c*******k 发帖数: 1308 | 1 这个房子listing 36万, 一个月前上市. 我们两周前offer 33万, 对方说insulted,
直接据了. 我们也就不理他了. 又过了一周, 实在没有别的offer了, 对方就给了
我们一个counter, 34万9. 我们想了想, 就给了34万, 说是final offer. 然后对方
现在又counter了34万6千5, 也说是final offer.
其实我们觉得买了能接受的bottomline就是34万(考虑其他相似房子的成交价, 房子的
细节, 等等), 但是这个房子是我90%满意的, 除了不是cul-de-sac, 其他都符合
要求, 所以就考虑回他34万3千. 但是现在ld不满意, 说bottomline就是bottomline
, 对方爱卖不卖(ld对房子不如我挑剔, 所以他的选择比较多, 而我的选择比较窄
). 一边agent又在push, 觉得34万3低了,可能就break deal了.
我现在为难了, 如果顺ld的意思咬定34万, 这个房子现在估计是拿不下来的, 总
要再等个把月, 对方实在急了, 才能拿下, 而这中间也许有买家杀出来就说不定了.
可是 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 2 我倒没嫉妒死,我也知道我不会得到包子, 但我不会因为别人没有bottomline,自己也
没bottomline, 事实就是我没有bash任何版友, 被一个没有在本版发过贴的马甲投诉
,就立刻被关,对方有没有私心我不知道,但是有没有bottomline我是知道的。 |
C********w 发帖数: 1724 | 3 制度可不是 how 的问题,制度只是个底线,是DON'T,是bottomline,
道德是 topline,人在两者之间可上可下,区别可大多了。
美国是太依赖这个 bottomline 了,结果连这个都守不住了,
人性中这个“贪”字, 是法律,平等,自由这些东西束缚不了的。
惦着明天的。 |
C****n 发帖数: 2324 | 4 我不是喜欢风花雪月. 但是<<红楼梦>>, 书没有完整的度过, 电视没有完整的看过, 总
于是想一定要看看这部四大名著之首的著作有何过人之处. 这次看得是电视剧.
看了之后, 感觉不愧是四大名著之首. 还没看书呢. 估计看书震撼更大.
不过这玩意和年龄有关系. 年轻人看了后估计觉着扯淡, 没什么好看的. 我年龄大, 感
其次是, 人生得意之时不可铺张浪费. 需要为自己的BOTTOMLINE生活做保证. 然后多出
来的才可以挥霍. 红楼梦里面的人全部TMD醉生梦死. 也不奇怪, 从没吃过苦, 根本不
还有就是那几个奴才对主人的忠心令人落泪. 我曾经一直琢磨怎么样才能让一个奴才对
你如此忠心. 我的结论不是要对他多好, 而是要对他要求严格, 时间长之后让他意识
到让你过得好是他存在的意义. 这个在现代社会很难了. 父子之间好象可以达到. (我
是说父亲对儿子, 那真是衷心一辈子. 儿子对父亲则不然).
可能是我这个人真的是没有任何安全感. 现在有点担心第三次世界大战发生了话我应该
怎么办.最起码Bo... 阅读全帖 |
k*******i 发帖数: 383 | 5 Can't agree more.
I learned this from a mistake though. We used a "friend" as our buyer agent,
we still get screwed if not by coincidence.
We made an offer that is about 8% lower than our bottom line and aboutc 15%
lower than the listing price. We told this agent about the bottomline
because he has been our friend for some time. The seller started to counter
offer at a slow pace toward the big gap but never rejected our offer.
Eventually we made an agreement right on our bottomline price, not a ... 阅读全帖 |
B*******t 发帖数: 1797 | 6 一大早就看到这么多妈妈回复。心里觉得暖乎乎的。谢谢大家了。
跑上来诉诉苦。... 阅读全帖 |
C*********t 发帖数: 23 | 7 有没有试着使用过TrueCar?
车价透明化,正如这家公司的slogan所说:“不花冤枉钱(Never Overpay)”。
在TrueCar CEO Painter看来,TrueCar并不是真的要摧毁汽车产业的价格体系,而是让
truecar现在的运作方式是这样的,他们和一些dealer组成一个truecar member
dealership,你在truecar网上询价,他们会给你truecar member... 阅读全帖 |
r********r 发帖数: 964 | 8 上市公司的悲哀啊,bottomline to bottomline,
能看到一年以后的ceo就是牛人了 |
c*******o 发帖数: 237 | 9 我家LD其实和你的想法差不多啊, 他对我真是没得说! 为了我开心什么都愿意做.
可是每个男人都是有bottomline的, 而他的bottomline和房子直接挂钩. 没有好房子,
到时候他妈妈或是姐姐过来玩, 住得不爽, 又特没面子, 感觉出国了还不如留国内混得
好, 那肯定活得不爽了. |
a**********t 发帖数: 9684 | 10 呵呵终于出来了一个她的死党
大家都知道在美国就算去Coach outlet买个包包,100多也是个很正常的价钱吧
导其他非贫困户应该如何理财,多少有点可笑吧? |
C****n 发帖数: 2324 | 11 Actually it's the welfare system. It seems unrelated, but actually the
welfare system dramatically changes people's behavior and decision making
Because of welfare system, people get a sense of security of the future. No
matter what I do, I won't be too worse off in the future. so the risk of the
future is greatlt reduced by the government.
