l*********r 发帖数: 65 | 1
“现代”的体系这个过程,1NT-2C-2D-2S,不是Garbage Stayman表示停叫,就是至
一些目前比较前卫的无将结构,比如Scanian NT(瑞典无将),KERI(克林格NT),都
已经将1NT-2阶转换-2M-2NT赋予新的含义。前者的1NT-2D-2H- |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 2 1NT 对方争叫后的技术性加倍处理方式.
通常在1NT开叫对方争叫后, 传统的处理是加倍
惩罚, 2NT是来本索尔. 但这个序列有种种问题,
比如你拿了SAxxx HKJxx Dxx Cxxx, 在1NT 2D
之后就非常难处理, 扣叫3D有可能叫高, 不叫又
过于保守. 因此有必要引入技术性加倍.
定义, 在1NT 2低花之后, 加倍通常显示至少一个四张
1NT 2D 之后:
1 SAxxx HQJTx Dxx Cxxx, double.
pass 同伴的2H or 2S.
2 SAJxx HKTxx Dxx Cxxx, double,
加叫同伴的2H or 2S 到3阶.
3 SKQx HKxxx Dxx Cxxxx, double,
pass 同伴的两阶再叫. 如果同伴跳3H, 可以加叫到4.
4 SKQxx HKx DKxx Cxxxx,
在同伴2S之后叫4S, 同伴2H之后跳3NT.
5 SAKJxx Hx |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 3 Now, more and more players, even 2/1 players, play 1NT response to 1 major
opening as semi-forcing. with 3 card support, 10-11 HCP, you can raise
1M to 3M with a singleton somewhere or bid 1NT as semi forcing when
you have a balanced hand.
I think it's possible to play
1NT response as semiforcing over a 4 card major opening system,
if we modify 1NT opening range to 14-16, it's a workable approach.
so if you have no 5 card major suit, with 12-13,
you can open your 4 card major and always pass par |
w****b 发帖数: 623 | 4 Playing 2/1, if the responder has a freaky single suited hand, playing in 1NT
may not be such a good idea, and that type of hands come up often. For
example, Axxxx Kxx Jx Axx vs x QJxxxx Axx Qxx, a semi forcing 1NT would seem
to leave you there.
The second issue is even if 1NT is the right contract, you may not be allowed
to play there.
Really, the consequence of forcing/semi-forcing/nonforcing 1NT lies on what
kind of gameforcing style you play, whether 100%, always except responder
rebids suit |
l*********r 发帖数: 65 | 5
In short, yes, because most "modern" NT structure, have applied 1NT-2S as
balanced invitational hands (plus some sort of other hands). Therefore, you do
not really need 1NT-transfer to major-accept-2NT as "balanced invitation with
5-card major".
The real beauty of Keri is you can invite with 4/5-card major at 2-level.
You can't invite with Keri holding minors, but it can ben solved by including
such as in the 1NT-2S part. |
a*******s 发帖数: 295 | 6 This is one of my old article.
发信人: arrows (箭笑江湖), 信区: Bridge
标 题: 1NT 结构的小小改进
发信站: 瀚海星云 (Sat Mar 6 09:36:45 2004)
现在常见的1NT应叫结构中, 为4441的进局牌力设置了特定的
3C: 双低花的示弱叫。
3D: 方块套的示弱叫。
3M: 自然4张套,一般否认其他5张套,否认对另一高花
a*******s 发帖数: 295 | 7
The downside of this method is that you won't be able to play 1NT when pd
a major in 1st or 2nd seat. Nevertheless, it's necessary to include it in your
system if you play 2 over 1 game forcing. Otherwise, no way can one initiate
an invitation with a long suit given that jump shifts are usually used for
other purpose.
Moreover, forcing 1NT fits perfectly in Hardy's major system. He suggests that
a limited raise show 4 trump or 3 trumps with singlton, therefore, logically a
jump raise fo |
l*******0 发帖数: 12 | 8 对1NT的应叫:如果长套是低花,牌力又不够叫3c/3d或更高,该怎么应叫?
