a*******g 发帖数: 33 | 1 Hello. I work with a line of myeloid cell specific gene KO mice recombined
by LysM-Cre. Boss would like to know the KO efficiency in adipose
macrophages. In stromal vascular cells from adipose tissue, CD11b magnetic
beads were used to seperate macrophages. Surprisingly, the CD11b negative
group showed a pure monocyte/macrophage group judged from morphology in Diff
quick stained slides, while the positive population included more
neutrophils.Anyone has similar adipose tissue macrophage seperation... 阅读全帖 |
D*a 发帖数: 6830 | 2 white adipose tissue解剖过一次,现在想看看Brown adipose tissue,谁有protocol
了pfa, ETOH, xylene之后该是什么样的?... |
G***a 发帖数: 27294 | 3 好的话,我就去听了, 这是Vice Chancellor invite的讲座。。。 suppose是good
Erin E. Kershaw, MD, assistant professor of medicine, School of Medicine
“Lipolysis in Metabolic Syndrome: Beyond Adipose Tissue.”
Topic Overview:
Obesity and metabolic syndrome are global health threats. Insulin resistance
and metabolic complications of obesity are strongly associated with
intracellular accumulation of triacylglycerol (TG); however, the mechanisms
underlying TG accumulation and its relationship to lipid-induced tox... 阅读全帖 |
z*****n 发帖数: 444 | 4 果蝇的脂肪叫fat body,兼有肝脏,免疫系统和脂肪的功能,到了高等动物三者逐渐分
中的kupffer cell 或者叫liver macrophage和 adipose tissue macrophage 就是这种
This kind of connection is not limited on structure level, but also on
function level. In response to environmental insult, immune system is
activated, presumably through macrophage at early stage, and causes insulin
resistance to shift energy from storage in adipocyte to defense need. This
is the natural mechanism that explains why obesity ... 阅读全帖 |
W******r 发帖数: 789 | 5
Deadly Diabetes Deception
If you are an American diabetic, your physician will never tell you that
most cases of diabetes are curable. In fact, if you even mention the "cure"
word around him, he will likely become upset and irrational. His medical
school training only allows him to respond to the word "treatment". For him,
the "cure" word does not exist. Diabetes, in its modern epidemic form, is a
curable disease and has been for at least 40 years. In 2001, the most
recent y... 阅读全帖 |
V**y 发帖数: 788 | 6 病理诊断 :
Pathology diagnosis:
Cardiac stomach,lesser curvature: ulcerative poorly differentiated
adenocarcinoma with focal signet ring cells, invades full thickness of
stomach wall to periseroal adipose tisse, perineural invasion identified,
lower segment of esophagus involved.
Negative resection margins;negative omentum.
"groups #2, 4, 5" show adipose tissue.
Group #3... 阅读全帖 |
w******4 发帖数: 11 | 7 Research Scientist--adipose biology
背景非常符合,非常熟悉各种adipose tissue techniques
不知道有没有朋友可以帮忙内推,非常感谢! |
a**e 发帖数: 5094 | 8 来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 虚伪的美国人 女生对这个一般都比较敏感。上次我们一个美国attending,也是因为这个原因让病人
去IR做LP。他说的还比较婉转了,说是adipose tissue多,得去IR。病人问,什么是
adipose tissue? 他只好实话实说"fat"。然后病人恼了 |
i**b 发帖数: 918 | 11 体内农药残余大部分都在脂肪里面,你同学做的是adipose tissue的tox???
另外,这个笑话我在许多年前就在joke@smth看过了……………… |
t*******3 发帖数: 2005 | 15 Individuals experiencing starvation lose substantial fat (adipose) and
muscle mass as the body breaks down these tissues for energy. Catabolysis is
the process of a body breaking down its own muscles and other tissues in
order to keep vital systems such as the nervous system and heart muscle (
myocardium) functioning. Vitamin deficiency is a common result of starvation
, often leading to anemia, beriberi, pellagra, and scurvy. These diseases
collectively can also cause diarrhea, skin rashes, ede... 阅读全帖 |
t*******3 发帖数: 2005 | 16 Individuals experiencing starvation lose substantial fat (adipose) and
muscle mass as the body breaks down these tissues for energy. Catabolysis is
the process of a body breaking down its own muscles and other tissues in
order to keep vital systems such as the nervous system and heart muscle (
myocardium) functioning. Vitamin deficiency is a common result of starvation
, often leading to anemia, beriberi, pellagra, and scurvy. These diseases
collectively can also cause diarrhea, skin rashes, ede... 阅读全帖 |
c*****g 发帖数: 21627 | 17 呵呵,不要说对孕妇不好了
除非是Brown adipose tissue还存在的小孩 |
发帖数: 1 | 18 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
Collaboration Director Shep Doeleman of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics will accept on behalf the collaboration. The $3 million prize
will be shared equally with 347 scientists co-authoring any of the six
papers published by the EHT on April 10, 2019.