Then all the decision making will focus on the happiness of the today,
instead of 10 years later. It really makes a lot sense. I will be happy for
n... 阅读全帖 |
M*****g 发帖数: 3145 | 12 还是要养成好的作息习惯吧。。。喝酒太多了,会伤着自己的。
enjoy life。。。 or,learn to enjoy life。。。 |
y*****a 发帖数: 580 | 13 Totally agree with g&g role although myself is an engineer.
Regarding the stupidity, that is largely because of the nature of companies.
Public companies are responsible for the shareholders, and if they are
more conservative (e.g. in laying off ppl and keep bottomline), the stock
price would drop, and thus the executives are under pressure and ppl would
go to other companies that are willing to keep bottomline. Large NOC, in
oil downturn, need to pump more oil out-of-ground to keep the nati |
l********u 发帖数: 823 | 14 对呢,我也发现这个“不可说”太真理了。
如果他们中一半,甚至1/3以上household income 20万以上,而我家才15万,那么我肯
这个比较带来的bottomline的事,怎么克服呢?我真是被这种心态烦死了。 |
R**N 发帖数: 453 | 15 “我说的是,就那么点钱,你不争,别人也要争,在这个过程中对自己的成果做夸大(
那位老太太终於开口和医生说话了: 「请问一下......你,也是蘑菇吗!? 」 |
v******a 发帖数: 45075 | 16 bottomline: 再怎么颠倒你也不能把头号汉奸颠倒到我或者其他任何人头上,是不, su
per hardware? ^0^ |
e*******e 发帖数: 9616 | 17 hehe, 诚实地说,外F这幅长相已经算是比较bottomline的了。
柴姐姐怎么搞起民办教育事业了?奇怪,这个industry在美国的前景如何? |
l****t 发帖数: 36289 | 18 负责任地告诉你,就这副模样,还是整过了地。
eightmile 于 2010-05-30 03:07:53 的留言:
hehe, 诚实地说,外F这幅长相已经算是比较bottomline的了。
柴姐姐怎么搞起民办教育事业了?奇怪,这个industry在美国的前景如何? |
t****u 发帖数: 8614 | 19
bottomline是袁太子比小常还要差N条街了。 |
t******r 发帖数: 8600 | 20 I think Nikkei225 will be down >500 points the next day. And consulates are
there for business. If the consulates are to close for 1 year, Japanese will
lose tens of billions if not more.
Plus, that will test Japan's bottomline. If Japan still wants to control the
island, military action will follow. |
A***6 发帖数: 243 | 21 Assuming democracy is good, it will only be worse in China when the majority
will do anything for money and believe anything when paid. Bottomline, if
you cannot trust anyone or anything, including the food you buy, can you
trust democracy? |
s*********n 发帖数: 2283 | 22 Either anonymous or non-anonymous is ok .... The bottomline is to help
others understand the situation of this incident and also to show others
the concern from Chinese communities worldwide ....
Please contribute your voice .....
I guess, from one perspective, maybe at the end of the day, it doesn't
matter that much if this professor is intended to be offensive or racial
or not ...... One the the most important goals is to s... 阅读全帖 |
w*********g 发帖数: 30882 | 23
白人的bottomline就是绝对不能容忍有别的种族比他们先进和强大。这是绝对的。 |
t*****e 发帖数: 3544 | 24 前几天msnbc.com有篇文章说美国正在向UN施压,要中国接授瘦肉精猪肉。
“While the Department of Agriculture has found traces of ractopamine in
American beef and pork, they have not exceeded levels the FDA has determined
are safe.”
“The FDA ruled that ractopamine was safe and approved it for pigs in 1999,
for cattle in 2003 and turkeys in 2008. As with many drugs, the approval
process relied on safety studies conducted by the drug-maker -- s... 阅读全帖 |
a****l 发帖数: 1696 | 25 That's fine. 你说的不是什么大的争议。但bottomline,州政府有什么问题,比起联
邦政府,easier to correct。 |
d*********2 发帖数: 48111 | 26 杀人的没吃过牢饭不是大问题.
tucson那个最后不都协商了, 终身监禁而已.
反正如果碰到这种事. 不要相信美国的司法有公正正义.
如果真的到了最后的bottomline, 凡事, 还得靠自己. |
m***a 发帖数: 2262 | 28 上海外企写字楼里的鬼佬觉得复旦牛锝不行,比清华、北大还牛。
Bottomline:以后想在上海、长三角发展一定选复旦,其他差别有,但不大,详见上。 |
t****l 发帖数: 454 | 29 Bottomline, what you eat is your choice, For the fresh food, I bet you
already have enough information to avoid GMO, but for the processed foods.
you have choice to avoid it both from ingredients and stores.