(不能叫2c和2d,因为自然叫牌法中对1NT的应叫2c是Stayman, 2d是Jacoby Transfer
) |
m********w 发帖数: 69 | 9 IMPs east IMP-26 Board 83
Dlr: South mdad
Vul: E-W S QT75 north east south west
H A84 dupe mdad AnnaT. zhujy
D 94
C Q954 pass 1C
north south X 1S pass 1NT
dupe AnnaT. (all pass)
S A9862 S KJ
H KJ93 |
g**********y 发帖数: 14569 | 10 正在看Max Hardy的21th Century Bridge Bidding. 好象很有意思的设计.
偶经常碰到10/11 HCP, 或好的长套, 又不能2盖1. 有了1nt force, 似乎挺方便的. 这种
设计有什么缺陷, 哪位能说一下? |
g**********y 发帖数: 14569 | 11 That's exactly what I hesitate about adopting this 1NT force in my bidding.
Especially in Rubber bridge, if vulnerable, such over-strecth on a balanced
hand could incur disaster. |
w****b 发帖数: 623 | 12 This case is irrelevant as a 1N response from a passed hand is only
Really, all you lose is the possibility to play 1N after a major opening, but
that almost never happens -- either two of the major will make anyway, or
opponents will balance.
Notice forcing 1N also brings garbage raise. Now you can stick a 1NT response
with a garbage 3-3-4-3 shape and 4 points when pd opens 1H, for example,
preparing to take preference back to H (treating it as doubleton), this tends
to make it ha |
f*****x 发帖数: 545 | 13 发信人: cozofu (一一), 信区: Bridge
标 题: 四张高花的强1C, 强1NT体系
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Nov 28 15:22:17 2002), 站内
其实看看没有坏处我以为. 每个体系往往都有一些独到之处.
1C: 17 以上非均型.或者18以上均形, 或者任意4.5输张以下的牌.
1D: 否定性应叫. 好的6点以下.
1H: 积极应叫, 好的6点以上, 但否认好套, 否认各门花色挡张, 再叫2NT不逼叫,
1S/2C/2D/2H: 逼叫到局, 至少KQxxx的套.
1N: 8-10 or 14-15, 各门花色都有至少半挡.
2S: 低花5-5以上, 逼叫到局.
2N: 11-13或者16以上, 保证各门花色至少半挡.
3C/D/H: 6张以上坚固套, 单套牌.
3S: 5-6型双套, 带6张C套和5H. 都是至少KQxxx的好套.
3N: 5-6双套, 带6张D和5H, 都是至少K |
f*****x 发帖数: 545 | 14
didnt read this one
I do have klinger's 1NT book, but feel it is not so great as he claimed. Is
this new NT structure popular now?
都 |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 15 With H suit, you can use 1NT 2D 2H 2S to relay.
To invite, you can just bid 2NT over 2H. |
b***y 发帖数: 2804 | 16 任何叫牌体系,总是有得有失的。没有一个“完美”的体系,设计的时候主要是考虑利
大于弊。拿1NT后的应叫来说,使用stayman and transfer,意味着你没法停在二阶低
Transfer |
b***y 发帖数: 2804 | 17 看你的低花数量。如果你是6张以上低花的弱牌,经常你宁可打三水平的低花定约,因
阶作transfer的道理是一样的。 |
f******e 发帖数: 465 | 18 你坐南,拿
1C* 1NT P P
1C:保证2+C. NS和东西都打2/1.
1 C2* C5 CJ CK
2 D8 D2 D4 DA*
3 D9 D3 D7 DK*
4 D10 D6 C3 DQ*
5 S2 DJ C9 D5*
6 C6 CA* S5 C4
7 CQ C8* H5 C10
现在你CQ进手。假设你决定在S/H中选择一门花色出牌。你选哪门? |
b***y 发帖数: 2804 | 19 IMP有对无,你做庄6S,两手牌为:
4C = RKC,4H = 1个或4个关键张
首攻DK,你会怎么打? |
a****s 发帖数: 524 | 20 支持1NT开叫可以制度性地有五张高花的理由有:
1. 弥补体系漏洞。15-17 均型在同伴应叫1NT后,pass怕漏局,2NT怕冒叫。
2. 强牌放在暗手。15-17点的坐庄。
3. 偶尔阻击作用。5 张红心开叫1N 偶尔能阻击对方的黑桃争叫。
1. 现在逼叫性1NT后有各种装置(比如,Gazzilli)可以解决所有15-17点的问题,不仅
2. 有5张高花时, 同伴有3张以上支持的概率是大约55%, 有两张以上支持的概率接近
3. 现在人对1NT有五花八门的手段,尤其是对强无将,因为不大需要担心成局,所以可
牌桌上的形势多... 阅读全帖 |
p*********6 发帖数: 679 | 21 On BBO news - A new version of GIB (Version 20) released on 12/15.
