y***n 发帖数: 6764 | 2 要打起来,肯定就要动用核武了,no brainer, 而且日韩两国一起核,这个是你死我活
一个光脚的和穿鞋的关系。 |
s******s 发帖数: 1793 | 3 Mr. Roboto
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Mr. Roboto • 1 hour 57 minutes ago Report Abuse
Stop buying Chinese products until they stop the cyber attacks,
treat their workforce humanely, and disarm North Korea from its nuclear
1 Reply
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to rate a Thumb Down1users disliked this com... 阅读全帖 |
f**x 发帖数: 4325 | 4 哪里安全往哪里走。no brainer question
单得很 |
s****y 发帖数: 3416 | 5 活该。应该送进牢房!
] |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 7
问题是白皮肤和彩色眼睛turn on people本来就是no brainer, 好看不好看不是靠
黑眼睛如果像小孩一样的纯黑也不错, 但是国人长大了都是深褐色, 根本不是你理想的
黑眼睛. |
c****g 发帖数: 37081 | 8 lz is a typical ass-determine-brain guy, not a no-brainer though. |
c****g 发帖数: 37081 | 9 The worst scenario is having no brainer (pig-like guy(s)) in the team. |
c****g 发帖数: 37081 | 10 First, after lost the battle of Khalkhin Gol, Jpn had given up the plan to
invade cccp forever. Jpn is incapable to beat cccp. It would be a nightmare
for them. Even worse jpn can't get pivotal crude oil from cccp. Only no
brainer jp would gamble.
Second, invading China is a big mistake for jp because they could not get
crude oil, steel, explosive, etc, even basic military supply to maintain the
war. Thanks for the golden 10 years!!!!
Third, the reason jp's attack on pearl harbor is their desper... 阅读全帖 |
c****g 发帖数: 37081 | 11 It is a no-brainer policy indeed. |
y********o 发帖数: 2565 | 12 Well, no-brainer doesn't mean 无脑, if that's what was intended. |
p******e 发帖数: 17163 | 14 family vs gang, it's a no brainer |
w**e 发帖数: 855 | 15 it's a no-brainer, when you brag about your sexual trophy to your next
generation, do you want to say you did the German Chancellor or you did the
little Tsinghua mascot? |
b******3 发帖数: 4385 | 16 I think it is a good wakeup call or a good summary of the achievement and
the road ahead for Chinese industries . If you just look at the 6th,ie. the
last episode, It will be a no-brainer to just dismiss it as some sort of
propaganda. |
j**k 发帖数: 4 | 17 completely agree with LZ (ertrue)'s opinion. XJP, HJT and and JZM all should
go. 花小钱办大事, exactly. China has done so much for Africa, investment,
free loan etc. This is show time. I was so shocked to see that China only
sent a vice chair, I could not believe they did this. To me, sending top
people, multiple of of them is a no-brainer. Much like the Chinese
engineers in the valley, we work hard, but lack the presentation skills, and
lack the will the grab any opportunity to present ourselves. ... 阅读全帖 |
j**k 发帖数: 4 | 18 completely agree with LZ (ertrue)'s opinion. XJP, HJT and and JZM all should
go. 花小钱办大事, exactly. China has done so much for Africa, investment,
free loan etc. This is show time. I was so shocked to see that China only
sent a vice chair, I could not believe they did this. To me, sending top
people, multiple of of them is a no-brainer. Much like the Chinese
engineers in the valley, we work hard, but lack the presentation skills, and
lack the will the grab any opportunity to present ourselves. ... 阅读全帖 |
j**k 发帖数: 4 | 19 completely agree with LZ (ertrue)'s opinion. XJP, HJT and and JZM all should
go. 花小钱办大事, exactly. China has done so much for Africa, investment,
free loan etc. This is show time. I was so shocked to see that China only
sent a vice chair, I could not believe they did this. To me, sending top
people, multiple of of them is a no-brainer. Much like the Chinese
engineers in the valley, we work hard, but lack the presentation skills, and
lack the will the grab any opportunity to present ourselves. ... 阅读全帖 |
j**k 发帖数: 4 | 20 completely agree with LZ (ertrue)'s opinion. XJP, HJT and and JZM all should
go. 花小钱办大事, exactly. China has done so much for Africa, investment,
free loan etc. This is show time. I was so shocked to see that China only
sent a vice chair, I could not believe they did this. To me, sending top
people, multiple of of them is a no-brainer. Much like the Chinese
engineers in the valley, we work hard, but lack the presentation skills, and
lack the will the grab any opportunity to present ourselves. ... 阅读全帖 |
f****m 发帖数: 7469 | 21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-1gASLfI-g#t=190
Tyson Warren3 weeks ago
shes pretty wow.
Reply · 2
Lily, how are you? Let's talk some time. I appreciate a great intellectual
conversation. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Reply ·
lisa evers5 days ago
I don't get why Lily feels the need to post video after video and blogs to
rationalize her and other asian women's preference to dating outside their
race. Cle... 阅读全帖 |
l******t 发帖数: 55733 | 22
这正是costco nb的地方。no brainer shopping。 |
p********7 发帖数: 18007 | 23 俄罗斯人不仇德?
From What I know is
That is so obvious, only no brainers will think the other way around!