There is too much discussion in this board on GMO, what we need to do is not
chat, but act. Holiday is coming, when you go next shopping, think of it,
protect youself and your family. Transfer your information to your family in
China, and let them know you care of their healthy. |
s*****r 发帖数: 11545 | 30 The bottomline is, Cao has done something seriously wrong. What he stole is
just shit to Lily. It looks that Lily is going to trash the whole thing, but
that does not mean that Cao can steal it. |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 31 【 以下文字转载自 Chicago 讨论区 】
发信人: watercolor (水彩@@晚风吹过水乡), 信区: Chicago
标 题: Re: 伊州和麻省高中毕业生上top college对比和疑问 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 29 21:12:10 2014, 美东)
MA,CT,NJ,NY很多Pub School都是20%以上
再高(比如Lawrencville, andover什么的有40%)也没啥太大必要。
孩子自己有点本事,20%也够了。像你这种3.4%的,那可就是没啥机会啦 |
D**D 发帖数: 1832 | 32 the bottomline
"We support illegal immigration. More of you are welcome to cross the
the wrost president, ever. |
x****6 发帖数: 4339 | 33 sorry i cannot type Chinese now.
Your knowledge of this obscure actress is impressive. i could not even find
her wiki or official page. That is, she is basically a ye-ji actress.
The bottomline i did not see her sparkle at all, let alone in comparison to
the ladies I mentioned above. |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 34 Bottomline, defense fat cats keep making money |
n**e 发帖数: 1296 | 35 感觉中国人、波斯人已经是做科研能做好的bottomline,
坚决不应该给做科研的机会。 |
k*****e 发帖数: 22013 | 36 chick-fil-A的老板说,他再也不给反同组织捐款了。
哈哈哈,笑死了。不知道sarrah palin买的那块鸡肉是不是现在要退回去?
Chick-fil-A says it will stop funding anti-gay groups
By Ben Popken, NBC News contributor
Chick-fil-A has agreed to stop funding groups with anti-same-sex marriage
stances, according to a statement released Wednesday by LGBT advocacy group
The Civil Rights Agenda.
Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno, who had blocked the fast-f... 阅读全帖 |
j***i 发帖数: 4975 | 37 因为你是女人
做为男人,总要有点BOTTOMLINE的 |
f*******e 发帖数: 4531 | 38 now I see your bottomline. |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 39 给人家看大门.小姑娘非常自豪.
Jackie Gingrich Cushman, daughter of Newt Gingrich, speaks at a news
conference at the Georgia state capitol last month. Gingrich said in a
debate this week that his daughter worked as a church janitor when she was
http://bottomline.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/18/10182647-gingr |
l******a 发帖数: 3803 | 42
point is tards are dumber than their Readers want them to be.
no bottomline at all - their bottoms are donated for Readership. |
C****n 发帖数: 2324 | 43 这个政策很好啊. 我原来就想过这样.
包括生活费. 每人每月 $500, 然后取消所有福利. 这样保证所有人有个BOTTOMLINE的
生活. |
l******a 发帖数: 3803 | 44
totally support.
I figure even staunchest supporters of GOP on this board will not blind-
support some GOP bases such as abortion rights etc.
Unfortunately, the country has been kidnapped by media conspirators who
direct bottomline people's frustration towards GOP, the only target in
political scope.
This election shows that GOP has been reduced to almost non-existent by mobs
and media combined. However, this political victory comes at heavy cost of
overlooking where the country should go. The ... 阅读全帖 |
r**********n 发帖数: 5281 | 45 宪法这个bottomline 也被突破了?
高院不是以O8 care法案是否符合宪法为依据,而是以“该法案是可以让健保市场改善
“为根据支持了O8 care法案,从以宪法为唯一依据的裁判者的身份蜕化成法律制定一
部分。基本实........ |
r**********n 发帖数: 5281 | 46 你错了。为什么说宪法是bottomline,因为当初建国是十三个州在协商的基础上以宪法
,不断推陈出新........ |
n*****e 发帖数: 473 | 47 chatman1 touched a bottomline for Asian American. It is most important
aspect of the political world. Racial discrimination and segregation is way
more dangerous than bully.
Chatman1 I suggested you to visit Trump's daughter Ivanka's blog/Instagram
to watch some of Trump's granddaughter's videos. My understanding is he is
pure businessman, he would like to know his opponents before his jumps into
the battle. In other words, he is willing to communicate before he picks the
fight. That is why I do... 阅读全帖 |
k*********l 发帖数: 1218 | 48 华人的bottomline 就是要选保守派大法官,没有这个前提条件,我们的子孙后代在美
国就是被活埋的命。 |
D**S 发帖数: 24887 | 49 Kasich never hinted at his desire to be a VP. Instead he had denied the
prospect of VP repeatedly in the primary season. Apparently he had his
bottomline but IDs here chose not to believe. |