Main Changes:
-Added/improved many rules for takeout doubles and continuations.
-Improved GIB's ability to choose between minor or major suits after a -2
level opening or overcall, including unusual NT.
-Improved rules on penalty and support redoubles.
-After partner gives a limit raise, GIB will now refrain from bidding to an
illogical level.
-Made GIB smarter after the 1NT - Stayman - 2 Major - 3 Other Major sequence
. GIB shou... 阅读全帖 |
l****a 发帖数: 272 | 22
这手牌, 有三个特征, 四张黑桃,方块好配合, CAK 坚固,比S的质量相差很多.
老实说, 我开始也没想到直接应叫2C, 直到arrows 指出来以后,
我才觉得这个叫法很妙. 你是不是觉得2C 是个很糟糕的, 不可以接受的叫品呢?
这个1NT 不排除5张D了, 我前面讲过, 2C 立刻询问D 张数, 越早澄清越好.
而且, 1NT除了笼统的描述牌型, 不保证挡张, 大牌的位置是全不清楚的,
特别是, 有的人可能还会单张S 叫1NT 的.
越是general 的, 同时, 也是越不specific 的.
这样的进程, 开叫人叫了两次, 可是应叫人想知道的还是很多.
1NT后应叫人去逼局, 没问题,
但是, 2C 的起点就是想去满贯, 我觉得更简单直接.
1D-2C;2NT 后, 否认了5+D, 一般就是低限开叫, 那么,
我很心安理得的去找个局停住了, 不去试探满贯了.
至于找不找的到完美的局, 这点上, 我没有好办法了.
1D-1S; 1NT 后, 你是不是还想满贯呢?
Ax xxx AQxxx Qxx 叫1NT 没问题吧? |
a*******s 发帖数: 295 | 23 There's significant difference between 1C and 1D open.
1NT response to 1C is 8-10 HCP on many textbook. Because when you have a 5-7
balanced, you may bid 1D (sometimes with 3 diamonds) and then rebid 1NT,
if the auction continues. So here the 1NT rebid by responder is rather a
when opening 1D, no room for this kind of maneuver and you don't like response
1H without real heart suit. Thus a 1NT response shows 5-9 Hcp and 2NT shows
Now you can see only an immediate 1NT response to 1 |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 24 this framework is workable. Sometimes, if you don't bid 1NT, opps would
eventually bid 1NT and make it. Also, you may have tough balancing decision
if you pass with around 8-9 HCP, no sp fit hands.
Also, I don't really like precision's design of 1NT to show good raise to 2M.
The best structure so far is to play 1NT to 2H as transfer to the higher suit.
So 1NT shows C suit, can be weak or strong.
2C/D, transfers to D/H.
2H: good raise to 2S.
2S: preemptive raise to 2S. |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 25 4-3-3-3 is a no trump oriented shape and you hold HQxx, which means
1nt would usually be right sided if it's declared by you. At balancing
seat, 1NT over 1H is about 12 to 16 HCP, and this hand falls into the
range. So it's a very normal 1NT bid. If you send this hand to an
expert solving panel, I bet most would bid 1NT.
Double isn't very bad, but it's not as good as 1nt, because
it can often be wrong sided if partner holds HKxx or HAxx.
Also, x may get you to 2 m, which might not play well faci |
l****d 发帖数: 228 | 26 问几个问题:
第一个和第二个牌我叫2S,第三个牌有点头疼,大概还是叫2S。 |
b***y 发帖数: 2804 | 27 I think every bid was wrong (sorry for being frank).
1NT is off-shape, but that by itself doesn't create disaster yet. By bidding
1NT, you express the general value of the hand, but you also take the risk
of playing in 5-1 fit (which is the reason I wouldn't bid 1NT). Now you have
to accept that the bid didn't work out as well as you hoped, and honor the
transfer. When you bid 2NT, it should logically be interpreted as "super
accept", at which point partner has every right to jump to 4S with his... 阅读全帖 |
i****e 发帖数: 642 | 28 Nice analysis. The choice between 1NT and 2C (we can almost exclude 2D) is
clearly related to a lot of bidding structures. I like 1D-1S-1NT-2H as non
forcing, but I know some players treat it as one-round forcing. This will
affect the choice.