SB! |
n*******r 发帖数: 2010 | 25 stupid ideas and you will end up like the stupid asshole americans.
typical idiot and no brainer, pathetic self-hater. |
L****1 发帖数: 460 | 26 reality hurts, yeah
pathetic liberal wannabe no brainer |
l********k 发帖数: 14844 | 27 吸引力肯定是越来越小了。而且从欧洲日本这些发达地区来的人根本不稀罕绿卡。二三
十年前,如果大城市中层老百姓有机会移民美国,基本上是no brainer choice。现在
国内有条件移民的,不稀罕美国;想要出来的,在两边都混不好,没条件移民。 |
f**x 发帖数: 4325 | 28 出国预科班的第一课应该是学习“学术=一辈子求别人施舍funding”这个事实。这个大
前提之下选什么根本就是no brainer |
l*****i 发帖数: 20533 | 29 主要是近来似乎中国美国对比的前景有些不确定。如果美国更好是个no brainer,赴美
的确是个选项,而由此就会有一些麻烦需要解决。 |
f*********t 发帖数: 11092 | 31 董明珠
:格力 no brainer
:【 在 flyelaphant (见绿毛儿就啐) 的大作中提到: 】 |
n*****n 发帖数: 1669 | 32 这次回去一个笑话。一正高发小告诉俺他母亲打电话给他大骂让他好好管教儿子:“你
看你侄子不好好学习,考不上bottom 8(,去合肥中科大了)。”
上海财经,no brainer。 |
w******i 发帖数: 727 | 33 其实现在他们在努力做城乡平衡,只是做的不伦不类。比如以前大家都觉得城市好,但
是没有发展起来,配套设施什么的啥都没有。你看美国的各大农村,基本上down town
各有利弊了,不是no brainer的时候,取消户口制度也就水到渠成了。现在如果取消户
口制度,只会使得大批农民往城市涌,造成混乱。 |
L***s 发帖数: 2944 | 35 no-brainer, 国内孝感3万五。绝对人上人。
permanent position,不是博后。
糟全算上)。 |
k**********4 发帖数: 16092 | 36 because you are stupid no-brainers. |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 37 AngloZionist: Short primer for the newcomers
Why do I speak of "AngloZionists"? I got that question many times in the
past, so I will make a separate post about it to (hopefully) explain this
once and for all.
1) Anglo:
The USA in an Empire. With roughly 1000 overseas bases (depends on how you
count), a undeniably messianic ideology, a bigger defense offense budget
then the rest of the planet combined, 16+ s... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 38 Their petite and pretty and submissive.. Gee I have no idea why we are
attracted to them when there are plenty of fat ugly and obnoxious American
girls on display at the local Walmarts of America every day.. This one is a
no brainer.... |
c********e 发帖数: 4283 | 39 roth有收入限制的。不是每个人都可以享受的。再说401K有公司match的,这个是no
brainer, 2400的限度不是搞笑么,一般公司matched的再差每年也得有个$5000吧。 |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 40 自动驾驶是符合资本追求利润规律的。
现在一两车,一天开2小时,其他时间不动,总成本2万+。Capacity utilization太低。
会大幅下降,还不用担心维修,这个就是no brainer.
: 归根结底, 学开车不是个不可克服的障碍, 即使是, 适用人群也不广.
: 米蒂那么多7老8十, 走路都不稳的老头老太照样在开车.
: 即使自动驾驶完美实现了. 交通管制上也仍然需要liability认证, 也需要手动
: alternative.
: 更重要的是, 汽车是一个刚需, 你需要用来上班, 买菜, 泡妞, 所以需要它, 和
: 动驾驶还是手动驾驶, 你需要买都... 阅读全帖 |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 41 改养一辆已经是腾出很大市场了。何况现在lease的人这么多,不就是算了annual
本来车就是开的时候用,其他时候停着,没用。现在用cell phone monthly usage
monthly fee的一年2000,不用管,慢慢谁会赢?No brainer吧。
: 你买二手车看的是什么? mileage
: 你每年养车的成本看的是什么? 油钱和维修
: 即使你说的一切都成立, 最多就是一家原先养两辆车的, 可以考虑改养一辆了
: 低。
c****h 发帖数: 4968 | 42 这个也是没办法的。东出会遇到几条岛链,而且水不够深。中国要搞深水海军就必须向
难走。何况全球最重要的水道就在南海。这是一个no brainer,最显然也是唯一的战略。 |
w********2 发帖数: 632 | 45 IPMI: The most dangerous protocol you've never heard of
IPMI could be punching holes in your corporate defenses.
Paul F. Roberts By Paul F. Roberts
ITworld | AUGUST 19, 2013
Many servers expose insecure out-of-band management interfaces to the
Those 'invisible' servers could open your network to hackers
Despite patches, Supermicro's IPMI firmware is far from secure, researchers
screen shot 2018 09 21 at 10.43.22 am
Apple's dropping Back To My M... 阅读全帖 |
w*******2 发帖数: 2199 | 46 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: wsbioguy2 (postdog), 信区: USANews
标 题: 为什么Trump是孙大炮我们还是会选Trump
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 18 00:05:11 2018, 美东)
这很好理解吗, 猪党就是慈禧老妖婆呗
形形色色的龙虾党就是八旗螨虫, 是慈禧的铁杆
剩余的正常人群,在慈禧老妖婆和孙大炮里选哪个, no brainer了 |
发帖数: 1 | 47 It must be embroiled with big guys, no brainer |
c********e 发帖数: 4283 | 49 明年谁上台都无所谓了
- 是的,美帝精英们很清楚,要继续吃香的喝辣的,就必须打掉中国,既然Trump已经
顶锅盖开了个头,下任继续打中国是no-brainer |
c******o 发帖数: 1277 | 50 关键这只是一面,打不掉就连喝汤也难了。合作还可以一起吃别人。
: 明年谁上台都无所谓了
: - 是的,美帝精英们很清楚,要继续吃香的喝辣的,就必须打掉中国,既然
: 顶锅盖开了个头,下任继续打中国是no-brainer