Citation: For the first image of a supermassive black hole, taken by means
of an Earth-sized alliance of telescopes.
2020 Breakthrough Prize in... 阅读全帖 |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 19 panniculitis is a collection of many diseases. the common feature is that
the primary pathological changes are in the adipose tissue, not the fibrous
tissue. this is why the pathology report is not consistent with panniculitis.
this could be a poor tissue sampling. panniculitis cannot be ruled out.
if panniculitis is diagnosed, it should also indicate the type or cause:
infectious, traumatic or secondary/as part of another disease. they are all
very different.
things against panniculitis: the pa... 阅读全帖 |
t*******g 发帖数: 286 | 20 1. Is ur daughter overweight/obese? any pubic/axillary hair? first, need to
differentiate between ture breast development and adipose tissue from
obesity. normally, breast development before 8 yo of age considered as
precocious purberty, but in african american obese girls, they may have
breast development at 7yo. for Chinese, use 8yr as cut-off age.
2. Final height mainly depends on parents height.
3. see general peds first, then they may refer to peds endocrinology. |
v*********s 发帖数: 161 | 21 Hi,
Is there any one can access the full text of the following paper?
Adipose-derived stem cells as a new therapeutic modality for ageing skin
Exp Dermatol. 2011 May;20(5):383-7
Please send a copy to my email address,
w*******[email protected]
Thanks. |
O*D 发帖数: 17 | 22 【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: ODD (缺啥补啥), 信区: Biology
标 题: Postdoc offer 选择
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 3 13:52:19 2011, 美东)
有2个postdoc offer,
1) 方向是GWAS,主要是验证某个SNP和某疾病的相关性。经费未来5年都比较充足。学
2) 方向是脂肪细胞分化,主要研究brown adipose tissue分化。经费未来5年充足。
faculty前景是否会有不利影响,另外本人也不大喜欢functional genetics,感觉这个
倾向2),但是因为博士期间做的是癌症相... 阅读全帖 |
h*****m 发帖数: 36 | 23 Postdoctoral Position Investigating the Molecular Pathogenesis of Diabetes
A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Herman Laboratory of
the division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. The goal of our research
program is to determine the molecular pathogenesis of insulin resistance,
type 2 diabetes, and related metabolic conditions. Current studies focus on
the molecular mechanisms by which liver, adipose ti... 阅读全帖 |
d*******u 发帖数: 5337 | 26 Hi reviewers,
I wish you all have a happy new year.
Please check the following manuscripts to Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy.
If you are interested in reviewing these manuscripts, send your background
and Ms #. Feel free to pass this information to your friends and collogues.
Best regards,
Executive editor
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy
1. Antiproliferative activity of Corylus avellana L. extracts against
human cancer cell lines
2. Poloxamer Surface modified Trimethyl Chitosan Nano... 阅读全帖 |
G*******5 发帖数: 381 | 27 沾点边就行。 拜托大家帮忙,先谢谢了,随时站内联系,我就发CV给你。
Tumor angiogenesis
DNA damage and repair
Adipose and adipocyte differentiation
Lipid and glucose metabolism
Epigenetics and transcription |
t*********e 发帖数: 82 | 28 Editorial board,最近被分配到要处理某篇稿子,需要三个审稿人,方向为,
Differentiation, Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells。请有意的站内联系。附上,
姓名,机构,学术邮箱,研究背景,发表文章。最好有google scholar等连接。谢谢! |
C****c 发帖数: 1964 | 29 diabetic dyslipidemia, fatty liver diseases, cholestasis, liver injury,
adipose glucose metabolism方向的。不胜感激! |
D*******r 发帖数: 162 | 30 Journal: Bioscience Reports
Keywords: Adipose-derived stem cells, inflammation, osteoarthritis
If you are interested in, Please send your CV to [email protected]/* */
Thanks! |
x*********n 发帖数: 28013 | 31 The fat (subcutaneous adipose tissue) that covers the lobes gives the breast
its size and shape. |
Y**i 发帖数: 3016 | 33 mooeye的一点信息:
“Mooneyes can be distinguished from shads and herrings by the presence of
developed teeth on their jaws and tongues and by the absence of an adipose
which is a small, extra dorsal fin located well back on the fish's spine in
of its tail.”