The chance to miss heart game is not high. If patter has game forcing value,
he will bid 2H as 4th suit anyway. Then you can raise to 3H. 2C could miss
4H game if partner has invitational hand, and miss a part score in hearts,
since after partner's 2D (may ... 阅读全帖 |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 29 the back bone of walsh style response is that the system allows opener
to rebid 1NT without mentioning his major suits.
If you bid 1D, over pd's 1NT you would have no good rebid.
2S shows at least 4-5 distribution.
2C/2D are both sign off.
Actually now I play modified walsh response over 1C.
We bid 1D with 4-5 distribution and invitational hand, because
we have some gadget over 1NT rebid.
1C 1D
now 2C relays to 2D, then responder can bid his 4 card major suit to show
a invitational hand.
2D |
a*******s 发帖数: 295 | 30
For this particular hand, to pass 1S may be a good idea.
Generally, I think the 1NT rebid doesn't promise extras. The reason is that
he may not like to leave you in 1S while 1NT seems "right".
You may raise 2NT with the hand above.
Moreover, with 4243 or 4342 minimum, will you rebid 1S over 1H or 1NT?
if you always rebid 1S with 4 of them, then partner's 1NT cannot promise
any extras because he has no idea about your diamond length and thus even
can not make a "preference" in diamonds.
If |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 31 For those of you who play four suit transfers after 1NT opening, 3D
is a void bid cause 2NT transfers to 3C and 3C to 3D. One big problem
of modern 1NT opening is that 1NT opener can hold 5 card major suit,
thus it's often hard to find 5-3 fit in major, which can sometimes be
better than shaky 3nts. Thus you can use 3D to ask for 5 card major,
after 3D, 3H shows 5 hearts and 3S shows 5 spades.
Some examples: (assume partner opens 1nt with 15-17)
AKx xx Jxxx Kxxx,
partner may hold 5 spades and |
v*******e 发帖数: 3714 | 32 在只有common sense没有fancy conventions的情况下叫2C
或者1d-2c-2h-2s 第四花色等待一下。
1NT for 2over1
话说这个1nt forcing可真是2over1的一个硬伤。。好在这牌还不太糟糕,
刚好1d-1nt-2d-3d邀一口。如果1d-1nt-2nt-3nt那也很简单。 |
b***y 发帖数: 2804 | 33 2.3D是啥含义?Checkback?我的牌已经大致叫清楚了,除非同伴3D是实叫(显示54
4.PASS.2H might work, but I think it is a poor bet. It is unlikely we can
buy the contract, and you don't even want partner to lead hearts.
6.2S.This is clear-cut even in IMP, especially with a singleton heart.
... 阅读全帖 |
l****a 发帖数: 272 | 34 这副我正好看到了, 也想到了这个问题, 西家敢忍让DQ, 暗示了D 是 4-2.
那么, Madala 的打法就是对的, 他是准备让东家吃投入的.
听说他是个神童, 以前还真没看到他有啥表演.(是我没看, 不是他不表演)
倒是对叫牌感兴趣, Bocchi 和 Madala 的 cc 上写的,
1NT 15-17 or 12-14,
应该和局况和位置有关, 但是弱NT 的话, 看来他们也采用转移.
这副就是, 结果导致了庄位的不同. 反正荷兰那边没能做成.
弱的, 为什么也转移呢?
前面还有一副, 1D-pass-1H-1NT, 这个1NT, 作为 unusual 是常见的,
但是Bocchi 的不是, 而是正常的争叫. 我以为这说明了,
轻开叫, 轻应叫的 频繁发生, 把 1NT 改回自然实叫,有时候是有利的.
但是这副却不是, 荷兰人不是弱开弱应, 很快跳上了4H.
庄家不用 took a view 了, mk.
