧,不然对德甲的积分不利。。。
谁说拜仁的球员就都是我德的人啊。。。这个进球的人lastname alcantara,我最近刚
在我鱼看见一这个lastname的投手。。。很显然又是板鸭的人吧! |
i*********h 发帖数: 53 | 39 一点问题也没有,这个是正常的,UA的里程票好像经常都是firstname MR lastname,
firstname MS lastname. 我上飞机从来没遇到过问题。我第一次遇到时也打过电话给客服,确认没有问题。 |
o****s 发帖数: 64 | 40 注册航空公司的memebership时,姓名前面一定要选个称呼,于是就选了Mr,Ms之类的
国内代理给订票时,没留意这个,直接apply memebership上的信息,结果:
机票的收据上的名字成了 Firstname Mr Lastname
行程单上的Passenger Name成了 Firstnamemr Lastname
请问这样会影响check-in吗?先谢了! |
s****a 发帖数: 9912 | 41 就算是解释成CURVE,GAY又怎么样,就是一个名字么,
就得去死吗?LOL |
h*****n 发帖数: 439 | 42 well, maybe this is useful for dating service, bf/gf search engine. :P
select a.ID, a.FirstName, a.LastName, b.ID, b.FirstName, b.LastName
from Male a, Female b
where ( a.GirlFriendID IS NULL and a.IsGay = FALSE and
b.BoyFriendID IS NULL and b.IsLesbian = FALSE) |
n********a 发帖数: 68 | 43 select patient.patientID, patient.lastName, patient.firstName
from visitDiagnosis, patient, diagnosis
where visitDiagnosis.patientID=patient.patientID
and visitDiagnosis.dCode=diagnosis.dCode
group by patient.patientID, patient.lastName, patient.firstName,
visitDiagnosis.dDescription, visitDiagnosis.vMonth,
having count(*) = 2
order by patient.firstName; |
aw 发帖数: 127 | 44 use a self-join.
SELECT T1.lastname + isnull(T2.lastname,'')
ON T1.firstname = T2.firstname AND T1.id < T2.id |
a*******t 发帖数: 891 | 45 SELECT
Left([field1], inStr([field1], ",") - 1 ) AS lastName,
Right([field1], inStr([field1], ",") ) AS firstName
FROM Table1;
then I switched to design view and those showed up in the "field" boxes:
lastName: Left([field1],InStr([field1],",")-1)
firstName: Right([field1],InStr([field1],","))
view |
m**********2 发帖数: 2252 | 46 请教一下高手:
一个table里,有firstname, lastname, city, 和state.但是包含重复的数据。怎样才
能把duplicated 的数据找出来?即firstname, lastname, city, 和state都完全一样
的数据?是SQL server。
谢谢! |
j*****n 发帖数: 1781 | 47 SELECT firstname, lastname, city, state, count(1) NofDups
FROM table
GROUP BY firstname, lastname, city, state
HAVING count(1) > 1 |
k*****n 发帖数: 361 | 48 一个string的列,是firstname,lastname
一个单元格里面是Larry, Procin
怎么样用SQL把这个单元格分开成两列,lastname一列,firstname一列 |
j****s 发帖数: 881 | 49 第一列为姓,第二列为中间名,第三列为名
要把这三列合起来做为一列,关键是第2列有null 值,有时第3列也有null值
Mack null John ------〉Mack,John
Gisha null null------->Gisha,
Mathews M Peter----->Mathews, M Peter
用select lastName + ', ' + MiddleName + ' '+ LastName from Table
不行,handle不了null 值:
Mack null John ------〉null
Gisha null null------->null
Thanks! |
S*****0 发帖数: 538 | 50 select ISNULL(lastName, '') + ', ' + ISNULL(MiddleName, '') + ' '+ ISNULL(
LastName, '') from Table |