The mooneye is a freshwater fish with very large eyes. Usually measuring
16-21 in (40-51 cm) long, it has a deep, laterally thin body. Because it
resembles a shad or herring, the mooneye has acquired such common n |
m********n 发帖数: 2995 | 34 从小记得那个adipose fin中文叫偶鳍,以后还是说原版的了,看来翻译有误。 |
m********n 发帖数: 2995 | 35 老刘纠正了, 那么照片中的鱼到底有木有adipose fin呢?
如果没有那个脂状突起,好像不能是lake herring/cisco吧?除非像trout那样stock的
时候被剪掉了。 |
x****g 发帖数: 6597 | 36 Yes, you are right!
It has the body shape of a trout, and is distinguished from trouts of the
genus Oncorhynthus by coloration, size, and location of occurrence, among
other things. At sea it is a silvery fish with a sparse scattering of small
black spots often shaped like X's or Y's on the upper half of the body, and
sometimes with a few spots on the cheek and gill cover. In inland waters,
especially at spawning time, the Atlantic salmon turns a ... 阅读全帖 |
W*******5 发帖数: 21 | 37 今天又玩儿了几小时,湖里一大群鱼在面前游来游去,可惜只有带了眼镜能看见,相机
照不到。近看STEELHEA,adipose fin已经剪了,可惜下不了河,更不能畅游大海了。 |
d*********e 发帖数: 8525 | 38 这个我是转的。 原作者 是dapply, 在跑步版能找到。就我个人来说,虽然没做体
检,跑了一年,减了6磅肉。 每周3-4次,每次6-7mile。
肪代谢涉及几个主要器官,skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, liver, 而且脂肪
turnover rate,就是分解合成的速度相对来说比较高。 良好的运动习惯可以很好的刺
激脂肪代谢,这方面有大把的文献资料。 另外一个前提就是饮食控制,这个不得不说
p*********l 发帖数: 26270 | 39 Barbara Berkeley, MD
21 hours ago: As an internist and obesity specialist for over 25 years, I
can safely say that this is one of the more frustrating and misleading talks
on weight I've heard. The information given by Ms. Aamodt is highly
anecdotal and has many inaccuracies. The first red flag goes up in the
earliest moments of the talk. Ms. Aamodt excitedly proclaims a loss of ten
pounds on her new eating plan. She cites a lifelong struggle with weight,
but there is nothing to suggest that she... 阅读全帖 |
c*****e 发帖数: 457 | 40 来源:知乎
以前我就曾经提到过一些关于 瘦 与 运动方式 之间关系的猜想。我也曾经提到过,运
来呢…… 斌卡的... 阅读全帖 |
m*******e 发帖数: 1431 | 41 hips上adipose tissue的deposit是跟雌激素有关系的,雌激素的多少跟卵泡大小质量
子。 |
p*****m 发帖数: 7030 | 42 这个我同意 我就是觉得 如果从外周组织分泌激素调节代谢水平出发 如果leptin得奖
那gestrointestinal signal (CCK ghrelin GLP-1 etc)是不是也该一起得?或者其他的
adiposity signal,比如Harvey Lodish clone的adiponectin
如果是从疾病角度出发 那clone 其他的代谢病相关基因的应不应该一起得奖呢 比如GL
UT4。。而且还不说大多数obesity并不是leptin直接突变 leptin治疗效果也很有限(le
ptin resistence)
我倒是有点觉得如果发metabolism的话 nuclear receptor也可以得 你认为呢?
木有 |
e**o 发帖数: 345 | 43 How did you get the brown fat tissue? are they really brown? |
D*a 发帖数: 6830 | 44 不知道才问的阿
有人跟我说他们真的是brown的,不过还是想找找解剖图什么的。。。 |
W****7 发帖数: 426 | 46 在背部 脖子下面,肩胛骨中间,正常是白色脂肪在外, 下面是才是brown fat,看着
有点像red muscle 不过还是不同的。
楼主哪里做brown fat的啊。 |
D*a 发帖数: 6830 | 47 不是专业做fat的,做IGF-1R的,在欧洲
你知道有关Immunohistochemisty的protocol不? |
r*********s 发帖数: 1027 | 48 xylene处理过的组织是透明的硬硬的
IHC的话用OTC包埋做frozen section比较好
protocol |