另外一桌, Versace 4H-2.
odd. |
g****o 发帖数: 1284 | 35 那用我最心爱的人工系统海盗梅花试试:
1S - 1NT
2D - 2H
2NT - 3C
3S - 4C
4NT - 7H
1S = 11-15,5+S
1NT = GF
2D = 11-13, with 4+minor
2H = relay
2NT = 4D
3C = relay
3S = 5-3-4-1 shape
4C = RKC with S as trump
4NT = 2 key cards with SQ
7H = This is all I need. Even partner has no other side K, we can still
make 7 since dummy can ruff two clubs.
1C - 1S
1NT - 3D
3H - 4C
4H - 5D
1C = 16+
1S = 5+S, 8+HP
1NT = relay
3D = 5S + 4D, 12+HCP
3H = relay
4C = 5-3-4-1 shape... 阅读全帖 |
v**********e 发帖数: 1295 | 36 Q1: If we change a small D to S, 1NT is clear; If we change a small D to C,
could be better but 1NT is also acceptable. Just treat this hand as one of
the above cases. 1NT seems better.
Q2: If we bid 1NT and partner still bid 3S, 3NT or 4S could be a close
choice. But right now, partner insists on 3S after our 2C, I think 4S should
be better than 3NT. Assuming partner has something like KQJTXX in S and a
side A/K. |
v**********e 发帖数: 1295 | 37 就目前主流的2/1体系而言,由于逼叫性1NT的存在,开叫一高花后, 均牌中限牌力描述
至于是否用 puppet stayman,我的感觉是,2NT开叫后,对高花的目的是选一个合适的
,puppet还是要占去不少空间的,所以不推荐。 |
z***y 发帖数: 198 | 38 This is called super accept, which is helpful to find a game when responder
has a minimum hand but some distribution benefit,
such as: Axxxx x Kxx xxxx
Kxxx Jxx Axx AKQ
And 1nt-opener even can show his 2card suit by bidding it at level 3
Axxxx x Qxx xxxx
Kxxx AQx Jx AKxx
1nt-2h-3d(doubleton in dia)-3sp---
or Axxxx x Qxx xxxx
Kxxx AQx AKxx xx
1n-2h-3c-4sp |
B******n 发帖数: 197 | 39 不同的体制, 不同的人不一样吧.
就我和我partner的习惯而言, 平衡位置的1NT似乎嫌
弱, 14分牌, X是一个不错的选择. 而对家对于你的
牌应该会有充分的估计, 于是以你们两个人联手19分
的牌力, 记的没错吧, 呵呵, 有这样的结果我是觉得
1NT最大的问题可能是在于万一你的5分牌是三个J, 一
个Q, 1NT就成了东一个人生做, 难呀, 呵呵, 总之, 我
总以为在敌方开叫的情况下, 争取有将定约会是相对
有利的. |
l****y 发帖数: 58 | 40 ,应叫
6d+ 逼叫一轮
1NT 应叫后再加叫 3H,3S 11--13d 3 张支持
12d+ 5p+ 成局逼叫!
简单加叫 6--10d 3张支持
限制性加叫 11--13d 4张以上支持
逼加叫,13d+ 4 张以上支持 问开叫人单缺花色(雅各贝逼加叫)
如无单缺,叫 4H,4S 最弱;
叫 3NT 居中;
叫 3H,3S 最强
(对应1S开叫) (8--11)d 7张以上套 邀叫
2,对1NT 的应叫
当转移到 |
a*******s 发帖数: 295 | 41
在北开叫1NT的前提下, 这里问题的关键是北需要明确地知道南有红心
5张套以及草花上的控制, 才可能顺利地配合满贯叫牌.
任何自然的叫牌在这里都将无能为力. 必须借助于一些人工的约定叫.
那么, 在开叫强无将后的叫牌结构里, 可以引入哪些表示两套牌的约定叫呢?
最常用的是SMOLEN转移叫. 通行的SMOLEN转移叫的基本结构如下
1NT - 2C -
2D - ?
2H, 2S, 所叫的是5(6)张, 表示高花5-4, 6-4的弱牌, 开叫方应该PASS
3H, 3S, 所叫的4张, 另一高花更长, 当然是进局逼叫的实力, 开叫方在
另一个高花上有3张, 通常选择高花进局, 否则叫3NT.
1, 未能包括邀叫实力有两套高花的牌, 而这种牌的出现几率是很大的.
2. 未能阐明如何处理5-5以上高花的牌.
为了强化局和满贯的叫牌手段, 我们放弃了对弱牌的精确处理.
1NT - 2C
2D - ?
1. 2H, 2S, 不再是表示5-4的弱牌, 当你持这种弱牌时, 现在只好选择转移 |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 42 but who knows these conventions?
nobody knows what 4sp means after 1nt-2c-2d.
and next time, change that 5 h to 5 dia, how can u bid?
I think my way is fair enough.
1nt -2h-2s-4c(splinter, inviting slam)-4d(cue)-5c(cue)-5h(HA)-6d(D cont)-6h(HK)
even that 6h can be 7sp too.
btw, if u do want to add a convention , u can use 4c as void rkc.
so 4c is to ask rkc except club suit.
1nt-2h-2s-4c-4s(2kc without sq) -5h(asking heartsuit) - 7s( have HKQ, so ...) |
a***n 发帖数: 287 | 43
这个case里Reese的叫牌是有点奇怪, to me at least. 这么畸形的牌应
1NT有点不合常理, 如果他们的1NT是示弱并允许止叫的话. 不过考虑到
草花套的坚固程度可能于NT定约更为有利, 1NT也不是那么不可接受.
至于是1S还是1H开叫,大约是制度所限,不予置评. |
a*******s 发帖数: 295 | 44 hehe, maybe he found 1NT underbidded and wanted to catch it up. :)
However, If Texas Xfer is available, your bid was wrong.
The auction should be 1NT-4H-4S-pass;
With 1NT-2H-2S-4S, the responder is showing mild slam interest.
Thus, your pd's reaction to your bid was quite sensible. :) |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 45 1NT 2D
So you can probably play 12-16 1 level openings, something like blue club.
this shows 11-12 if you play 13-15 1NT opening.
this is upto your opening style and responding style.
If you open 1NT with 5-3-3-2, 5 card major, 2NT should be
some conventional meanings.
one good convention is to show 6 solid hearts + some meat in side suits:
It's often hard to define the jump rebid hand types for precision,
because there are not many hands that justify a jump rebid.
For exam |
c****u 发帖数: 3277 | 46 well, the worst thing about 1nt is that it's guaranteed wrong sided.
3nt can often be cold only played by partner. Actually if you have
SJ, it's ok to overcall 1nt, cause it becomes not that wrong sided,
but xxx is a huge minus. Comparing with 1nt, 2D or 2C can even be better. |
b****s 发帖数: 472 | 47 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
pixixi (乾坤一掷--金钩变银钩) 于 (Wed Feb 28 18:00:33 2007) 提到:
嗯,这个,我基本上是看书自学,所以问题可能或者偏颇诡异,或者初级无比, 甚至
不make sense,希望大家大笑之余不吝赐教。
jacoby transfer bid 和stayman asking两种。
1。 这两种在各位的实战中是经常应用到的叫法吗?
2。 如果我开叫1NT, 对家应叫2*,我怎么判别他这是stayman asking 还是jacoby
mapcar (绵掌) 于 (Wed Feb 28 18:11:21 2007) 提到:
1nt之后, 90%的应叫, 都会是这两种.
只有2c才是stayman(注意, |
b***y 发帖数: 2804 | 48 Double then bid NT at minimal level. However, due to space consideration, "
stronger than 1nt" is a relative term. I think if RHO opens 1C or 1D, 1NT
overcall shows 15 to bad 18. If RHO opens 1H/1S, 1NT can be a little heavier
, since the alternative (double then bidding NT) will force our side to 2NT
or higher. |
b***y 发帖数: 2804 | 49 With one more J, I probably still bid 1NT. Yes it is heavy, but spade
stopper is quite thin, so this is like a mediocre 19-count. Again, I chose
1NT mainly because if I double first I would have to bid at one level higher
With one more Q, say Kx / Ax / AQxx / AKxxx, I would have to start with
double. I still won't feel good about it, but I have no alternative. With
the hand as is, 1NT is perfect alternative. It is absurd to double then bid
NT only because of insufficient stopper. The diff |
g****o 发帖数: 1284 | 50 试试用海盗梅花(接力体系)叫叫这手牌:
1NT - 2D
2S - 2NT
3C - 3D
3S - 4C
4D - 4H
5C - 5H
5S - 5NT
6C - 7NT
1NT: 14-16
2S: 4张S,否认4张H
看起来接力体系在处理某些牌上还是有优势的。 |